"What is that? A fish?" I point to the black and white tattoo trailing up her bicep
"I don't know, I'm being paid by a lady of the Kassikan to deliver a cargo of considerable size and weight from one point to another with its security container unharmed
The secluded point to which one withdraws, is found to lie within oneself; the silent place in which the life of the soul is contacted is that point within the head where soul and body meet
It was another small victory, another point to Marwan, and it gave me a glimmer of hope
We mention this definition to point to that an "example" is to be followed or imitated
“She always makes it a point to move about with them
point to remember here is that the movements should be done
There was a hospital not far from his town, and with Daniel’s help he would make it a point to get it up and running again
Once through the tunnel, we eat, the sound of rain hitting the barge above our heads a musical counterpoint to the chatter of the crew members and the cutlery on the china
You can have multiple views which can point to the same
His evidence was tenuous, but it certainly didn't point to God's doing
Use this list as a starting point to find about opportunities that may interest you
"Yes sir, but you turned the point to let him study an impactor," she said, "which means there is a chance it may be more than that
Needless to say he was very grateful for her thoughtfulness; something she made a point to cultivate with her soldiers
Spilling the Water: point to the pond and then point to yourself
The hackers install hidden links or script that point to sites they own
In reality, it doesn’t cost much to get yourself to the point to have a
find a point to ease the tip of the sharp knife into the joint and to prise
The wall opposite the door was dominated by a wardrobe whose dark, lustrous woodgrain shone in counter-point to the amber tones of the floor, valise stand, and night table with its reading lamp and small book of verse at the bedside
There's a point to what I do
’ She said, her hands darting about in counterpoint to her words
' This shall be our launching point toward the practicable method to become as a human was intended” The guest leaned back and let his host ponder the image undisturbed
She slid back farther on the cushion and before long they were lying side by side so he could just hold the book out and point to the letter in question
I had to point to my own cheek before he knew it was there
uncovering evidence which would point to the real
" she lifted her hand as if to point to heaven "When their planet's life came to an end, they were left to search for a home
It had a point to the east, its back faced the sunset over the immense lake this city had backed up
In order to bring the point to a speedy decision, they have always recourse to the loudest clamour, and sometimes to the most shocking violence and outrage
were forced at one point to hold their noses
He used its point to trace Berenice’s fertile shape
Another point to consider is the price point you plan to sell at
It sounds such an obvious point to mention, but sometimes the basics are
Alternatively, the dream may also point to another popular phrase “hitting the nail on the head”, which suggests that you have fully resolved a situation
The dream may point to some love triangle or some relationship conflict
She turned the helm a half point to the south
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a galloping horse and he looked down from his elevated vantage point to see a lone rider fast approaching
His critics point to the fact that his facilities are inadequate and his qualifications are non-existent
Isin and Senta agreed, “There isn't actually any evidence to point to a Lascorii connection with the Elhehrim myth
words!! it will be the strategic point to
A key point to note is that some of these people did not even subscribe to the belief of reincarnation, prior to their regressions
Another point to note is that even if a prayer is justified, the timing of its fulfillment is not up to us to decide
The major turning point took place in an event called the Harmonic Convergence in August 1987
- An important point to note is that the Ascension process does not result in an automatic disappearance of the world’s problems
“My point too, Psyche
Then we watch as he is questioned again and he answers the senior Officers faces are like thunder they turn to the runner again and they gesticulate and point towards the Turkish lines and then they point at us the runner shakes his head but seems to be losing ground in the argument
Some people will argue that the words used for describing God’s creative work in Genesis 1 point to new creations that did not exist before in some instances, and re-creation in others
Some sceptics will point to Isaiah, where the Bible clearly states that God did not create the Earth to be empty and void, and compare that with the second verse of Genesis 1, in which the Bible states that the Earth was void and empty
We can also point to the remnants of this subterranean water body, when we consider water that is still being pushed to the surface of the Earth today from deep inside the Earth via underwater vents, fissures and hot springs found all over the Earth, under the pressure of rock masses bearing down on these subterranean water bodies, even after the passage of 4,500 years after the Flood
Without Sharon, there's no point to this
They were approaching a point to the south of the
Now here"s a point to ponder, regarding the Nation"s most humble man
She then looked to Hayley as she said, “Draw your sword or bow to provide a new Resting Point to complete the ceremony
it a point to answer them fully
president, which gave us a good talking point to other buyers
A slightly runny nose, inflamed gums or a swollen flea bite may point to the introduction of an infection and may indicate the need for the proactive use of Echinacea
When was the last time you looked at film of what other teams are doing? When was the last time you suggested a different way of doing things because of what you saw on film from a team we’re not playing next week? Who is taking the extra effort it takes to win? Who is spending extra time in the film room? Who is doing more than required in the weight room? Who is here just collecting a pay check? You can point to the coaching staff and say it’s their responsibility to prepare us, but that isn’t going to help us win ball games
* They had a point to be honest
a very silly point to begin with since the money is to buy food for the child who did not ask to live
To understand how the signs point to Christ’s Second Coming
Without that he has to live like an animal trying to survive life which is a major weak point to be exploited by the security forces
It is a weak point to be exploited
They are sensibly paranoid about penetration which is a weak point to be exploited
In any critique of Communism, for example, one can point to humanitarian disasters like forced collectivization
Even within the US, one can point to North Dakota
Some historians point to his negotiating treaties, but again this was from his desire to flex the new US imperial muscle, not nobility
In spite of Johnson, Congress, Union generals, abolitionists, the Freedmen's Bureau, and newly freed Blacks exercising their civil rights could point to some accomplishments
Defenders of the program also point to the many imposters claiming to have been part of Phoenix
Native Hawaiians continue to work for a return to independence, and can point to some victories, the end of the language ban, restoration of voting rights, Hawaiian language schools, and a cultural renaissance
Perhaps the greatest accomplishment the New Deal could point to was Social Security
Seeing there was no further point to the struggle, exhausted physically, knowing it was her time to die, she turned to face the pursuers
The only real success Carter could point to was getting the dictatorship to investigate the murder of four American nuns killed by Salvadoran soldiers
Most activists point to the anti-apartheid campaign as an example of human rights success in spite of Reagan
One clear statistic we can point to is the use of retro viral drugs on pregnant women that allowed 230,000 children to be born AIDS free
In the face of all these challenges, and judging him not on politics and ideological tests, Obama can point to humanitarian victories, limited but still impressive
One dramatic success Obama can point to is Iran
The greatest successes the UN can point to is its ban on chemical weapons agreed to by 190 out of 196 nations in the world and its Non Proliferation Treaty, in which all but nine countries in the world agreed to never develop nuclear weapons
In my experience, not all students have the confidence at this point to really
Within the US one could point to additional deaths as well
Lyra could see the shame in his eyes as his gaze flicked around the room from point to point
What about other atrocities? Surely in its claim of Georgians being so outraged by the dreaded “Yankees,” the Confederate apologists can point to deaths, rapes, wanton violence? No, they cannot
) Even leaving those aside, some admirers point to the Cuban Missile Crisis and believe Kennedy prevented a nuclear war
One also cannot point to any president who has gone easy on them or ignored their crimes
Just like the Alien and Sedition Acts and the Patriot Act, one cannot point to any resulting deaths caused by the government or presidents
He realized that an important point to stress with Beth would be the need not to be seen together again, just in case the threat to keep a close eye on him was carried out
He had been told by his father when he started high school that it was best to confine one’s political viewpoint to family discussions
Bowed to avoid the foliage overhead, he emerged at a different point to the one she and Fergus had taken
A small creature in the underbrush twittered in musical counterpoint to the tune, but his eyes weren’t sharp enough to pick it out in the light-and-shadows playing in there
I suspect that any church historian attempting, in fifty years time, to give a fair assessment of the present difficulties will point to the uncomfortable fact that this was the time when the evangelicals in Scotland lost not only the plot but also their vision
In the case of Cain and Abel, what larger meaning might it point toward? Earlier in the chapter I asked myself the question, “Was it the offering itself?”
Everything was beginning to point towards using the limousine
Was it meant, among many other things, to point toward the death of a nation?
What did it mean? Who or what was it supposed to point toward, or warn me of?
He was nonetheless able to resolve his doubts in his own favor…The solution that [he] proposed and defended was to point to countless examples of intermediate visual structures scattered throughout the animal kingdom
But I Am is patient, a counterpoint to your lack of the same
The point to telling this sad story is that here was another life ruined in the aftermath of Adam‘s dysfunctional behaviors and its effects
Another example of liberalism intolerance for anything which might point to their disability is ―The Bell Curve‖
The important point to remember here is that, U have to be aware of your limits and their purpose
“I make it a point to wave at anyone who stares at me, in this case, us
This is of course only until you are cremated yourself, but be positive; you can always point to the dragon on your shoulder and tell your friend that it’s actually your grandma
I noticed that the merchant who seemed to recognize him made it a point to follow him up onto the top deck one day when I stayed below (on purpose)