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    Use "play around" in a sentence

    play around example sentences

    play around

    1. Not that it always rains in Wales, just that when it does, the rain doesn’t play around

    2. They judged what you had compared to the others that had something to play around these streets

    3. The flashlight beams began to play around the upper parts of this area where trunks were fewer

    4. of time to play around! While entering the food court, I could

    5. “I wouldn’t play around with that if I were you

    6. Last, she felt the wind begin to play around her once more, and the spirit voice whispered to her

    7. was a brand new model and he had planned to play around with it

    8. that, again, there were more things at play around me than what

    9. You can play around with your linking throughout your website and by doing so, you can send more PR to pages you want to rank higher for, and lowering the PR of those pages you don't care much about their ranking :-)

    10. After that you play around with the letters, work on connecting, moving and splicing them in

    11. I remembered the dog and how I used to play around with it

    12. Although I could play around with

    13. Men when they reach one hundred don't play around with women

    14. on the television and please don’t play around

    15. With the help of Gled who merrily chatted away the whole time, mother dressed me in my grandfathers splendid clothing and we made our way to the square, others, decked out in their finery, were going the same way and the journey became a procession, the variety of the colours the candidates were clad in resembled a sky full of rainbows, to make their sons look respectable most of the parents had used up more than one seasons work, that was how important it was to them that their son became a man, this year there were thirty-eight candidates for the coming of age ceremony and being the same age we all knew each other and began to play around pushing and shoving, full of high spirits and confidence, knowing in our innocent childish courage that none of us would fail in our rite of passage, the square was crowded with villagers all in their best attire, and a party mood rippled through the crowd, with everyone chatting away and laughing with their neighbours, children played their games in and out of the grown-ups legs

    16. time, more time to play around

    17. “Don't play around with things you know nothing about,” said Oink, gruffly

    18. However, I am not ready to play around with them for long, as time is critical here

    19. Music began to play around them

    20. Let’s just play around a bit more with this text, and CENTER it, so it

    21. Have a play around

    22. Your best bet is just to have a play around and see what results you get

    23. ‘He just likes to play around with some new tech device

    24. "After many weeks and months of fine tuning my recipe I then began to play around with presentation ideas and flavour combinations to see what was possible

    25. You guys can play around while I get out of here

    26. have I told you not to play around the stove and to walk down the stairs? You don’t listen

    27. members to play around with

    28. You can play around with this free keyword selector tool at:

    29. Play around with them, figure out which ones would work best

    30. Play around with your fly rod, see what type of casting works for you, and above all, have fun

    31. I play around with this one sometimes

    32. woman to start out with as you play around with the crucial

    33. slows and a little more freedom to play around with what

    34. These boys didn’t play around when it came to doing business and getting the job done, and all of the responsibility of digging all twenty wells in four months was on Delaney’s shoulders

    35. play around with them, but to actually help them out

    36. I asked, what, and I got the answer, that they strip naked and play around with each other, which sounded very interesting though I was sure my parents would never indulge in such unseemly conduct

    37. you practice and play around with various holds and castings, the

    38. Play around with your fly rod, see what type of casting

    39. Once you have your headline using these formulaic approaches, play around with the

    40. He would pay for this big time! I relaxed and had to smile realizing how nice it was to have someone to kid and play around with

    41. Since creation was started by God you have only about six thousand years to play around with give or take a few

    42. A man would have to have a lot of time to play around with to accomplish so much work without much purpose to it other than that it looked nice

    43. “Honey, if you play around with each other the way we do, babies often do result from it

    44. I laughed softly, “Don’t you think we should play around with our first one for a year or two before adding another one to the mix?”

    45. slow „Oooommm' chant and play around with my voice's tonal quality

    46. the Om room and play around with its acoustics

    47. Most of them, he says, “never had a chance to play around with an electrical device or tubes or pipes and pressure and things like that

    48. After that she didn’t play around with the soldiers any more but only with a few flat-footed,

    49. Under our principles of conservative investment the first is not a valid reason for selection—that is something for the speculators to play around with

    50. The investor who likes to play around with corporate figures will find himself in clover with the Stock Guide

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