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    Use "point out to" in a sentence

    point out to example sentences

    point out to

    1. She remembered that this would be a good time to point out to Alan that she was almost pretty enough to be the plain one and almost sang as well as the pretty one, but he was away to the keg when Desa happened to notice this

    2. If we compare the evidence before us today, with what is said to have occurred in the Creation model, finding a better match between the evidence and the historic accounts, would this not more clearly point out to us, the direction we need to follow to obtain the truth? Can we really believe that there is a God and that He created everything and can we somehow show proof of his existence?

    3. should point out to Lewis, but he discovered the man had already left, quietly closing the door

    4. you more options to point out to the user where they were gone wrong in filling out the

    5. point out to you and tell you which ones have built me the most subscribers, for example, and

    6. — nothing concrete or abstract you can point out to is you

    7. " He leaned forward to point out Toby Parker who was thinking this was worse than the face-off he had with Lochert when he first met him

    8. I would however point out to you that you cannot live very long without a supply of your drug

    9. I had to point out to this fool; hungry as he was, tonight it was the starving woods that would feed

    10. And they discussed again and again all the religions of the world, Jesus endeavoring to point out to this young mind the truth in each, always adding: "But Yahweh is the God developed from the revelations of Melchizedek and the covenant of Abraham

    11. 4 In accepting this command of the universe hosts in attendance upon Christ Michael, the Personalized Adjuster took great pains to point out to Jesus that, while such an assembly of universe creatures could be limited in their space activities by the delegated authority of their Creator, such limitations were not operative in connection with their function in time

    12. Feminist psychologists have had to point out to themselves and to a not-always-

    13. Next to the tiny receiver a collection of minute fibres extend from a central point out to every surface of the device

    14. I did point out to them that the Maccabees and the Rabbis of the Talmud recognized that military defense took priority even over the high holidays

    15. Ed waved back and promptly belly-flopped his plane on the hilltop that the farmer had been trying to point out to him

    16. “Because I want to point out to them that I have a problem

    17. As for being irresolute, I could point out to you that your own government refuses to send French conscripts to serve in Indochina, because the war here is too unpopular with the French public

    18. “I almost hesitate to mention it, but I must point out to you, Monsieur Hood, that we seek quite large sums when arranging new business

    19. They hastened to point out to him that he had not yet reached his goal, and they offered him a guide for the remainder of his march

    20. May you live in the world forever and point out to us the

    21. Having drawn our attention to the sun which is a rich abode for thinking and a wide field for deep looking and consideration, God wanted to point out to another sign

    22. 'What I wish to say is,' she went on again, before I had got out the fatal word, 'what I wish to point out to you--is that the weather has considerably cooled

    23. Point out to them how because of this problem, they're stalled,

    24. ü What evidence would they point out to me that would suggest that my thoughts were not 100% true?

    25. would they point out to me that would suggest

    26. He had to cover the whole system in context; it would be futile to just point out to these people what was wrong - they knew that

    27. basically did was point out to me that while a journey and a destination are great, you also need a map if you plan not to get lost in the middle

    28. Those who disbelieved said, "Shall we point out to you a man, who will tell you that, once torn into shreds, you will be in a new creation?

    29. Lothario said, too, that every married man should have some friend who would point out to him any negligence he might be guilty of in his conduct, for it will sometimes happen that owing to the deep affection the husband bears his wife either he does not caution her, or, not to vex her, refrains from telling her to do or not to do certain things, doing or avoiding which may be a matter of honour or reproach to him; and errors of this kind he could easily correct if warned by a friend

    30. Susan liked to point out to me my lack of effort with her brother

    31. Once he interrupted himself in the middle of a sentence to point out to Owen a little girl who was just coming out of the Stores with a small parcel in her hand

    32. It then almost invariably appeared that they were subject to the most extraordinary hallucinations and extravagant delusions, the commonest being that the best thing that the working people could do to bring about an improvement in their condition, was to continue to elect their Liberal and Tory employers to make laws for and to rule over them! At such times, if anyone ventured to point out to them that that was what they had been doing all their lives, and referred them to the manifold evidences that met them wherever they turned their eyes of its folly and futility, they were generally immediately seized with a paroxysm of the most furious mania, and were with difficulty prevented from savagely assaulting those who differed from them

    33. I want to point out to you first of all, that it is not true that even in its essential features, the present

    34. "Did you point out to her that you and Mr

    35. Rayno felt no temptation to point out to the Grand Inquisitor that most armies considered it a good thing when their officers and troops had confidence in their commanders’ judgment

    36. We’ve got time for you to get out in front and point out to them that this was an oversight and that, obviously, mutinous members of the Siddarmarkian Army aren’t covered by it

    37. This priest I was able to find, and though he proved a very argumentative fellow, who took it absurdly amiss that I should point out to him the corrosive effect which modern science must have upon his beliefs, he none the less gave me some positive information

    38. It is enough for me to point out to yourself that there are certain social fitnesses and proprieties which should hinder a somewhat near relative of mine from becoming any wise conspicuous in this vicinity in a status not only much beneath my own, but associated at best with the sciolism of literary or political adventurers

    39. But she meant to point out to him that the revelation might do Fred Vincy a great deal of good

    40. "Mademoiselle," said the notary, "it is my duty to point out to you

    41. Lancelot began to point out to me the chief Attractions of wond’rous London

    42. This was the Marshal of the Nobility of the district, who had come personally to point out to the princess the necessity for her prompt departure

    43. At his feet, on the table, a bright ray of light from the full moon illuminated and seemed to point out to him a sheet of paper

    44. I need not point out to you that your refusal to answer will prejudice your case considerably in any future proceedings which may arise

    45. His letters were to be forwarded to 226 Gordon Square; so thither I travelled, and being fortunate enough to find the loving couple at home, I ventured to give them some paternal advice and to point out to them that it would be better in every way that they should make their position a little clearer both to the general public and to Lord St

    46. Several times, when a visitor chanced to stay into evening, and it proved a dark night, I was obliged to conduct him to the cart-path in the rear of the house, and then point out to him the direction he was to pursue, and in keeping which he was to be guided rather by his feet than his eyes

    47. But then I will stand up and point out to Thee the thousand millions of happy children who have known no sin

    48. But at this point Yulia Mihailovna suddenly broke her silence and sternly announced that she had long been aware of these criminal designs, and that it was all foolishness, and that he had taken it too seriously, and that as for these mischievous fellows, she knew not only those four but all of them (it was a lie); but that she had not the faintest intention of going out of her mind on account of it, but, on the contrary, had all the more confidence in her intelligence and hoped to bring it all to a harmonious conclusion: to encourage the young people, to bring them to reason, to show them suddenly and unexpectedly that their designs were known, and then to point out to them new aims for rational and more noble activity

    49. "Excuse me, we, on the contrary, were intending just now to point out to you the greatness of the despotism and unfairness you have shown in taking such a serious and also strange step without consulting the members," Virginsky, who had been hitherto silent, protested, almost with indignation

    50. Since with the arrangement which I propose there will certainly be formed large complete schools in the larger centres (as I think, in the proportion of one to twenty of all the other schools), and in these large schools the teachers will be of a grade of education equal to that of the seminarists who have finished a course in a theological school, the head teacher will visit all these larger schools, bring together these teachers on Sundays, point out to them the defects, propose new methods, give counsel and books for their own education, and invite them to his school on Sundays

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