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    Use "pontoon" in a sentence

    pontoon example sentences


    1. On most other occasions, they used Bailey or pontoon bridges erected by Army engineers parallel to the wreckage of destroyed German structures

    2. Armed volunteers from all the cities and towns around the lake swarmed into Tenochtitlan while the Ordu commandeered every boat available and soon had several pontoon bridges across the small canal

    3. We mounted up and he led us south along first the west bank of the river until nightfall; then we crossed a large pontoon bridge to the east bank, spending the night near a small town before continuing up the river the next day along the east bank

    4. We had a pontoon bridge across the river near the city and had two minghan on the eastern side

    5. The next morning our pontoon train came up (it had been no minor feat bringing it over that mountain) and bridged the river (it was called the Pachachaca)

    6. We descended directly to the Huatanay River and over our pontoon bridge across it

    7. It, too, was a pontoon bridge, a practical necessity because of the varying depths of the river during the year

    8. It was quite broad for a pontoon bridge, and two wagons could easily pass each other crossing it

    9. I beached the boat and found I was within sight of the large pontoon bridge

    10. I could see that the river was beginning to freeze over along the banks and the pontoon bridge, a little downstream of my position, was being removed and stored

    11. We did not delay anywhere else along the way and about a month later found ourselves approaching the long pontoon bridge across the Thanuge River and into the Khakhanate of the Blue Sky

    12. The wide rivers like the Missi Sipi and the Thanuge, however, would likely never see anything but pontoon bridges

    13. It was flooded and the pontoon bridge was still not in place

    14. As we crossed the pontoon bridge, I told John how I had been arrested when I crossed the other way with Carlotta and Hiacoomes and eventually had been exiled

    15. They should take a lot of time, perhaps four or five days, getting organized into their new positions, and then each group should start building their pontoon bridges, very slowly across the branches of the river

    16. The coastal Ordu kept getting ahead, but then had to set up and remove their pontoon bridges to cross the rivers along the way

    17. Our eastern Ordu would be able to ford it, but the western Ordu would have to build pontoon bridges, and my Ordu, might be able to ford depending on just where we reached the river

    18. I suggested that we have the western Ordu build their pontoon bridges across the river slowly as before

    19. I added that there was no way a good leader would leave our Ordu to build pontoon bridges across the river unobserved

    20. We sorted ourselves out for a day and then the western Ordu began working on the pontoon bridges while the eastern Ordu checked out fords

    21. They had pontoon bridges in place across all their rivers and paused only long enough to break them up before continuing on their way

    22. I decided that it would be an excellent opportunity for us to fan out in force and look for any pockets of resistance behind us and rebuild pontoon bridges to our rear to ensure our supply lines

    23. I suggested to Buzun that he was the only one competent enough to see to the pontoon bridges

    24. Toward the end of spring, we would build pontoon bridges for them to destroy until they either ran out of ammunition or our counter battery fire destroyed their cannon

    25. I started three pontoon bridges about half a li apart across the Bio Bio

    26. I could see that there was a pontoon bridge over the Cautin on the western end of the village, so they could evacuate if things became tense

    27. fly the pontoon planes in and out of those special lakes and the secret areas

    28. It bubbles up into the lower chamber of the pontoon, and is collected when the chamber is full, in huge steel cylinders, one per pontoon

    29. “When the gas in the seabed under the pontoon is eventually exhausted, gas flows into the upper chamber, causing the pontoon to lift

    30. “At the edges of the pontoon blanket, the temperature will be the same as under it, the temperature tailing off, the further out from it you go

    31. This will produce as much gas as the pontoon area

    32. Probably they had carried out some underwater repair on a ship or pontoon

    33. After doing some research I established what was a “fair market price” and I put up a For Sale advert in the local harbour where the boat sat on a pontoon mooring

    34. Once they were out on their pontoon boat at Inks Lake, all but their mother

    35. Colt and I stayed absolutely motionless as the outboard motor of the pontoon boat took off with a whine

    36. I sat now in the copilot’s seat nervously, as Flint took the pontoon plane out into the open water and started opening it up to a higher velocity

    37. Christina cried out nervously as the right dugout canoe boat dusted up off the waves and the platform heeled over to the left to coast on just one canoe pontoon

    38. I had swum out to the floating pontoon in the middle of the lake and was sunning myself in

    39. disturbed by the presence of someone hoisting themselves aboard the pontoon

    40. lap of the soft water on the sides of the pontoon caused it to wobble like a waterbed does

    41. She attached cameras to saddles for equestrian events and floated them on pontoon boats for swimming events

    42. As they made their way into the grounds, spectators with pricier tickets headed for the permanent, covered grandstand on the near side of the water; those with less expensive tickets trundled across a pontoon bridge to the massive wooden bleachers on the far side, where the national flags of the various nations entered in the rowing events fluttered along the broad back side of the structure

    43. A stream of fans crossed the pontoon bridge at the western end of the course and began to fill the massive wooden bleachers on the far side of the water

    44. According to what the Third’s survivors’re saying, they’ve got at least two pontoon bridges across by now, and they’re rolling my boys up as they push north

    45. He rode across one of the swaying pontoon bridges to the farther side, turned sharply to the left, and galloped in the direction of Kovno, preceded by enraptured, mounted chasseurs of the Guard who, breathless with delight, galloped ahead to clear a river Viliya, he stopped near a regiment of Polish Uhlans stationed by the river

    46. Lewis Nixon, the well-known ship designer, suggests the construction of a pontoon to be carried on the after end of the vessel and to be made of sectional air-tight compartments

    47. The pontoon would follow the line of the ship and seem to be a part of it

    48. The pontoon would accommodate, not comfortably but safely, all those who failed to find room in the life-boats

    49. As they descended to the first pontoon, the brothers encountered soldiers who were coming thence, and talking loudly

    50. The brothers traversed the first pontoon, while waiting for the wagon, and halted on the second, which was already flooded with water in parts

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    Synonyms for "pontoon"

    pontoon boat platform

    "pontoon" definitions

    (nautical) a floating structure (as a flat-bottomed boat) that serves as a dock or to support a bridge

    a float supporting a seaplane