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    purposed example sentences


    1. The man purposed to not return to his

    2. But I cannot know if you have purposed me to

    3. Miss Backhouse gulped as Harry, the unfamiliar young man, stood up and presented the salient points of the processes and purposed organization of the plans before them

    4. When we decree God’s provision and blessings over our lives, then anything purposed against our provision and blessing can have no further say in the matter

    5. When we decree God’s peace and unity in our family, then anything purposed against peace and unity has no valid objection or standing to come against us

    6. PROPHESY, O SONS OF SERvICE! For I have purposed for you to anger many

    7. And let your hearts grow heavy because of this which I have purposed to do, over that which I have prepared and shall carry out

    8. 2 And when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib was come, and that he was purposed

    9. authority, but carrying myself always with equity and mildness, I purposed to settle my subjects continually in a quiet life, and

    10. 3 You have proved my heart; you have visited me in the night; you have tried me, and shall find nothing; I am purposed that my

    11. 4 Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who has purposed to overthrow my goings

    12. 26 This is the purpose that is purposed on the whole Earth, and this is

    13. 27 For the Lord of hosts has purposed, and who shall disannul it? And his hand is

    14. whose traffickers are the honourable of the Earth? 9 The Lord of hosts has purposed it, to stain the pride of all glory, and to bring into

    15. spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it

    16. spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent; neither will I turn back from it

    17. purposes, that he has purposed against the land of the Chaldeans: Surely the least of the flock shall draw them out: surely he shall

    18. 8 The Lord has purposed to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion: he has

    19. 8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile

    20. 9 Therefore I purposed to take her to me to live with me, knowing that she would be a counsellor of good things, and a comfort in

    21. gathered together a company of strangers, and having made his army greater than it was, he purposed to come again into Judea

    22. into the country, inasmuch as he killed many of them, and purposed to return into his own country

    23. 18 Therefore whereas we are now purposed to keep the purification of the temple on the five and

    24. fail them, and all their water is scant, and they have determined to lay hands on their cattle, and purposed to consume all those things,

    25. 35 Now when Lysias saw his army put to flight and the manliness of Judas' soldiers and how they were ready either to live or die valiantly he went into Antiochia and gathered together a company of strangers and having made his army greater than it was he purposed to come again into Judea

    26. 69 What for he was very angry at the wicked men that gave him counsel to come into the country in as much as he killed many of them and purposed to return into his own country

    27. 18 Therefore whereas we are now purposed to keep the purification of the temple on the five and twentieth day of the month Casleu we thought it necessary to certify you of it that you also might keep it as the feast of the tabernacles and of the fire which was given us when Neemias offered sacrifice after that he had builded the temple and the altar

    28. 8 Throw down their strength in your power and bring down their force in your anger for they have purposed to defile your sanctuary and to pollute the tabernacle where your glorious name rests and to throw down with sword the horn of your altar

    29. 12 I pray you I pray you O God of my father and God of the inheritance of Israel Lord of the heavens and Earth Creator of the waters King of every creature hear you my prayer: 13 And make my speech and deceit to be their wound and stripe who have purposed cruel things against your covenant and your hallowed house and against the top of Sion and against the house of the possession of your children

    30. 11 And now that my Lord be not defeated and frustrate of his purpose even death is now fallen on them and their sin has overtaken them with which they will provoke their God to anger whensoever they shall do that which is not fit to be done: 12 For their victuals fail them and all their water is scant and they have determined to lay hands on their cattle and purposed to consume all those things that God has forbidden them to eat by his laws: 13 And are resolved to spend the firstfruits of the the tenths of wine and oil which they had sanctified and reserved for the priests that serve in Jerusalem before the face of our God; the which things it is not lawful for any of the people so much as to touch with their hands

    31. 1 Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah was on this wise; In the time when his mother was given in marriage to Joseph before they came together 2 she was found with child of the Holy Spirit; And Joseph her husband was a just man and did not wish to expose her and he purposed to put her away secretly

    32. Jesus said to them Did not I choose you you company of the twelve and of you one is the Devil? He said that because of Judas the son of Simon Iscariot; for he being of the twelve was purposed to betray him

    33. To be appreciative and grateful for those who have been placed on your path, to love al , forgive because without forgiveness you cannot grow or be used to fulfil that which God has planned and purposed for your divine destiny

    34. He purposed to follow the unnatural course -- he decided not to seek self-preservation

    35. Others had expected him to work a wonder, but that was just what he had purposed not to do

    36. 6 Jesus had purposed to live without resort to his supernatural power, and he likewise elected to die as an ordinary mortal upon the cross

    37. Purposed, the Indian picked up his pack and club and started over the small ridge at a fast trot

    38. pleasure which he hath purposed in himself

    39. I call that time; the first beginning of the rest of my purposed life

    40. So the mysteries you are declaring as you speak in tongues, are actually a download of what God, by His spirit, has purposed for you, in you, and through you

    41. Your angel told her of the work that You purposed to do in her

    42. But it is a dangerous environment in which to try to construct a commonly purposed and mutually supporting society

    43. Then, the purposed meaning beyond 'rising of the sun from its west' nowadays is emerging of the civilization and its brilliant sciences from the west, or, from the side it has set in before, not from the east by way of the prophets' sun (cpth), the shining lamp

    44. · The Messiah Master (pth) has been mentioned in Mary Fortress directly after mentioning our Messiah John (pth), and this arranging of the course of verses is of purposed indication, for it was mentioned in the misstated books of the Jews: "that our Master John was killed, and his head was cut off"

    45. that Peter, the supposed first Pope, is directly and purposed associated with 666

    46. Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:

    47. ―Paul purposed in the SPIRIT [pnuma] ‖ [Acts 19:21]

    48. The way lies open before you as I have purposed for this to be

    49. They wish to torment and kill all of humanity and put an end to all that El Elyon has purposed for mankind, but they will fail, for it is the will of the Father to draw all mankind to Himself

    50. Tell me Sisakar, are you yet so foolish to believe that you can prevail against the Most High and the things which He has purposed to come to pass?”

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