Use "plutonic" in a sentence
plutonic example sentences
1. She wasn't about to abandon her own ship no matter where you're from or what plutonic powers of how many dark lords you possess
2. Since many rock formations on earth are plutonic, we can assume that they came from a source that did in fact contain plutonium
3. It is my belief that the center of the earth is in fact plutonium and uranium, therefore, making plutonic formations plausible in many parts of the earth
4. From that day to this, such plutonic construction work has been in abeyance
5. As far as the equator this whole seafloor is still under construction by plutonic forces
6. There also were stony masses buried beneath carpets of axidia and sea anemone, bristling with long, vertical water plants, then strangely contoured blocks of lava that testified to all the fury of those plutonic developments
7. These cliffs, I may remark, are basaltic, and therefore plutonic
8. As this plateau is, in its very nature, highly volcanic, and as asphalt is a substance which one associates with Plutonic forces, I cannot doubt that it exists in the free liquid state, and that the creatures may have come in contact with it
9. But all geologists, excepting the few who believe that our present metamorphic schists and plutonic rocks once formed the primordial nucleus of the globe, will admit that these latter rocks have been stripped of their covering to an enormous extent