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    proliferation example sentences


    1. The club is industrial, modelled on old machinery; scaffolding, mocked-up turbine housings and a science fiction proliferation of metal walkways

    2. the mechanization and/or massive proliferation Of such techniques might: 1) promote a flatting of style, or 2) make Zen common sense (we here approximate the border Between the above and its inverse)”

    3. The proliferation of ―sensitivity‖ training workshops and seminars in both the public and private sectors sadly reflect how easily we bruise as a society

    4. With the proliferation of divorce, separation and births out of wedlock, many marriages are occurring to couples where one or both parties already have children

    5. The greatest successes the UN can point to is its ban on chemical weapons agreed to by 190 out of 196 nations in the world and its Non Proliferation Treaty, in which all but nine countries in the world agreed to never develop nuclear weapons

    6. As part of that, look into the proliferation of Remorii from Remus

    7. with radio and TV ads if you want to with the proliferation of audio and video online

    8. The agency was content to "let sleeping dogs lie" until its chief customers determined the proliferation of services to be expensive and inefficient

    9. Often the proliferation of names in the IT job world confuses others

    10. This phenomenon of onamic split would have in time led to the plunamic proliferation of exponential proportions on the ground as well as in waters

    11. more individual problems on which they can focus, resulting in a proliferation of

    12. White, middle-dass culture may be changing toward that pattern with the proliferation

    13. Thus, we have a proliferation of commerdally based

    14. the closeness of the headquarters building and the proliferation of cell phones

    15. Clearly, the poet had overtly taken advantage of the proliferation

    16. demic programmers to justify the proliferation of proprietary

    17. ” During lunch, commenting with General Monca-da about that disconcerting proliferation, she expressed the desire for Colonel Aureliano Buendía to come back someday and gather all of his sons together in the house

    18. In a few years, without effort, simply by luck, he had accumulated one of the largest fortunes in the swamp thanks to the supernatural proliferation of his animals

    19. All he had to do was to take Petra Cores to his breeding grounds and have her ride across his land in order to have every animal marked with his brand succumb to the irremediable plague of proliferation

    20. At first Aureliano Segundo did not notice the alarming propor-tions of the proliferation

    21. When he got to my stereo he saw the proliferation of prints on the glass door, but I cautioned him that the majority of fingerprints there were probably mine

    22. His actions indicated to me that he wanted to prevent puke proliferation

    23. If two people are relatively compatible but there is a wide discrepancy in their laughing habits and pun proliferation, these disparities could spell trouble

    24. In the room devoured by rubble, whose unchecked proliferation had finally defeated it, he thought about the best way to frame the request, but when he found Fernanda taking her meal from the embers, which was his only chance to speak to her, the laboriously formulated re-quest stuck in his throat and he lost his voice

    25. The fears some have about us planning to produce nuclear bombs are unjustified and, if I may say so, quite hypocritical, considering that Israel already has plenty of nuclear weapons and has not signed the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, contrary to Iran

    26. For material intensive societies filled with people capable of convincing others to buy things they don’t need at costs they don’t understand, very little energy is directed toward the proliferation of the most important of commodities; those of peace and cooperation

    27. proliferation; the patent and copyright system promotes waste

    28. Counting calories may seem old-fashioned today, given the proliferation of low-carb and

    29. prostaglandins (hormone-like substances that regulate local tissue inflammation, proliferation and other factors)

    30. proliferation of normal cells, while inhibiting the proliferation of cancerous cells

    31. proliferation leading to prostate enlargement and fuels the proliferation and spread of existing prostate cancer

    32. Due to their greater af inity for beta receptors, isoflavones tend to slow the proliferation rate of breast

    33. code and the proliferation of amateur subspace radio, and it just eats up all the

    34. swimming and lunch at a restaurant that overlooks the ocean and proliferation of

    35. and should be protected from recontamination and microbial proliferation

    36. Proliferation of contaminants within the storage tank and distribution loop should

    37. water and minimizing microbial proliferation in the system

    38. flow or low flow conditions are conducive to microbial proliferation and the development of

    39. In short the following were identified as the government policies which have a detrimental effect on the proliferation of e-commerce in these countries

    40. Lycopene has been reported to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells in test tube

    41. Lycopene inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells in test tube research

    42. Social institutions and organizations function as health regulators in attempts at creating gravities that inhibit the reckless proliferation of unregulated growth –

    43. proliferation of cells that occurs in the skin of people with psoriasis

    44. The proliferation of science and technology created an epochal era of short sightedness

    45. She swished her skirt as she skipped around the wheel-crushed carcass of one of the town’s proliferation of pigeons

    46. Anticipation grows as art lovers across the country grow eager to view such a proliferation of masterpieces under one roof

    47. These create new comformication systems with new fields, particles, attractors and gravities which might instigate cancerous proliferation or trigger collective transcendences

    48. We have created Eartheart and ourselves into gigantic receiver/amplifiers via the proliferation of electrical devices

    49. It is these, and only these, monetary denizens that have equal voting rights in the construction of a Merchandising Empire, which is the endless proliferation of FuckMoney's offspring

    50. Controlled by the many voices assaulting our AS-senses, the proliferation of

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    "proliferation" definitions

    growth by the rapid multiplication of parts

    a rapid increase in number (especially a rapid increase in the number of deadly weapons)