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    Use "power to decide" in a sentence

    power to decide example sentences

    power to decide

    1. He had the power to decide whether someone continued living or had to die!

    2. We all have the power to decide what we do on daily basis and this

    3. I have the power to decide whether I want to entangle myself in an endless materialistic race for status, or not

    4. You can ask yourselves if the I that has the power to decide justifies

    5. In those days, people had the strength and the power to decide to face their

    6. infused with the power to decide who gets credit and who is refused, the stakes in that

    7. Melanie had been powerless all her life, just struggling to get by, but suddenly, and only for the next few moments, would she have the power to decide the destiny of kings and princes of industry

    8. Those that bought those that have the political power to power to decide who goes to war

    9. Now today: we have the power to decide what to do about it

    10. Where do you draw the ethical line of scientific research? Where do you draw the moral line? Then every living human becomes a God who has the power to decide what personal ethic or moral, or rationale they wish to live by… without ever having to study ethics or morals, or be trained, or tested for their logic, their honesty, or their intent in creating their own self-serving ethics and morals

    11. When it comes to immigration, Congress alone has the power to decide who can become an American citizen

    12. First, has the United States a claim, either real or disputed, to this territory? Whether disputed or otherwise, provided the claim be asserted on its part, the question is, has the Congress of the United States a power to decide the validity of that claim? And if it has, is it proper so to decide it? What is the subject-matter in dispute? Public property; and what species? Landed

    13. Upon this view of the subject, there is a constitutional difficulty on which the House should decide, before it entertains a motion for delegating a power to decide this question to any tribunal or commission whatever

    14. Mitchill,) is imperium in imperio, a government within a government; and the misfortune is, that there exists no friendly third power to decide the controversies which may arise between these two great, independent, and, in many respects, rival authorities

    15. has Congress the power to decide the validity of this claim? 149;

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