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    preferring example sentences


    1. He has a mobile but doesn’t tend to give the number out to all and sundry, preferring to keep a bit of freedom from the perpetual messages that so many of his colleagues have to field as a result of being more profligate with their own mobile telephone numbers

    2. imagination, preferring the simple sureties of cash in his pocket and the reassurance of

    3. Smiler rarely ventured down into the burrow world of rabbit Marwan, preferring to leave others more attuned to the rhythms of nature to tend the sick foreign heathen in the basement

    4. preferring to confine the infinite in a spark, a match head

    5. One part of the man withdrew, preferring to believe

    6. ran scared of the whiplash, preferring the safety of distance,

    7. preferring to confine the infinite

    8. He shared his home but not his time, preferring, when not down at the pub watching Manchester City flatter to deceive in wide screen glory, to lock himself away in his room with his computers and his cable links to a very private world of digital opportunities

    9. Ken found company difficult, preferring the routines of parenthood, work and horticulture to the efforts and strains inherent in the pursuit of conviviality and social exchange with his peers

    10. Jake has a small glass of wine but Katie refuses it, preferring water

    11. For the last few weeks he had shut out the sounds of life, preferring the solitude of personal contemplation to the banality of human contact, but here in the soft tawny light of the lounge bar at the Red Lion those trivial voices broke through on the back of an ethereal sub tone that slowly built up throughout the evening until, towards closing time, Ken realised that he was listening to the same song being played over and over again on the jukebox

    12. occupants clearly preferring to use carrier bags, cigarette butts and

    13. preferring the possibility of death by a thousand cuts to the

    14. public protest prior to this, preferring to comment quietly from the

    15. entire weekend with his folks, much preferring the company of his

    16. preferring to bury himself in his diligent duties at work

    17. He shared his home but not his time, preferring, when not down

    18. preferring to listen to the hubble and bubble of rapidly boiling

    19. had shut out the sounds of life, preferring the solitude of personal

    20. the smashed set in the living room, preferring the certainty of

    21. Shaun lives a twilight life, moving through the rock pools and shallows of the Atlantic coast line, selling directly sometimes, but usually preferring to move the merchandise on quietly through his own network of club and playground contacts

    22. Sometimes it seems to Maggie that he cares more for his Glaswegian protégés than he does for her, but she lets it go, preferring to move another pawn into position

    23. He hits the main light switch, smothering the bed-sit in darkness and as his eyes adjust slowly, he fumbles for a lamp on top of the fridge, preferring soft shadows at this time of night

    24. Libby Barrett had no interest in playing Rugby, much preferring the calmer activity of assembling jigsaw puzzles

    25. angry look, preferring to do this at his own pace and in his

    26. refused to accept them, preferring the ballad

    27. They focused the demon wind on speed and strength, preferring to get up close to their opponents and rend them to pieces with their hands

    28. In his quest for happiness one must always keep an open mind, taking care not to shut off doors preferring one way over the others

    29. Mercer ignored it, preferring to chastise

    30. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security ; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain; and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention

    31. Those systems, therefore, which preferring agriculture to all other employments, in order to promote it, impose restraints upon manufactures and foreign trade, act contrary to the very end which they propose, and indirectly discourage that very species of industry which they mean to promote

    32. After that day, she was all purrs and affection, preferring to share the attention than to rough it on her own

    33. Even the birds weren’t chirping much, preferring to nap in the cool tree foliage

    34. He was a cat man, always had been, preferring their independence to a dog’s need for a pack leader

    35. This plan was adopted as a compromise between political factions favoring the Popular Vote (states with larger populations) and others preferring a proportionate voice in government or (states with smaller populations)

    36. When he had suggested his plan to the Elders, they were less than enthusiastic, preferring instead to wait for the Preceptor to attack them and hope that they could negotiate with him

    37. For this reason, conventional wisdom is oftentimes likely to avoid controversial subjects considered incompatible with the customary and accepted practices of an increasingly sensitive, overly cautious society; preferring to play it safe, instead, by providing pat answers or formulaic responses to difficult questions rather than expressing a ―truthful‖ opinion

    38. The unending noise in Roller Alley was so bad that some Rollers deliberately deafened themselves, but he’d never had the courage to do that, preferring to stuff cotton wads in his ears instead

    39. Jacob was of a milder nature, preferring camp life to wildlife

    40. still avoided Orphenn’s intense eyes, preferring to stare at the crest on his

    41. The sorcerers never came out to fight him, preferring to send their slaves to do it, but none of them could hurt him

    42. things preferring dissolution rather than to see the place defiled

    43. Why would I want to live like Sisyphus: pushing a boulder to the top of the hill, just to find that the boulder has rolled back down to the bottom of the hill, and then pushing the boulder back to the top of the hill, just to find it at the bottom again, and then repeating this cursed cycle forever? A rational being who rejects faith and hope would see the pointlessness of these actions and stop acting, preferring instead nothingness (death?) and an end to the senseless activity

    44. Preferring to be alone, she passed the path leading to the shelter, deciding instead to go to the boulder overlooking the upper pond

    45. children, it was noticeable just the same that he didn’t spend very much time in close contact, preferring to discuss the forthcoming dinner party with his wife

    46. discouraging, she never actively encouraged them, preferring to spend the next eight years or so in a form of social isolation

    47. Rom 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

    48. Preferring to live

    49. again, blatantly lying about what she'd done to me, preferring to

    50. But despite this settling in, it is interesting that over the years my parents did little shopping in Ithaca, preferring New York City for purchases and medical care

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