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    pouter example sentences


    1. (In disdain she saunters away, plump as a pampered pouter pigeon, humming the

    2. The frequent presence of fourteen or even sixteen tail-feathers in the pouter may be considered as a variation representing the normal structure of another race, the fantail

    3. To give a simple illustration: the fantail and pouter pigeons are both descended from the rock-pigeon; if we possessed all the intermediate varieties which have ever existed, we should have an extremely close series between both and the rock-pigeon; but we should have no varieties directly intermediate between the fantail and pouter; none, for instance, combining a tail somewhat expanded with a crop somewhat enlarged, the characteristic features of these two breeds

    4. The parent form of any two or more species would not be in all its characters directly intermediate between its modified offspring, any more than the rock-pigeon is directly intermediate in crop and tail between its descendants, the pouter and fantail pigeons

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    Synonyms for "pouter"

    pouter pouter pigeon gloomy gus picklepuss sourpuss

    "pouter" definitions

    someone with a habitually sullen or gloomy expression

    one of a breed of pigeon that enlarge their crop until their breast is puffed out