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    Use "purportedly" in a sentence

    purportedly example sentences


    1. to see this new technique that purportedly freed

    2. ―Moderate‖ Republicans whose anachronistic ideas about the role of government and the people it purportedly serves has transformed their political platforms into a tireless repetition of recycled platitudes that no longer seem to meet modern requirements; especially those of working men and women

    3. Recent accusations have re-surfaced from the political-left suggesting that the United States Government was in some manner (indirectly) responsible for Saddam Huessin‘s systematic annihilation of targeted political and cultural groups by arming his government with conventional weapons as well as (purportedly) providing it with the technology needed to develop his nation‘s 159

    4. Purportedly to protect his cover, he wasn’t included in the teams that made the actual arrest, although on the street his occupation was common knowledge

    5. Also, to this, add the unrest of the overseas Jews and those in their ancient homeland, Judea, having been denied for centuries the right to rebuild their Temple by the Christian heirs of the Roman Empire purportedly for reasons of scriptural prophesy

    6. Another member has taken great delight in sending several taunting letters to the news agency, purportedly being from Jack the Ripper

    7. mother purportedly gave her from the sale of the

    8. I once asked 8 about the accuracy of a You Tube video, purportedly taken by an Apollo 20 astronaut, which shows a very large, alien craft on the Moon’s surface

    9. experiment with combinations of different capital sources and levels that purportedly

    10. purportedly our institutions of “education,” not only fail to educe that

    11. Those social programs are only a part of the rules and regulations that purportedly promote what's good and fair, but, in fact, are strangling the American economy

    12. covered wagon to take to Sheerness, purportedly full of sacks of tea for the victualing stores

    13. The odds were purportedly better for someone to win a lottery or get struck by lightening

    14. had purportedly been dropped off of

    15. impressed that a man who was purportedly gay could be so

    16. man who purportedly seemed to have his act together was

    17. having a seizure, and that's exactly what this purportedly

    18. the remote was purportedly buried in the ground

    19. This was purportedly

    20. I started the investigation and to my dismay and surprise I found him totally innocent because two days before the ring was reported missing or purportedly stolen by the employee, the previous manager in charge had locked the item in another more secure safe known only to him and went away on leave for three weeks

    21. 8 is the ideal number, and 8 of any nagual – even a purportedly unfavorable nagual – becomes fortunate

    22. com, releasing audio tapes with telephone conversations that purportedly had Shah directing the illegal surveillance of a young woman at the behest of his ‘saheb’

    23. All said and done the so-called revealed religions that supposedly preach the pure message, or purportedly show the straight path, have failed to touch the mainstream of the Hindu polity

    24. On pattern, the Prophesy accroached Devilier’s work even while they decried it, and by so doing they assembled the pieces necessary to build their new social order---all while purportedly retaining moral purity

    25. It purportedly depends upon a "frequency following" response on the assumption that the human brain has a tendency to change its dominant EEG frequency towards the frequency of a dominant external stimulus

    26. Jews, with its huge Church of the Anunciation, purportedly

    27. If He did exist, look at what He purportedly did for man

    28. freedom that purportedly comes from material wealth, rather than being educated in the art

    29. Which, um, er… just so happens to be slyly and unobtrusively interconnected on every level and imaginable way to all of the oppressors, and enslavers and employers and multi-national corporations in the World… Which the investors themselves purportedly hate… but grudgingly tolerate: as long as their investment in their corporations makes a nice profit

    30. The Myth of the Taj Mahal: is about a great Mogul Emperor named Akbar who purportedly so loved one paramour consort of his: that he built the most beautiful palace in the world for her, in her honor; because he was so much in love with her

    31. purportedly demonstrating how much the account-holder has earned, it is a

    32. So what exactly was this not-quite-religion that could purportedly do a better job of salving the tortured soul? I attacked the question the way I would a major investigative news story, learning everything I could

    33. They were originally debts of the Revolutionary government, purportedly secured by the value of the real estate that the radicals had seized from the Catholic church and the nobility

    34. critical role in the development of ethanol dependence, purportedly by modulating

    35. Biases are larger in industries with voluntary reporting: databases purportedly describing the whole industry can overstate industry returns due to survivorship bias, backfill bias, and other biases (see Section 11

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    Synonyms for "purportedly"

    purportedly supposedly

    "purportedly" definitions

    believed or reputed to be the case