Meditation is one of the Five Principles of Yoga
used the principles we had learned from “The diary of God’s general”
The poor widow must have had the revelation about the principles
There are some spiritual principles which allow us to turn around any
integrity and high moral character, inflexible principles, and the ability to speak out boldly with the truth
Failure to perceive the spiritual principles of the leadership involved in the eldership has led to many destructive, devastating, and disastrous results in too many churches
principles of headship as ordained by God Himself
needs to be given to these issues where no eldership is present to oversee the practice of these principles
The first thing to acknowledge is their presence and their principles
Everything in our culture is based upon these principles
I can know and subscribe to principles and truth and doctrine, but that doesn’t mean that I have faith
That he is no longer in direct control of the levers of power is a shame, but in his time of greatness he employed a whole army of secretaries and assistants, whose sole job it was to document every fact and every detail of every case and policy so that he could remain true to his principles
“For that you chose extermination? You prefer genocide and suicide to supporting the Life Principles? This is wrong! I was not included in the vote
Waterhouse and asked him to judge the more appropriate submission to pass along to his principles
Strenhowell, the Director said, “Well done, I look forward to your presentation at the meeting with Brown & Backhouse and the Scottish Rite principles Monday next
” she greeted all including the principles by name, save Harry
They’re both honourable men who’ll uphold the principles
They are, however, altogether different, are regulated by quite different principles, and bear no proportion to the quantity, the hardship, or the ingenuity of this supposed labour of inspection and direction
In the price of commodities, therefore, the profits of stock constitute a component part altogether different from the wages of labour, and regulated by quite different principles
If you don’t know if it is God, seek him and remember the principles below
Kingdom principles of finances and what it truly means to seek
Foundations is a Bible study guide designed to teach new believers the foundations principles of Christ
The lowest price at which the precious metals can be sold, or the smallest quantity of other goods for which they can be exchanged, during any considerable time, is regulated by the same principles which fix the lowest ordinary price of all other goods
And though the bounty which has taken place through the greater part of this century, must always raise the price of corn somewhat higher than it otherwise would be in the actual state of tillage ; yet, as in the course of this century, the bounty has had full time to produce all the good effects commonly imputed to it to encourage tillage, and thereby to increase the quantity of corn in the home market, it may, upon the principles of a system which I shall explain and examine hereafter, be supposed to have done something to lower the price of that commodity the one way, as well as to raise it the other
principles and then took possession of its name, but
must keep the moral principles of the society where he
lives, principles established by the religion for which
there some principles, after which come back in the
The same can be said for all principles and notions, whatever their type or variety
To humans, all these principles and notions are raw material they may and can use to alter the composition of the universe they lives in but, for the sake of this explanation, it must be considered man never "created" anything
important principles, by putting them in according with
Though some particular men may sometimes increase their expense very considerably, though their revenue does not increase at all, we maybe assured that no class or order of men ever does so; because, though the principles of common prudence do not always govern the conduct of every individual, they always influence that of the majority of every class or order
Though I hate lying and avoid it because it is against my nature, I would act contrary to my basic principles, morality and normal behavior
The principles upon which it was founded are explained by Mr Law himself, in a discourse concerning money and trade, which he published in Scotland when he first proposed his project
The splendid but visionary ideas which are set forth in that and some other works upon the same principles, still continue to make an impression upon many people, and have, perhaps, in part, contributed to that excess of banking, which has of late been complained of, both in Scotland and in other places
There are many design principles given throughout this book in regards to
The labour of the meanest of these has a certain value, regulated by the very same principles which regulate that of every other sort of labour; and that of the noblest and most useful, produces nothing which could afterwards purchase or procure an equal quantity of labour
that, at any level, we build our lives on principles
Unfortunately, some principles could be wrong
devoted to their principles
compliance of principles is wrong?
Money, in common language, as I have already observed, frequently signifies wealth ; and this ambiguity of expression has rendered this popular notion so familiar to us, that even they who are convinced of its absurdity, are very apt to forget their own principles, and, in the course of their reasonings, to take it for granted as a certain and undeniable truth
The two principles being established, however, that wealth consisted in gold and silver, and that those metals could be brought into a country which had no mines, only by the balance of trade, or by exporting to a greater value than it imported ; it necessarily became the great object of political economy to diminish as much as possible the importation of foreign goods for home consumption, and to increase as much as possible the exportation of the produce of domestic industry
To judge whether such retaliations are likely to produce such an effect, does not, perhaps, belong so much to the science of a legislator, whose deliberations ought to be governed by general principles, which are always the same, as to the skill of that insidious and crafty animal vulgarly called a statesman or politician, whose councils are directed by the momentary fluctuations of affairs
Part I - Of the Unreasonableness of those Restraints, even upon the Principles of the Commercial System
The principles which I have been examining, in the foregoing chapter, took their origin from private interest and the spirit of monopoly ; those which I am going te examine in this, from national prejudice and animosity
They are so, even upon the principles of the commercial system
National prejudice and animosity, prompted always by the private interest of particular traders, are the principles which generally direct our judgment upon all questions concerning it
- Of the Unreasonableness of those extraordinary Restraints, upon other Principles
In the foregoing part of this chapter, I have endeavoured to show, even upon the principles of the commercial system, how unnecessary it is to lay extraordinary restraints upon the importation of goods from those countries with which the balance of trade is supposed to be disadvantageous
Every town and country, on the contrary, in proportion as they have opened their ports to all nations, instead of being ruined by this free trade, as the principles of the commercial system would lead us to expect, have been enriched by it
This, he imagines, upon the true principles of the mercantile system, is a clear proof that this forced corn trade is
“Denalin is a thorough and meticulous bridge officer, who has mastered both the Com and Science Stations' principles, activities and routines
These restraints upon importation, though prior to the establishment of the bounty, were dictated by the same spirit, by the same principles, which afterwards enacted that regulation
Some treaties of commerce, however, have been supposed advantageous, upon principles very different from these; and a commercial country has sometimes granted a monopoly of this kind, against itself, to certain goods of a foreign nation, because it expected, that in the whole commerce between them, it would annually sell more than it would buy, and that a balance in gold and silver would be annually returned to it
All of the schools hold to the basic principles discussed in this chapter
I totally understand that this book contains some chapters and information that may seem a little more advanced than the simple principles alluded to in the title –Super Simple System
But as all the different merchants, who joined their stocks in order to fit out those licensed vessels, would find it for their interest to act in concert, the trade which was carried on in this manner would necessarily be conducted very nearly upon the same principles as that of an exclusive company
metaphysical principles to form and fashion the physical
Since these Principles or Laws are beyond the
principles of success, without having any demonstrable
being a doctor; you can know all the principles of
accordance with certain tried and true principles
As the law, however, did not mean to encourage this species of trade, so contrary to the general principles of the mercantile policy of England, it imposed a duty of ten shillings the hundred weight upon such importation, and no part of this duty was to be afterwards drawn back upon its exportation
This system, however, with all its imperfections, is perhaps the nearest approximation to the truth that has yet been published upon the subject of political economy ; and is upon that account, well worth the consideration of every man who wishes to examine with attention the principles of that very important science
Men of republican principles have been jealous of a standing army, as dangerous to liberty
But in process of time, when the principles of liberty were better understood, it became every day more and more doubtful, how far a royal charter, not confirmed by act of parliament, could convey an exclusive privilege
A temporary monopoly of this kind may be vindicated, upon the same principles upon which a like monopoly of a new machine is granted to its inventor, and that of a new book to its author
Though the principles of the banking trade may appear somewhat abstruse, the practice is capable of being reduced to strict rules
They might continue in this manner, for a long time, merely to multiply the number of those maxims of prudence and morality, without even attempting to arrange them in any very distinct or methodical order, much less to connect them together by one or more general principles, from which they were all deducible, like effects from their natural causes
The beauty of a systematical arrangement of different observations, connected by a few common principles, was first seen in the rude essays of those ancient times towards a system of natural philosophy
The maxims of common life were arranged in some methodical order, and connected together by a few common principles, in the same manner as they had attempted to arrange and connect the phenomena of nature
The science which pretends to investigate and explain those connecting principles, is what is properly called Moral Philosophy
principles of good and bad reasoning, necessarily arose out of the observations which a scrutiny of this kind gave occasion to ; though, in its origin, posterior both to physics and to ethics, it was commonly taught, not indeed in all, but in the greater part of the ancient schools of philosophy, previously to either of those sciences
In the attention which the ancient philosophers excited, in the empire which they acquired over the opinions and principles of their auditors, in the faculty which they possessed of giving a certain tone and character to the conduct and conversation of those auditors, they appear to have been much superior to any modern teachers
There is scarce a common trade, which does not afford some opportunities of applying to it the principles of geometry and mechanics, and which would not, therefore, gradually exercise and improve the common people in those principles, the necessary introduction to the most sublime, as well as to the most useful sciences
The church of England, in particular, has always valued herself, with great reason, upon the unexceptionable loyalty of her principles
The law, contrary to all the ordinary principles of justice, first creates the temptation, and then punishes those who yield to it; and it commonly enhances the punishment, too, in proportion to the very circumstance which ought certainly to alleviate it, the temptation to commit the crime
question of whether her principles were real or
The New Testament, especially the Gospels, focuses on the life of a Man and provides information in the other Epistles regarding God’s church and the principles for living under his grace that he provided free for those who would recognise him and accept his gift
{ Since the first publication of this book, a tax nearly upon the above-mentioned principles thas been imposed
Besides those five subsidies, a great variety of other duties have occasionally been imposed upon particular sorts of goods, in order sometimes to relieve the exigencie's of the state, and sometimes to regulate the trade of the country, according to the principles of the mercantile system
according to the tradition (teaching) of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according
count based on the three principles!”
This, however, could scarce, perhaps, be done, consistently with the principles of the British constitution, without admitting into the British parliament, or, if you will, into the states-general of the British empire, a fair and equal representation of all those different provinces ; that of each province bearing the same proportion to the produce of its taxes, as the representation of Great Britain might bear to the produce of the taxes levied upon Great Britain
The fact remains that those ideas were then molded into the core principles and belief systems of the West
He left us with this concerning immigration: “The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias and prejudice; and in that love of country which will almost invariably be found to be closely connected with birth, education, and family…
Some reasonable term ought to be allowed to enable aliens to get rid for foreign and acquire American attachments; to learn the principles and imbibe the spirit of our government; and to admit of a probability at least, of their feeling a real interest in our affairs
little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death
Even if you’re not in sales, you are in life, and the principles developed in these books will help you live more enjoyably
After all, it wasn’t violating any of his principles
The life principles of Akbar Moshad were slowly being eroded away with each flick of Rita’s hair across Akbar’s now bare chest
We Africans respect a man who says no way and stick to his principles and I guarantee you at some stage your reputation will be such that you will be respected and the pressure will stop
If Prempeh had acted up to his acknowledged principles he should have committed suicide rather than be removed; but he was too great a coward to do that, simply to bestow his evanescent power on his successor
It has since been suggested that slaves of some distant dead-eating tribe had escaped from Kumassi, and one of their number dying, his companions had simply acted up to their old principles
They splashed about in the beginner’s pool as an increasingly frustrated instructor tried to teach them the basic principles of swimming, all to no avail as they were “obviously f commies and longhaired liberals in disguise incapable of f learning to swim