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    Use "prefer" in a sentence

    prefer example sentences





    1. As I said, I prefer to deal with someone who committed

    2. I prefer the smoking or pipe tobacco instead of the dust

    3. Continuers prefer to continue with the occupations that kept them engaged in earlier life

    4. A better method and one that I prefer, is to get a small clay drain pipe (opened at both ends, about 3 inches wide, 12 inches long (smaller for roses, larger for trees) and bury that at the base of the rose bush or plant, level with the ground

    5. She owes me for a couple large favors, the details of which I would also prefer to keep private

    6. There are some aspects of her past that she would also prefer were kept private

    7. ‘Yes … that would be a good idea … though to be frank, I’d prefer a stiff whisky

    8. We are on the same side, remember? This can all be off record if you prefer

    9. ‘Believe me, I love my mother very much but given the choice between taking her and taking you, I know which I would prefer

    10. Unlike you, who prefer a broad brush, I see the intricate beauty of the devil in the

    11. I prefer to get a taxi, then I can drink without having to worry about it

    12. I've come to prefer that name myself

    13. There are only four or five persons sitting at the front row, but I prefer to wait for others to arrive

    14. I often prefer to disappear from class during the ten-minute break

    15. “You prefer me like this?” she said bitterly

    16. I prefer to confront a natural disaster -a flood, an earthquake, a hurricane- than satanic humans

    17. It occurs to me maybe Helen is lying and sabotaged my meeting with George, yet I prefer to suppress this suspicion quickly

    18. Unlike you, who prefer a broad brush, I see the intricate beauty of the devil in the detail

    19. I think I’ll prefer to live up

    20. Our hearts are miles away from one another, and we prefer to keep it that way

    21. ‘Or would you prefer tea?’

    22. ‘We could work with you on the wording, if you prefer

    23. But I suppose diamonds are not much in demand where you are an, I know you prefer your precious lapis lazuli beads

    24. ‘You didn’t specify, but I though you would prefer red

    25. ‘I can rough it with the best of them, I just prefer not to unless I have to

    26. case of those who prefer AHA peels

    27. ’ He admitted with a grin, ‘I know which I prefer at the moment

    28. It seems heartless, but if it had to be one of them, I prefer it the way it is

    29. "Have you been made aware that there are only two compartments left?" Eelon asked, "Would you prefer to sleep shifts…"

    30. prefer the taste of shared Remy

    31. She was more like a dragon; and he did prefer dragons and their direct approach to things

    32. You may prefer the parent of the kid/s to disclose the dating scene to the kids

    33. are no different when it comes to getting involved in a girly-chat session; much as you'd prefer

    34. "I prefer it on my own", said Terry, jinking around the old man's legs

    35. "That's one over the warp radius or bit size if you prefer

    36. I would prefer performing to the notorious audience at the Glasgow Empire to facing this evening … but I don’t have the option

    37. I’ll bring a bottle of wine shall I? Would you prefer red or white?’

    38. “I prefer Rocky, or Captain”, he said tenderly, taking off the

    39. "I prefer it on my own", said Terry, jinking around the old man's

    40. Ah yes, he was one for the ages; she would prefer to keep him around for a bit longer

    41. Maroclos took over, “Our hands, feet and tools can only manipulate heavenly matter here in the spiritual realm, or information realm if you prefer

    42. As far as the occupants of the flats in Danvers House are concerned - and we prefer to call them tenants – they pay a low rent for their flats that is usually paid by Housing Benefit

    43. “We prefer to keep it that way,” Tam said harshly

    44. ‘But I would definitely prefer that to coffee

    45. If she does, I’ll entertain her, but I’d prefer you to take Red Hawk to play with Song Bird’s children, before she arrives

    46. “For that you chose extermination? You prefer genocide and suicide to supporting the Life Principles? This is wrong! I was not included in the vote

    47. I prefer you finding out on your own, instead of hearing it from me

    48. ’ He said coming into the kitchen, ‘Mum and Dad prefer red anyway, and it goes better with the beef

    49. Would you prefer that?”

    50. At this moment in time, I'm not sure which one I'd prefer

    1. “I think I preferred you as an untameable stallion

    2. A certain level of snails is preferred over complete elimination

    3. It's a tea actually, its name translates as 'rubber tea' but she preferred to think of it as coffee

    4. I preferred it that way

    5. Usually the work of Interpol agents was conducted in anonymity and most of his colleagues preferred this

    6. He preferred the coward’s way

    7. Smith preferred those thought-shapes that pleased,

    8. Smith preferred to consider a thought from a familiar set of view points, rolling

    9. For the time being, I preferred to content myself with that explanation

    10. Whilst agents working across could always fall back on the Migraine Association, it was preferred by the Errdian powers that be that such a course of action was literally the last to be used under any circumstances

    11. Smith preferred those thought-shapes that pleased, that scratched the cosmic itch most effectively, and so He expressed thought in a set of patterned, reactive ways

    12. Smith preferred to consider a thought from a familiar set of view points, rolling it across the heavens like thunder, looking at all those aspects of silence and darkness that reinforced the heavens as imagined by a responsible God

    13. Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

    14. Alfred preferred a fairly representational universe where you actually had to move your personification to the instruments rather than just overlaying them on your personal space

    15. She helped him towards a chair by the table, but he preferred the bar stool at the counter

    16. Sadly, he drove me through a door I preferred to keep closed

    17. I preferred to lay under my towel within the safety of the shore, enjoying an ice cream and watching my uncle struggle with his wet suit before he curved into the sea like a dolphin only to reappear sometime later and regale me with stories of seals, gentle basking sharks, forests of stunning pink corals and walls of bright coloured jewel anemones he said he saw on his dives

    18. Kirk tried to show the lady into the living room, but she said she preferred to do these things in the kitchen

    19. Clearly the wasteg is the preferred mode of transport for those who live near it - having experienced the trackways, I can understand why

    20. Others may think you’re getting preferred treatment if you end up dating the boss

    21. Gilla didn’t know why his marriage failed … could it be because his wife preferred someone else? I can’t see Berndt wandering … he’s not the sort

    22. To be honest, he preferred to watch the big match on the television on a Saturday night if he could stay awake long enough

    23. The talk turned to the various sweets we used to eat as children; it seems Gary had a thing about liquorice bootlaces (typical boy!) whereas I preferred mint imperials

    24. She also knew that Lucy would be out at a friend’s house until nine o’clock, leaving her at home all alone, alone with Alan, who was at an age when he still preferred a set of headphones in his bedroom to the embarrassing company of his father in the pub, no matter that his father would pay for the beer

    25. He tried to respond to his wife and step-daughter, but apart from the odd brief conversation he preferred to occupy his time with work, well away from the sounds of the radio

    26. Kelvin knew she preferred to model her screens as an old fashioned monitor, but she preferred to keep her screens in the air to making the old plastic case appear when she was out of her office

    27. He preferred to think of his outer layers of fat as

    28. despite the occasional bout of nannying, preferred to leave the

    29. He preferred it that way and

    30. on a social basis, that it soon became clear that he preferred money

    31. preferred to do these things in the kitchen

    32. what style would work best? Dry, factual statements are not my preferred style

    33. alone with Alan, who was at an age when he still preferred a set of

    34. conversation he preferred to occupy his time with work, well away

    35. who almost never walked but preferred to transport themselves on

    36. “The girls tried to let it be known that they preferred their privacy,

    37. probably because Brunno preferred shaking his head repeatedly instead of

    38. Tom piloted the car skilfully along his preferred route

    39. Roman much preferred it this way

    40. Now she preferred the bedroom

    41. Her pink linen business suit, but she doubted Beth would choose it, Beth preferred Blue

    42. Human blood must have been preferred over that of their own kind, especially in

    43. But I think he and Thomas would have preferred a

    44. Either way, Alec preferred it when the mage was happy, even missed seeing the flashing teeth light up his face

    45. In Virginia and Maryland, the cultivation of tobacco is preferred, as most profitable, to that of corn

    46. After the attack on the American Embassy, their new leader, or the Chief, as he now preferred to be addressed, had finally forced the mob into some semblance of order

    47. But the whole quantity of poultry which the farm in this manner produces without expense, must always be much smaller than the whole quantity of butcher's meat which is reared upon it; and in times of wealth and luxury, what is rare, with only nearly equal merit, is always preferred to what is common

    48. because they preferred the old and verified method of

    49. He would have preferred if he was asked, but would have helped any way he could

    50. More than once, the other Guardians had to pull her away from the battle, keep her from charging into the thick of things where she preferred to pound her enemies to death with nothing but her fists

    1. He has a mobile but doesn’t tend to give the number out to all and sundry, preferring to keep a bit of freedom from the perpetual messages that so many of his colleagues have to field as a result of being more profligate with their own mobile telephone numbers

    2. imagination, preferring the simple sureties of cash in his pocket and the reassurance of

    3. Smiler rarely ventured down into the burrow world of rabbit Marwan, preferring to leave others more attuned to the rhythms of nature to tend the sick foreign heathen in the basement

    4. preferring to confine the infinite in a spark, a match head

    5. One part of the man withdrew, preferring to believe

    6. ran scared of the whiplash, preferring the safety of distance,

    7. preferring to confine the infinite

    8. He shared his home but not his time, preferring, when not down at the pub watching Manchester City flatter to deceive in wide screen glory, to lock himself away in his room with his computers and his cable links to a very private world of digital opportunities

    9. Ken found company difficult, preferring the routines of parenthood, work and horticulture to the efforts and strains inherent in the pursuit of conviviality and social exchange with his peers

    10. Jake has a small glass of wine but Katie refuses it, preferring water

    11. For the last few weeks he had shut out the sounds of life, preferring the solitude of personal contemplation to the banality of human contact, but here in the soft tawny light of the lounge bar at the Red Lion those trivial voices broke through on the back of an ethereal sub tone that slowly built up throughout the evening until, towards closing time, Ken realised that he was listening to the same song being played over and over again on the jukebox

    12. occupants clearly preferring to use carrier bags, cigarette butts and

    13. preferring the possibility of death by a thousand cuts to the

    14. public protest prior to this, preferring to comment quietly from the

    15. entire weekend with his folks, much preferring the company of his

    16. preferring to bury himself in his diligent duties at work

    17. He shared his home but not his time, preferring, when not down

    18. preferring to listen to the hubble and bubble of rapidly boiling

    19. had shut out the sounds of life, preferring the solitude of personal

    20. the smashed set in the living room, preferring the certainty of

    21. Shaun lives a twilight life, moving through the rock pools and shallows of the Atlantic coast line, selling directly sometimes, but usually preferring to move the merchandise on quietly through his own network of club and playground contacts

    22. Sometimes it seems to Maggie that he cares more for his Glaswegian protégés than he does for her, but she lets it go, preferring to move another pawn into position

    23. He hits the main light switch, smothering the bed-sit in darkness and as his eyes adjust slowly, he fumbles for a lamp on top of the fridge, preferring soft shadows at this time of night

    24. Libby Barrett had no interest in playing Rugby, much preferring the calmer activity of assembling jigsaw puzzles

    25. angry look, preferring to do this at his own pace and in his

    26. refused to accept them, preferring the ballad

    27. They focused the demon wind on speed and strength, preferring to get up close to their opponents and rend them to pieces with their hands

    28. In his quest for happiness one must always keep an open mind, taking care not to shut off doors preferring one way over the others

    29. Mercer ignored it, preferring to chastise

    30. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security ; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain; and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention

    31. Those systems, therefore, which preferring agriculture to all other employments, in order to promote it, impose restraints upon manufactures and foreign trade, act contrary to the very end which they propose, and indirectly discourage that very species of industry which they mean to promote

    32. After that day, she was all purrs and affection, preferring to share the attention than to rough it on her own

    33. Even the birds weren’t chirping much, preferring to nap in the cool tree foliage

    34. He was a cat man, always had been, preferring their independence to a dog’s need for a pack leader

    35. This plan was adopted as a compromise between political factions favoring the Popular Vote (states with larger populations) and others preferring a proportionate voice in government or (states with smaller populations)

    36. When he had suggested his plan to the Elders, they were less than enthusiastic, preferring instead to wait for the Preceptor to attack them and hope that they could negotiate with him

    37. For this reason, conventional wisdom is oftentimes likely to avoid controversial subjects considered incompatible with the customary and accepted practices of an increasingly sensitive, overly cautious society; preferring to play it safe, instead, by providing pat answers or formulaic responses to difficult questions rather than expressing a ―truthful‖ opinion

    38. The unending noise in Roller Alley was so bad that some Rollers deliberately deafened themselves, but he’d never had the courage to do that, preferring to stuff cotton wads in his ears instead

    39. Jacob was of a milder nature, preferring camp life to wildlife

    40. still avoided Orphenn’s intense eyes, preferring to stare at the crest on his

    41. The sorcerers never came out to fight him, preferring to send their slaves to do it, but none of them could hurt him

    42. things preferring dissolution rather than to see the place defiled

    43. Why would I want to live like Sisyphus: pushing a boulder to the top of the hill, just to find that the boulder has rolled back down to the bottom of the hill, and then pushing the boulder back to the top of the hill, just to find it at the bottom again, and then repeating this cursed cycle forever? A rational being who rejects faith and hope would see the pointlessness of these actions and stop acting, preferring instead nothingness (death?) and an end to the senseless activity

    44. Preferring to be alone, she passed the path leading to the shelter, deciding instead to go to the boulder overlooking the upper pond

    45. children, it was noticeable just the same that he didn’t spend very much time in close contact, preferring to discuss the forthcoming dinner party with his wife

    46. discouraging, she never actively encouraged them, preferring to spend the next eight years or so in a form of social isolation

    47. Rom 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

    48. Preferring to live

    49. again, blatantly lying about what she'd done to me, preferring to

    50. But despite this settling in, it is interesting that over the years my parents did little shopping in Ithaca, preferring New York City for purchases and medical care

    1. Yet, she suggests she and I should change houses: she prefers to live in my house, on the ground floor, because it is bigger and it has a veranda; therefore, I will move into her apartment, on the second floor, which is much quieter since it is not so close to the street and the outdoor garage

    2. The Church not only endorses this, but in all actuality prefers this

    3. The kind of life that lives from its own strength instead of the power of the resurrection – which is the life of God – prefers the one man on the platform

    4. It prefers the religious thing that brings no life, but fulfills all obligations

    5. ’ He replied settling himself down on the box he prefers and pulling me down beside him, his good arm round my waist

    6. Hell, he prefers dragons to humans! Hey, maybe she’s a lusty wench, like the dragons

    7. Billy prefers not to ask about the business and Maggie wouldn’t say anything, anyway

    8. Ted offers Billy a vacant bar stool, but Billy prefers to stand, leaning on the bar

    9. Ted prefers yoghurt as a bedtime snack these days

    10. He prefers to stay in the light in these troubled nights of binge drinking chaos and unprovoked menace, although in his head he can still see the hard fist of his youth dealing out a solid and immediate form of justice to the kids in the hood

    11. “He really prefers sheep to girls?”

    12. He prefers human meat

    13. merchant naturally prefers the home trade to the foreign trade of consumption, and the foreign trade of consumption to the carrying trade

    14. He has learned some Nahual, but prefers Otomi

    15. He goes on to tell Nigel that he prefers men from his own country and, if Nigel would feel more comfortable with Brits, he’d pay them a salary of $40K per year and sponsor them for work visas

    16. In its long and tragic transition the Supreme Court has rejected the opportunity to stand against those who detest freedom, and prefers to impose its own command and control in the place of free institutions

    17. The Tea Partiers became “extremist mobs,” “un-American” “brownshirts” (the SEIU prefers purple shirts), “pawns of the insurance industry,”

    18. While I don’t think God prefers arguing, I think He is OK with

    19. any doctrine (in philosophy, religion, etc) that prefers the spiritual to the material

    20. The Tasmanian devil, for instance, is a feared and dangerous carnivore that prefers clear and thin bushes and wood areas to live in

    21. In its panoramic view, however, Roger prefers by far the one from “la Peña de Congosto” in his native El Bierzo where greater wide-open beauty can be appreciated

    22. Can’t do that – the Federal government of Canada prefers to screw with the

    23. Everyone knows he prefers him to me

    24. He is a pure energy being and can assume any form, but he typically prefers the appearance of a traditional Native American

    25. Washington (Reuter) A Congressional source who prefers to remain anonymous today released the name of Major Ted Frederick as the pilot said to be responsible for the strafing of the cargo ship Turkestan in a North Vietnamese harbor

    26. We five constituted the size of group that I AM prefers, according to the Keys of Enoch, and 8 had said before that he wanted to form the Five Star group, so our number seemed completely appropriate

    27. However, I suspect that he prefers

    28. ‘Well boys,’ pointed out Athene, ‘I hate to break up your newfound relationship but it would appear that the wolf is also a fellow cook who prefers his lamb smoked

    29. It would seem that Claudine prefers the solution that allows her to

    30. Ulysses leaves all three behind, and he prefers the beauty of Ithaca and

    31. That is, he prefers beauty and

    32. Anybody who prefers one format over the other will

    33. wide or narrow as the practitioner prefers, the choice as to which one(s) are to be reformulated

    34. And if at her hours of tedium she misses my coward love, she just has to call me and next to her I will be, because this incurable love, although out of my scope, prefers suicide in her than in another port to berth”

    35. Dra wants it done too, but Der prefers her fuzzy

    36. Mum also prefers it

    37. In her friendships she enjoys variety, but they rarely run deep, she prefers her friendships to skim the surface

    38. The world prefers little pleasures and

    39. The saints loves, not what he himself prefers personal y, but what Christ wants

    40. certainly now prefers quality over quantity – and that isn’t going to change in the

    41. Likewise, when the acknowledgment of our difficulties entails the reduction of our long-cherished conceit, the admission of envy, or the abandonment of deep-seated prejudices, the average person prefers to cling to the old illusions of safety and to the long-cherished false feelings of security

    42. For the most pleasurable experience, she prefers eating alone, as then she doesn't have to maintain control or be seen indulging herself

    43. (What insect prefers that

    44. She does not know how she came to such “understanding”, which feel like hunches, so she prefers to call it her intuition, not realizing that intuition is a form of intelligence

    45. Not wishing Nicola to know his true feelings he prefers her to think he is motivated by the car; �A black one of course

    46. Or, if the Admiral prefers, which way the tide is

    47. The Norwegian elkhound is a Nordic dog that prefers the

    48. He/she prefers children outright; they’re attracted to

    49. (Actually, she prefers to be called the “Auction Queen”)

    50. which one you prefers to drop

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    Synonyms for "prefer"

    choose opt prefer favor favour offer advance present proffer promote tender elect fancy pick pick out

    "prefer" definitions

    like better; value more highly

    select as an alternative over another

    promote over another

    give preference to one creditor over another