propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works
He wanted no thanks for these services, professing only that old Ted should enjoy his moment in the limelight, safe in the knowledge that, like himself and his plums, old Ted would have a new flower named after him
services, professing only that old Ted should enjoy his moment in
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things
Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
I hear professing Christians say that it is not up to
race of professing Christians are among the most
Álvarez resigned immediately without prodding, while professing his innocence and vowing to pursue the case to the Spanish Supreme Court
The Collegian Associate City Editor wrote a column decrying the police report as an insult to students, professing outrage at the easy use of the word “Communist”, and giving credit to “thinkers… who want nothing to do with war and those who represent it”
The account given us by an eminent primitive writer Clemens Alexandrinus ought not to be overlooked; that as James was led to the place of martyrdom his accuser was brought to repent of his conduct by the apostle's extraordinary courage and undauntedness and fell down at his feet to request his pardon professing himself a Christian and resolving that James should not receive the crown of martyrdom alone
Scotland professing that the meridian should run through the Great Pyramid
I'm professing that I'm weak
After mutually professing our fondness, we began with mutual interrogations:
professing their love of God, by destroying those things that God holds true, is wrong
professing their love of God, by killing one another is wrong, by professing their love of God, by
the False Professing Church
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Professing themselves to be wise, they
Professing them selves
live a spiritual life, rather than merely professing one
Sure, a few thousand dollars to provide for Spot’s care over the next 15 years is a huge incentive – big enough to have all kinds of people professing their love and admiration for your friend in fur
The final words professing his love for his wife struck a distant chord in his mind and heart, creating an eerie feeling that left him intensely uncomfortable
In truth; I am special, not for my abilities, but my availability, not for the way I could capture the attention of a crowd, but for the quietness of hearing His voice and speaking it, not for my strength for protecting Him, but the strength of professing Him, not for gift of healing folks, but for the knowledge of getting out of the way and letting the Healer heal
Defying convention, he even managed to state the blatantly obvious truths that others rejected in favor of fantasy: professing that the measure of good and evil was pleasure and pain, and that happiness was the pinnacle of life
Now, are there many professing Christians like Agrippa? I fear there is only one answer to that question
Millions in every age have been admitted into the Church by baptism, and begun life as professing Christians, and then, on coming to man's estate, have turned their back altogether on Christ and Christianity
Surely it is wiser to cling to Christ and Christianity, with all its alleged difficulties, than to launch on an ocean of uncertainties, and travel towards the grave hopeless, comfortless, and professing to know nothing at all about the unseen world
I believe, then, that for three centuries there has not been an age in which it has been so needful to urge professing Christians to "hold fast" as it is at this time
I SUPPOSE that most professing Christians are acquainted with the text at the head of this page
But if these things are true, and no one can be saved without regeneration, are there not many professing Christians who are in a very dangerous position? Are not those who are without the marks of being "born again" in imminent peril of being lost forever?
That after professing to love Charlotte for so long, he suddenly dared to have a new focus in his life when he should be concerned with mourning
only knew it was another of her neighbors because it wore a placard professing – NuFaith's Neighbor
Many professing Christian teachers, claiming inspiration from God, were advocating the right to free participation in heathen immoralities
“When a culture esteems certain virtues, it is often professing that it lacks these virtues and therefore they are highly valued and prized
The gods and goddesses stood up from their thrones, but unlike the day before, when they had eagerly gathered around her professing their gifts, none but Aphrodite approached her and Than
Never from a man who was holding her tightly in his arms, and professing that he cared for her in spite of… and because of the fact that she was a murderess
They had three weeks to steal many moments alone, professing their love both spiritually and physically, neither knowing or suspecting that my grandparents had already arranged legally binding marriages for both my mother and her twin sister, my Aunt Madeliane; my mother to Bethanie’s father and my aunt to Joshua
I'm told you caused a spectacular uproar by rejecting the affections of Count Marcus Canossa and professing your undying love and devotion for Adrian Connor
There have been a number of men professing to be the
As Kurt was professing his love for Darci, she was walking into the parking lot, looking for the RV
Many of those professing Christ openly are government spies and agents who want to trap underground Church members
The professing church is filled with worldliness
The fucking POINT is… when you put the words together: Princep’s statement seems to express the muddled illogical thinking of an ignorant young boy who had swallowed a certain political dogma, and was merely repeating what he had been taught… and was belatedly professing his naïve innocence of the realization of the consequences of his own actions
In the thousands of denominations around the world professing to be Christian there are countless views on what Hell is, where Hell is, who is over Hell, how long will Hell last, many others, with many others views of what Hell is in the non-Christian religions of the world
’ But who can seriously believe that when He was professing to 'cast out the spirits by His word,’ and to address as personal beings the demons whom He expelled, He was all the while talking to 'Oriental figures,’ to 'metaphors for disease and lunacy,’ and that He voluntarily deceived both His disciples and the multitude? It is, at all events, clear that Christ believed in the devil and his angels, and believed Himself sent by God to overthrow 'the kingdom of darkness;’ and this goes a great way towards establishing the truth of the doctrine
Modern critics are agreed that the Sadducees, properly speaking, were a priestly and aristocratic party, professing to 'stand upon the old ways,’ to adhere closely to the Mosaic law, taken in its most literal and limited sense, to reject tradition, and that 'oral law’ of unwritten explications and additions, which their opponents the Pharisees made the rule of all their thought and action
It is not for the polytheists to attend God's places of worship while professing their disbelief
Thereupon they pray to God, professing sincere devotion to Him: "If You save us from this, we will be among the appreciative
Based upon the ever-moving story of the martyrdom of Socrates, and professing to detail the arguments for the immortality of the soul, on which he rested his hope of a life to come; on the day of his judicial death by poison, the Phaedon was as well known among the reading population of the Macedonian and Roman empires as any tragedy of Shakespeare is known among English readers
If there are those also who, while professing to be fellow-laborers in this enterprise, yet allow the public to think that they have discovered the nullity of our Savior's awful warnings of woe in the 'furnace of fire’—or who destroy their effect by making them the subject of controversy in a spirit of vain jangling, they must bear the burden of their own immense responsibility
It is held by large numbers to form an insuperable objection to the Scriptural doctrine, that it comes professing to be a supernatural and thaumaturgic revelation
As soon as this occurred to him he ran with all speed to Rocinante who was grazing at large, and taking the bridle and the buckler from the saddle-bow, he had him bridled in an instant, and calling to Sancho for his sword he mounted Rocinante, braced his buckler on his arm, and in a loud voice exclaimed to those who stood by, "Now, noble company, ye shall see how important it is that there should be knights in the world professing the of knight-errantry; now, I say, ye shall see, by the deliverance of that worthy lady who is borne captive there, whether knights-errant deserve to be held in estimation," and so saying he brought his legs to bear on Rocinante--for he had no spurs--and at a full canter (for in all this veracious history we never read of Rocinante fairly galloping) set off to encounter the penitents, though the curate, the canon, and the barber ran to prevent him
"How writers, professing to be friends to freedom, and the improvement of morals, can assert that poverty is no evil, I cannot imagine
The cause of all this, Socrates, was indicated by us at the beginning of the argument, when my brother and I told you how astonished we were to find that of all the professing panegyrists of justice--beginning with the ancient heroes of whom any memorial has been preserved to us, and ending with the men of our own time--no one has ever blamed injustice or praised justice except with a view to the glories, honours, and benefits which flow from them
“There is nothing wrong with two unmarried people professing their love for
But Duncan declined the charge, professing his readiness to serve as a volunteer by the side of the scout
Then, having heartily denounced all those who - as he put it - `refused' to believe, he proceeded to ridicule those half-and-half believers, who, while professing to believe the Bible, rejected the doctrine of Hell
They were always complaining of their wretched circumstances, and found a certain kind of pleasure in listening to the tirades of the Socialists against the existing social conditions, and professing their concurrence with many of the sentiments expressed, and a desire to bring about a better state of affairs
Although professing diametrically opposite principles from those of the editor of the other paper, Beauchamp—as it sometimes, we may say often, happens—was his intimate friend
—Needs! Mr Bloom ejaculated, professing not the least surprise at the intelligence, I can quite credit the assertion and I guarantee he invariably does
While professing a mild agnosticism himself he had a liking for the shows of religion and was perfectly agreeable to having his children brought up Catholic; he believed, however in the prudent restriction of his family to two boys and a girl, comfortably, spaced over twelve years, and did not demand, as a Catholic husband might, yearly pregnancies
The pitiable lot is that of the man who could not call himself a martyr even though he were to persuade himself that the men who stoned him were but ugly passions incarnate—who knows that he is stoned, not for professing the Right, but for not being the man he professed to be
recurrence—for recurrence we took for granted—I should get used to my danger, distinctly professing that my personal exposure had suddenly become the least of my discomforts
So he thought over various plans for relief, and finally hit upon that of professing to be fond of Pain-killer
During that twenty-year period an immense number of fields were left untilled, houses were burned, trade changed its direction, millions of men migrated, were impoverished, or were enriched, and millions of Christian men professing the law of love of their fellows slew one another
Rushworth was eager to assure her ladyship of his acquiescence, and tried to make out something complimentary; but, between his submission to her taste, and his having always intended the same himself, with the superadded objects of professing attention to the comfort of ladies in general, and of insinuating that there was one only whom he was anxious to please, he grew puzzled, and Edmund was glad to put an end to his speech by a proposal of wine
Grant, professing an indisposition, for which he had little credit with his fair sister-in-law, could not spare his wife
A woman married only six months ago; a man professing himself devoted, even engaged to another; that other her near relation; the whole family, both families connected as they were by tie upon tie; all friends, all intimate together! It was too horrible a confusion of guilt, too gross a complication of evil, for human nature, not in a state of utter barbarism, to be capable of! yet her judgment told her it was so
One was professing to have seen the Martians
" Notwithstanding his special acuteness and ability, he is unable to take a fact out of its merely political relations, and behold it as it lies absolutely to be disposed of by the intellect—what, for instance, it behooves a man to do here in America to-day with regard to slavery, but ventures, or is driven, to make some such desperate answer as the following, while professing to speak absolutely, and as a private man—from which what new and singular code of social duties might be inferred? "The manner," says he, "in which the governments of those States where slavery exists are to regulate it is for their own consideration, under their responsibility to their constituents, to the general laws of propriety, humanity, and justice, and to God
Am I unjust, indeed, in saying that he is typical of many modern fathers? Alas! many of them only differ in not openly professing such cynicism, for they are better educated, more cultured, but their philosophy is essentially the same as his
The men of science regard as Christianity only what the different churches have been professing, and, assuming that these professions exhaust the whole significance of Christianity, they recognize it as a religious teaching which has outlived its time
2) For people professing filiality to God, not to rejoice in life, to yearn, is a dreadful sin, an error
But who among us are these evil men, from the violence and attacks of whom the state and its army save us? If three, four centuries ago, when men boasted of their military art and their accoutrements, when it was considered a virtue to kill men, there existed such men, there are none now, for no men of the present time use or carry weapons, and all, professing the rules of philanthropy and of compassion for their neighbours, wish the same as we,—the possibility of a calm and peaceful life
If formerly, in the days of Rome, in the Middle Ages, it happened that a Christian, professing his teaching, refused to take part in sacrifices, to worship the emperors and gods, or in the Middle Ages refused to worship the images, to recognize the papal power, these refusals were, in the first place, accidental; a man might have been put to the necessity of professing his faith, and he might have lived a life without being placed in this necessity
It was so with the Pharisees, and the same may be said of our professing Christians
All these men are either Christians or men professing humanitarianism and liberalism, who know that they participate in the most imbecile, aimless, and cruel murders; yet still they go on committing them
If in the days of ancient Rome it happened that a Christian, professing his faith, refused to take a part in sacrifices, or in the worship of the emperors or the gods, or in the Middle Ages refused to worship ikons or to acknowledge the temporal authority of the Pope, such refusals were the exception; a man might be obliged to confess to his faith, but he might perhaps live all his life without being forced to do so
Patriotism could have some sense in the ancient world, when every nation, more or less homogeneous in its structure, professing one and the same state religion, and submitting to the same unlimited power of its supreme, deified ruler, appeared to itself as an island in the ocean of the barbarians, which ever threatened to inundate it
In the south of France a community of men called the Hinschist has recently been established (my information is derived from the Peace Herald of July, 1891), who, as professing the Christian doctrine, refuse to perform military duty
Indeed, we need only recall what it is we are professing, as Christians, and simply as men of our time, we need but recall those moral bases which guide us in our public, domestic, and private life, and that position in which we have placed ourselves in the name of patriotism, in order that we may see what degree of contradiction we have reached between our consciousness and that which among us, thanks to the intensified influence of the government in this respect, is regarded as our public opinion
Our system of life has reached the limit of misery, and cannot be ameliorated by any pagan reorganization—All our life, with its pagan institutions, is devoid of meaning—Are we obeying the will of God in maintaining our present privileges and obligations?—We are in this position, not because such is the law of the universe, that it is inevitable, but because we wish it, because it is advantageous for some of us—All our consciousness contradicts this, and our deliverance consists in acknowledging the Christian truth, not to do to one's neighbor that which one would not have done to one's self—As our obligations in regard to ourselves should be subordinate to our obligations to others, so in like manner our obligations to others should be subordinate to our obligations to God—Deliverance from our position consists, if not in giving up our position and its rights at once, at least in acknowledging our guilt, and neither lying nor trying to justify ourselves—The true significance of our life consists in knowing and professing the truth, whereas our approval of, and our activity in, the service of the State takes all meaning from life—God demands that we serve Him, that is, that we seek to establish the greatest degree of union among all human beings, which union is possible only in truth
A man's freedom does not consist in a faculty of acting independently of his environment and the various influences it brings to bear upon his life, but in his power to become, through recognizing and professing the truth that has been revealed to him, a free and willing laborer at the eternal and infinite work performed by God and his universe; or, in shutting his eyes to truth, to become a slave and be forced against his will into a way in which he is loath to go
And it is only because of other miserable and erring men like yourself that you have become a soldier, an emperor, a landowner, a capitalist, a priest, or a general; that you commit evil deeds so obviously contrary to the dictates of your heart and reason; that you torture, rob, and murder men, establishing your life on their sufferings; and that, above all, instead of performing your paramount duty of acknowledging and professing the truth which is known to you, you pretend not to know it, concealing it from yourself and others, doing the very opposite of what you have been called to do
With such a definition as this, the difficulty of identifying a church which is united by love with a church professing the Nicene creed, and the accuracy of Photius, as Homiakov would have it, is still greater
And so, amid all the multitude of the idle plays of thought of the men professing the so-called science, there presents itself an assertion equally devoid of novelty, and equally arbitrary and erroneous, to the effect that living beings, i
I am the same kind of a man as everybody else; and if I am in any wise distinguished from the average man of our circle, it is chiefly in this respect, that I, more than the average man, have served and winked at the false doctrine of our world; I have received more approbation from men professing the prevailing doctrine: and therefore, more than others, have I become depraved, and wandered from the path
So, then, we have on one side men calling themselves Christians, and professing the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity, and along with that ready, in the name of liberty, to submit to the most slavish degradation; in the name of equality, to accept the crudest, most senseless division of men by externals merely into higher and lower classes, allies and enemies; and, in the name of fraternity, ready to murder their brothers
If they had been fanatics, professing some peculiar belief, it might have been possible, in disproving the superstitious errors mixed in with their religion, to attack also the truth they advocate