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    Use "pompous" in a sentence

    pompous example sentences


    1. He’s usually more confident … verging on the pompous

    2. Griggsy! She'd never know what he'd put in there, what he'd done, what ridiculous, crazy, stupid, arrogant, pompous, jackass technology he'd gone right ahead and rammed into the thing's very registers, into its very fibers, into the permanent read-only fixtures of its central core

    3. Slowly I get out of him how he bumped into Barrie in the newsagents’ and how Barrie, in his most pompous manifestation, had the audacity to tell Alastair how immoral it is that he’s moved in with me

    4. What amazes Billy is that she knows she is a star pupil but has never allowed herself to become pompous or overbearing

    5. “Nairn-Toh’s rather pompous I think

    6. Perfect awareness—having passed the swell of time, I remain in history—looked at as an ass for assuming To communicate what I might—repressing some saving Grace from myself, not knowing if I deserve it—“I would Have it as it is, rather than not have it at all?”—Should A saving grace be given to thieves, tress-passers, Law-breakers—a solution is pain reduction, and life sustenance, Not pride games and social repression—the endorphins Replete of all respect find endurance through pompous Wanderings of the ego in control—the ego who would Take the blame and ends up being the only one to know Its great reward—to hide this scar, to pretend it did not 68

    7. It sounds so pompous the way I put it

    8. “Listen here you pompous windbag what would you know about anything let alone the bloody war

    9. The lads cheered and whistled as they congratulated me on deflating that pompous clown and Anne came across and sat between me and Elijah

    10. I once heard the word used by a pompous attorney on encountering a co-worker he needed to speak with

    11. The most pompous ass ever to have held the office of Vice President, as well as perhaps the most hypocritical

    12. The man was pompous arrogance right down to his core, though he knew more about battle than Arig Flamebow it seemed

    13. It was hard to decide who was the most pompous of the three, as they poked at the statues with a finger or a stick, giving orders, suggesting strategies that they assumed would be followed, and disagreeing with one another until it seemed these meetings would outlast the war

    14. Wisecracking, precocious young children superseding the worldly ―wisdom‖ of their well-meaning but oftentimes bumbling parents, more often than not, the father; portrayed as ‖agreeable‖, however (somewhat) pompous, over-bearing, self-regarding and someone who just ―doesn‘t get it

    15. �The pompous ass could not stand being on that high cloud and the emptiness of his life had to end in the way it did,� remarked Steve

    16. ’ And in the article, I came across as a pompous ass, something I figured was not entirely accidental

    17. He was going to teach this pompous ass a thing or two

    18. Intense brass sounds and pompous drums came from the small speaker, while the Swede seemed instantly gratified judging from the grin on his face

    19. He was certainly not handsome and he was a very tiresome, pompous sort of person

    20. He stood before the fire, his feet planted firmly on the rug, and poured out a flood of pompous platitudes

    21. If he had too much wine, he could be pompous and boastful, but he was young

    22. We made the very English comment that being English there’s nothing better than getting one over the French, even in this the most bizarre and pompous of ways

    23. Ninety-nine stair steps take the visitor to the pompous, extravagant and attractive temple

    24. He laughed at me and said, “Do you honestly think that I would let that pompous fool have you?”

    25. How pompous he looked even before he opened his mouth

    26. In Kim IL-sung’s North Korea is the last Stalinist regime that “incarcerates 150,000 to 200,00 0 people in concentration camps, flouts freedom of conscience, mercilessly clubs its population with pompous, mendacious propaganda, and is responsible for one of the worst famines of the end of the twentieth century

    27. "So it's still to be taken on faith—you, this joke of time travel and alternate timelines, this pompous professor and his laughable theories you've inflicted upon us and yourself…"

    28. ’ Although he saw no indication of the man’s rank, the way in which he spoke to Brin indicated that he was obviously born into the officer class; this was perhaps the first time that he had been genuinely happy to run into an officer of the pompous type, in the field

    29. Pompous jackass! This jerk hadn't the faintest idea what he was blathering about

    30. Galle, the administrator at my school, felt it was ‘too racy for our young developing minds,’” stated Nem in a pompous oratory

    31. “What the f*ck? To come into my city and rob me blind?! Who does this pompous ass think he’s dealing with?”

    32. There were a lot of celebrations and pompous ceremonies in the capital New Delhi and other cities

    33. He told the Maharajas and the wealthy merchants, doctors and lawyers to get rid of their jewelry and pompous life style and devote it to the service of the poor and the country

    34. He completed the sentence with pompous tone:

    35. - Please forgive the inconveniences of our pompous arrival

    36. Azucena had the gift of making appeared out of nothing the most beautiful garments that the textile industry could ever imagine; not even Versace in his best times could have designed so elegant and pompous, simple and stately, coloring or monochrome, conservative or showy, opaque or brilliant, long or short garments which such delicacy and pledge! In other words there were no limits that the creative and textile magic of Azucena could not cover, in terms of textures and designs

    37. After the snub of the Magician, the pompous and over-sweet words of Dorian refreshed a little my injured pride

    38. Gordon - It's a bit pompous to say that it was in the blood, but playing with words was the only 'work' that ever excited me

    39. ‘Easy,’ the short, well muscled lad said with a pompous smile

    40. “Hello, yourself!” snapped the fish “The Wishfish? I’ve never met a more pompous, ignominious idiot! The Coralute? What does that wrinkled old windbag have to do with me? Nothing! Now don’t just stand there, give me a push!”

    41. My first opponent looked about ten and wobbled ‘Bless this House’ in a breathy treble, then pompous Harry David boomed ‘The Cornish Floral Dance’ before I earned a smattering of applause with what I hoped was a spirited rendition of ‘Westering Home

    42. First, some pompous idiot in a royal blue outfit garnished with scrambled egg braid presented him to "a tiny, withered old soul who claimed to be the Grand Duchess Sophie, Princess of Russia

    43. Like, there was this pompous and haughty woman who bragged about her precious items

    44. The audacity in trussing him like a pig and tormenting him rankled the pompous fat man much more than any fatuous threats

    45. Carol looked over at the pompous doctor

    46. At the trial it was said that they had thought that Matthew had seemed like a pompous money hoarder and why should he have so much

    47. ” Lezura gestured to herself in a pompous manner

    48. Once again, I'd become too pompous and

    49. They joked about making up names for their children that had never existed before, but rather than go ghetto, they went white bread and pompous

    50. Ashburn was quite pompous and liked to talk about his supposed heroic war stories, even if he was a fraud and a butcher in this foolish war

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    Synonyms for "pompous"

    grandiloquent overblown pompous pontifical portentous ceremonious inflated arrogant pretentious boastful self-important conceited haughty

    "pompous" definitions

    puffed up with vanity

    characterized by pomp and ceremony and stately display