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    pocket knife example sentences

    pocket knife

    1. “Watch in horror as I slice your face apart with this simple pocket knife!” Said the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa

    2. And with that, the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa tried to grab the nearby pocket knife; however it was too heavy, and he had no fingers to use to hold onto them, only stuffed paws

    3. But try as he might, he could still not pick up the pocket knife

    4. ‘Tell Flitter to use his pocket knife on the traces and harness

    5. ” Griffin came to my shoulder and handed me his pocket knife

    6. I imagine that some of my first nightmares were about those shrieking hens pecking and biting off my little sausage fingers as I tried to gather eggs for breakfast (this may or may not, also, be why I slept with a pocket knife underneath my pillow for the majority of my youth — to keep those psycho chickens from making num-nums out of my nose pickers)

    7. While they looked cool, we soon realised a decent Swiss Army pocket knife were much more practical and so we each obtained one

    8. I grabbed my backpack and tried not to panic as I looked for my pocket knife that was still inside

    9. For example, a pocket knife is generally not considered a lethal weapon, but if held to a victim's neck, it could be deadly

    10. Walking about a hundred metres from the Well Lewis pulls out his pocket knife and cuts himself a branch from a thick bush

    11. He removed a small pocket knife from

    12. Hamid removed a small pocket knife from his right hand jacket pocket and flipped it open, all without loosening his grip on the attaché case

    13. He carefully sliced open one of the bricks and, after replacing his pocket knife, tasted the cocaine on the tip of his little finger

    14. He took his pocket knife and cut off the plastic zip-tie

    15. that he had to use his pocket knife to cut through the rope

    16. pulled out his leatherman pocket knife

    17. “Is this your pocket knife?” the officer asked, giving him a cold stare as he opened both of its blades

    18. “My son does own a pocket knife

    19. He had his pocket knife in his pocket and the metal screwed with the compass

    20. “I have a pocket knife!” one of the EMT’s stated holding it up, blade extended

    21. While he was looking for the keys he found his pliers and a pocket knife

    22. I packed a dome tent and camping kit, a pocket knife, five hunting knives, a first aid kit, water canteen, a torch and batteries, binoculars, some rope and as many packets of hydrated food as I could squeeze into the two front pockets

    23. Then with a pocket knife, he cut a strip of fabric from the upholstery under the seat

    24. hammered the pocket knife blade down into the pvc until it was about 1/2 of an inch

    25. ways have a pocket knife, lighter, healthy candy-bar, pain re-

    26. Gregory hands Uncle Dylan his pocket knife, and I immediately understand what the arm washing was about

    27. He took out his pocket knife and cut off the tail of the large bloater

    28. There was something suitable for each child that was coming, with the exception of Bert White; they had intended to include a sixpenny pocket knife for him in their purchases that evening, but as they had not been able to afford this Owen decided to give him an old set of steel paining combs which he knew the lad had often longed to possess

    29. With his pocket knife he cut a hole in the canvas

    30. Hazel stuck his pocket knife into the muscles of the chicken

    31. ” He took out a pocket knife and scraped the points of the spark plug

    32. Al took out his pocket knife and scraped at the block

    33. Pa cleaned his thick nails with his pocket knife

    34. ” I opened my pocket knife and moved to the creekside, where I cut a branch from a small willow tree, a Y-branch well tufted with leaves

    35. He was like one of those unreasoning but still highly useful, MULTUM IN PARVO, Sheffield contrivances, assuming the exterior—though a little swelled—of a common pocket knife; but containing, not only blades of various sizes, but also screw-drivers, cork-screws, tweezers, awls, pens, rulers, nail-filers, countersinkers

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