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    Use "prevent from" in a sentence

    prevent from example sentences

    prevent from

    1. Let us look at what we are up to or what Forensic Law tries to prevent from happening to you

    2. He held his breath to prevent from breathing in the smoke and spun around and away from the dead body that shrunk on the ground

    3. Long time it had been since she was not feeling that kind of palpitations that was the way in which their ancestors, according to her belief, communicated with her to prevent from some catastrophic event, soon to take place

    4. This should help prevent from any kind of backup being

    5. His mind went nearly immediately to Rear Admiral Parwan: the man was at best an incompetent idiot, unwilling or unable to do his job properly, or at worst an accomplice to piracy, a crime he was sworn to prevent from happening and that rated the death penalty

    6. of this town, and now that I knew how it operated, I knew what I had to do to prevent from being caught up in it

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