Sammy the Shark was mean to you? He lifted you up, did he? Oh you poor thing now
But, you had to admire the way she took the reins firmly in her hands, working through the house, cleaning, repairing and clearing out the junk – just as well really, her mother was a poor thing and couldn’t manage at all
‘You poor thing!’ I commiserated, trying not to laugh as she tries to drink a mug of coffee with only half her mouth working
Poor thing -- Lydia was only ten
save that poor thing’s life
Penelope had shaken the Altmer woman’s hand most languidly, which of course Elenwen answered with a hollow, “Poor thing, I cannot even imagine your heartache, gods be with you”
The poor things! Survival is a serious matter
No point in letting the poor thing die
―Oh, you poor things,‖ she said holding the door wide open
shaping should be poor thing, his life should not be narrow think character will not change once they are formed, a bad character formed in the childhood, through education reformation, or
“The poor thing,” I chuckled
“Poor thing,” Theodore said after she had gone
“The poor things never knew what hit them
“Aw you poor thing
“Poor thing, they won but he was dead beat afterwards
“You poor thing!” lamented Kami
Poor thing, no gas or oxygen or anything – and what about
looking for directions, as the poor thing had got hopelessly
applied the whip several times to the animal's quivering flesh causing the poor thing to scratch
The poor thing needs an umbrella
This poor thing has been both flying and burnt to a crisp in the same day; it’s much more excitement than he is used to
pega that had somehow ended up in her bed, and the poor thing seemed to be gasping for air
hard not to feel sympathy for the poor thing when he looked up at you with his big, droopy
strong, musky ferret smell—and twice the poor thing was put under only for the vet to have so
The poor thing was breathless and he said,
Bravely, I wiggled the poor thing around; petrified it was going to pop out again
of his boss, poor thing
"oh, you poor thing, the storm must have bought you here," Slinks said and he picked a small round of brown bread from the empty loaf bag and started to break it up into tiny squares
“Oh come here you poor thing,” Bridget said
“You poor thing” he said
Alex imagined what the poor thing was thinking
Oh, the poor thing, what dreams she might have had and what life would have offered her! How happy she would have made her man and their children! Who knows what difference she would have made to the people around her? Why wouldn’t she have enriched the society at large and contributed to the world even? But my senseless act ruined all that, didn’t it? And being featured here what does life hold for me either? If only I were hanged, I wouldn’t have to endure all these despairs of denial
“The poor thing…” I suddenly realized that she had been able to hear me just now
she pedals away, poor thing
The poor thing looked as if he had not had a good bath or have eaten for days, she thought
My other sister, well, she is sweet, but is afraid of her own shadow, poor thing,” Sarah offered with a nonchalant shrug to her shoulders
“The poor thing! Who could abandon a baby like this?”
“Poor thing! But you could have used a condom
“Poor thing,” he said, trying not to trivialize what was evidently
The poor thing must be ever so scared,” Natura supposed
broken leg, looked like it had been trailing it for days, poor thing, and I thought at the
Oh, poor thing
There were no tracks around him, so I knew the poor thing had been lying there for a while
Look at the poor thing, he’s bloody terrified
“That must mean,” said Marian, “that the poor thing probably hasn’t got long to go
Was it something alive? Was the poor thing trapped in this box the whole time? No, they wouldn’t do that
What else could the poor thing do?’
Fortunately the couple were too absorbed in trying to stop the poor thing
Seeing Sandhya still uneasy, he thought, ‘Haven’t I scared her unwittingly? This poor thing loves that lovely one so dearly
Didn’t I insensibly impose this marital burden on her, forever? But the poor thing never blamed me for that, and instead bore it all resignedly! Moreover, when I got the man of men as my man, didn’t Roopa rejoice at my fortune without a tinge of jealously? She doesn’t deserve to suffer, the poor thing
‘You’ve read her well,’ she said and added in vexation, ‘Wonder how the poor thing is
Why, luckily for men, the hard nuts to crack for the final favor are few and far between! But then, the harder the struggle to win women over, the sweeter would be the pleasure in having them, wouldn’t it be? Oh, what else draws a man to a woman than his desire to access her persona specifics? Won’t woman bare her veiled assets for her fancied man to dabble with her private accounts? But after a few jaunts of his to her favored joint, what would be left in her for her lover to explore, and for her to show him more? And thereafter, how could she cater to his innate need for variety and what else she could conjure up to sustain his enticement? Oh, the poor thing, seeing his interest in her wane in time, won’t she turn more so eager to keep him in good humor? Of course, the more she gives her man; even more she satiates him, doesn’t she? And it’s only time before she finds her paramour bypass her favors for lesser flavors
‘How miserable she could be, the poor thing,’ he sighed for the umpteenth time
rabbits, not to kill the poor things
The voice rewards the animal every bit of sympathy such as poor thing destined to die for meat or any sadism
The poor things have so little joy in their lives
shine in the sun, poor thing,
Whats the matter, poor thing?
Do you realize what a blow in the face she has received, as well as in her unfortunate little heart? All her vanities, without which a girl is but a poor thing, shrivelled up, her self-respect gone, her conceit, if there was any, and I suppose there was because there always is, gone headlong after it
What an exceedingly poor thing in girls she would be who did
It makes me feel so base, such a poor thing
Well, as they were having a little nap, poor things, I would tidy up the kitchen meanwhile, and by the time that was done they would be refreshed and ready for half an hour's agreeable interchange of gossip
Poor things, they must be dreadfully tired to sleep like that
Poor things, they really were most completely asleep
Compared to Dolly, I am a poor thing
Of course I am going to beg them to stay on here, but it seems a poor thing to offer them, to live up here in blizzards that I run away from myself
"Poor thing," said Audrey with a happy little sigh, slipping her hand in his
Cookham, the kindest-hearted, least suspicious of women, added without knowing she was adding it, "Poor thing," and the girls wondered what sort of extraordinary person Audrey had got hold of, and only the father went so far as to think, rather definitely, come, come
"Why, of that poor thing's husband--Lady Frances's
Imagine it--all that time for the poor thing to be alone
The bare idea seemed to upset her so much, poor thing, that I thought I had better run away, and let Ted take his turn
Poor things, they missed a lot of fun; and not only fun, but very lovely happinesses like poetry, and shining illusions
It was part of her job to take these poor things, she told herself, by the hand--you could wear a fur coat and still be a poor thing, couldn't you? Just as you could wear a coronet, and still have a kind heart--in a welcome which should at least have the appearance of warmth
"Poor thing," she thought, looking at the gaunt face so close to her own--"poor simple, half-starved, probably put upon by Miles, _good_ poor thing"; while Miss Hyslup, for her part, shocked at the difference strong spectacles could make to what one was looking at, thought Poor thing too--poor painted, haggard, smiling, but she dared say crying all right inside, poor thing
How could one feel anything but tenderness towards a poor thing who was dressed from head to foot in Death?
"Poor thing," she thought, feeling the hand so rough
"Poor thing," Miss Hyslup thought, feeling the hand so smooth
Still, when he thought of what he had done, and where Skeffington was at that moment, tact and prudence seemed poor things compared with courage, and out kept coming those damned beads on his forehead
“It’s over now, you poor thing
“Really? You poor thing,” I said, scowling at him
I know, the poor thing
“The poor thing,” she said, accepting the hand and easing herself up
"Ah well, poor thing," he said, "she has an uphill life of it
Then--what was he saying? She heard him say, in an absolutely broken voice, laying his head on hers, 'We two poor things--we two poor things'--and then he said and did nothing more, but kept his head like that, and presently, thick though her hair was, through it came wetness
For not only did its bareness afflict her, and its glaring light, and its long empty table, and the way Chesterton's footsteps echoed up and down the uncarpeted floor, but there on the wall was that poor thing looking at her, she had no doubt whatever as to who it was standing up in that long slim frock looking at her, and she was taken aback
Apart from the window and what she believed had happened at it, apart from the way that poor thing's face in the photograph haunted her, there was the feeling that it wasn't Lucy's bedroom at all but Everard's
That poor thing; this day last year she was probably reading them herself
Poor thing, she's trying so hard
Behind her back, they said, "Poor thing
I ignored him and concentrated on Lucy but the poor thing whimpered beneath my gaze
He looked dazed, the poor thing
That poor, poor thing
“Poor thing… you still don’t get it, do you?”
“Poor thing!” he muttered as he moved away
The poor thing is wearing an electric belt around his body
On the second summer we lived in the same cottage, again, with Aunt Calistheni who, with her cotton white hair and splendid white teeth seemed immune to the passage of time and Christina who had hardly changed in nine months and was, poor thing, as skinny and unattractive as before
Do you want the poor thing left standing at the altar?'
“Poor thing, we will definitely put her in the moat
Truth be told he was stepfather’s cat from the first moment; he would hold and pet the poor thing from the time he got home to the time they both settled down to sleep at night — Whiskey would curl around his chest then cuddle up in the giant nook of stepfather’s neck
The poor thing’s exhausted, but it's edible