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    Use "potential difference" in a sentence

    potential difference example sentences

    potential difference

    1. where I is the current through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the potential difference measured across the conductor in units of volts, and R is the resistance of the conductor in units of ohms

    2. through their vortexes and store this energy as potential differences within the double

    3. And a single magnetic line along the suture of the tunnel beneath the train produces a varying magnetic field along the tunnel at every point, which produces a potential difference along the track that moves the train forward, or backward in case of a return journey

    4. And at a place where the potential difference doesn’t exist, the train comes to a halt and when the potential difference reverses, the train moves in opposite direction

    5. He knew that when the circle was spinning fast enough against the standing magical field of the Discworld itself in its slow turning, the resulting astral friction would build up a vast potential difference which would earth itself in a vast discharge of the Elemental Magical Force

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