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    Use "psychology" in a sentence

    psychology example sentences


    1. Combining this background with training in energy psychology

    2. Innkeepers are required to have a degree in the Sciences, Agriculture, Psychology, and the Law

    3. On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena: 1902

    4. Further Reading – Some of Jung’s most famous books: The Psychology of the Unconscious (1912) and Psychological Types (1921), Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1961) and lastly, The Red Book (2012)

    5. Concerning itself with character: It thought through the Zodiac and retraced historical Structures of human memory and psychology with

    6. The Psychology of the Sales Process

    7. If you understand the psychology of the prospect as he or she moves through

    8. Instead of using the standard ‘no thanks’ button, use some psychology here

    9. When you understand and put into practice the psychology of how you’ll

    10. She attends a University as a Psychology major and intends to open her own practice one day

    11. Western psychology has focused on mental illness, not on happiness

    12. Only recently has the new field of “positive psychology” begun to look at ways in which people can learn to live richer and happier lives

    13. physiology and psychology of life is why the combined regimen of

    14. Doreen Virtue is a lifelong clairvoyant who holds degrees in counseling psychology and an author of many books concerning angels)

    15. In reading articles from the late twentieth century and early in this century, the whole psychology of the country changed

    16. The taking of their herbal drug, Iowaska, had become a right of passage for most psychology students, its effect was renowned, legendary

    17. Never had there been a need to factor in the peculiar psychology of the Russian leader, Andamir Ivanov

    18. He had studied Tanya’s background; her psychology didn’t indicate any kind of addictive personality, though addiction to TIAR was doubtless understandable in their location

    19. ‘For a while now I have studied the ways of your planet and your country and culture, everything from language to psychology

    20. His psychology texts suggested a standard reaction would be more a kind of awed shock

    21. For a long while it was required reading in university courses in psychology and psychiatry

    22. You know his father is the Dean of the Psychology Department at Cal? That gave

    23. She knew his psychology and thus had the power of persuasion

    24. Adriana has been in the field of psychology for

    25. Professor of Psychology

    26. psychology is correct then shame can cause you to

    27. The Psychology of Emotions in Buddhist

    28. The complicated psychology of revenge

    29. Evolutionary psychology and the

    30. positive psychology, emotional intelligence and contemporary spirituality

    31. Herminia Cisneros stepped to center stage to receive her Bachelor of Science in psychology

    32. No field of health science is complete without the relevant psychology and behavioural science

    33. was in psychology four years ago,

    34. In the part of “science” called Psychology there is the duality of the physical body (the Id) and then the mental processes called the Ego

    35. And later in that same chapter, “From psychology we get the principle that Man is self-conscious

    36. As a psychology major, I found it interesting that two of the pairs, Cindy and Becky and Brian and Keith, fought like the dickens

    37. My hope is that the leading schools of psychology will acknowledge the existence of the Bosurgi Syndrome as one of the main psychological issues of this era

    38. He searched for answers in psychology, books, gurus, religions, and charlatans

    39. There it lay, until 1938 when Hans Asperger of the Vienna University Hospital used Bleuler‘s word in a lecture about child psychology

    40. I was also beginning to learn about social psychology and the Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures, which made me think about how malleable our supposedly strict moral codes become in the right conditions

    41. saint, if we hold on, then to saint will have worship psychology, because the worship

    42. If the patient psychology to bear ability is poor, and had two years of life, told his illness, he died for two months with fear

    43. We can adjust the psychology, directly through the physiological and psychological effects generated by physical health benefits of a

    44. Energy and focus on the sublime ourselves, which still have time to care about what others say, burnish, with moral sense to purify their negative emotions and morbid psychology

    45. It appeals to the West because it has no dogmas; satisfies the reason and the heart alike; insists on self-reliance coupled with tolerance for other points of view; embraces science, religion, philosophy, psychology, ethics and art; and points to man alone as the creator of his present life and sole designer of his destiny

    46. It is akin to psychology

    47. they don’t understand the real forces behind human psychology and behavior

    48. "Is happiness a cause of health?" Psychology & Health, Vol 12:6

    49. We took Cognitive Psychology, Critical Thinking, and a horrible Statistics class together

    50. But how are we to achieve this? In all schools and colleges there should be trained psychologists of various age groups, well versed in educational psychology and a particular subject

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    psychological science psychology

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    the science of mental life