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    Use "quarterdeck" in a sentence

    quarterdeck example sentences


    1. Accordingly, all of the men from the Laurel and Shenandoah were called before the quarterdeck of the Shenandoah

    2. At that, Fysto turned on his heel and strode towards the quarterdeck located in the rear of the ship

    3. Quarterdeck: that part of the main deck reserved for ceremonies and honors; the station of the OOD in port

    4. Is there some fountain of free will, into which we all dip the cups of our perception? Can we hope to find that elusive concept of intent in this murky field? Can we find the will of the fish, as we would perhaps seek a will o' the wisp on some misty, treacherous marsh? Such things were perhaps not at the forefront of Fishmael's mind as he cursed the fish from the quarterdeck, but perhaps they should have been

    5. At long last the fish sounded, and so did the captain, muttering acerbic curses as he descended into his own underworld beneath the quarterdeck

    6. James looked out over the quarterdeck and out to the water below

    7. Chait and the other cat spent most of the day on the quarterdeck

    8. motion with his head toward the quarterdeck and Lanson

    9. He turned about and paced into the dark of the quarterdeck

    10. Stu recollected the time he’d spent in the Royal Navy, when he had visited HMS Victory, Nelsons flagship, were a brass plaque was placed on the quarterdeck, which read: Nelson fell here: Stu had thought, ‘if these two had a plaque every time they had an accident, the floor would be worth a fortune in brass’

    11. As we approached the quarterdeck we perceived the steward, a prey to a sort of sacred horror, holding up before us the captain's trousers

    12. The police took her at once on board our ship, where all hands were mustered on the quarterdeck

    13. He squeezed Hektor’s shoulder again, then tucked his hands behind him and began slowly pacing up and down the weather side of his quarterdeck

    14. He stood on the screw-galley’s quarterdeck, peering at the heretic schooner through his spyglass while he raged inwardly against Captain Snelyng’s order to keep Lance at least a thousand yards clear of the grounded ironclad

    15. Sir Bruhstair Ahbaht stood on HMS Broadsword’s quarterdeck and watched the sudden smoke billow up from HMS Restless

    16. He tucked his hands behind him and began pacing slowly up and down the weather side of the quarterdeck with a calm, thoughtful expression

    17. The captain’s fierce anticipation echoed in the half whispered acknowledgments which came back to him, and Sarmouth replaced his cigar, folded his hands behind him, and positioned himself by the aftermost quarterdeck carronade, where he’d be as out of the way as possible

    18. That meant that except for the single sentry outside the cabins tucked under the quarterdeck, their “escort” had been forced to bunk elsewhere … and that they had as much privacy as they could possibly have hoped to find

    19. As in most of the Navy of God’s galleons, Saint Frydhelm’s poop deck was fairly short, forming a roof above the after part of the quarterdeck in a feature adopted from merchant galleon design

    20. As galleons were adapted for war, replacing galleys and growing rapidly larger on the seas of a post-Merlin Safehold, average freeboard had increased, raising the level of the quarterdeck (and so decreasing the likelihood of being pooped) while retaining the massive sterncastles could only have made the ships far less weatherly and maneuverable

    21. Most merchant galleons used their longer poop decks as the roofs of cabins built at the quarterdeck level

    22. There was no sternwalk at that level, but there were no lids on the quarterdeck gunports, any more than there were on the spardeck broadside ports

    23. Another shotgun thundered behind him and he knew Nimue had reemerged from beneath the quarterdeck

    24. That had been Nimue’s work, and he nodded approval as he reached the after end of the quarterdeck and the open ports for the chasers

    25. Evening, it being a night of fine moonshine, risked staying late to walk along the quarterdeck

    26. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on the quarterdeck?”

    27. But, while I remember the gallant captain who proudly steps the quarterdeck, I will not forget the sailor boy, "who whistles o'er the lee," or the aged mariner who fathoms the deep, and on whom, when the battle rages, danger has no more effect than the foaming surge which surrounds him has on the hard rock, when it dashes and breaks against its side; they all, sir, are entitled to your applause and gratitude; they all demand your justice; and to render that justice is the object of the bill now on your table, as I will presently show, and which had it passed at an earlier period of the session, as I did expect it would, your "Constellation" would not have lain for weeks within your view for the want of men, and is still, I believe, in your waters, but would long since have been at sea, and would have added new trophies to those already won

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    "quarterdeck" definitions

    the stern area of a ship's upper deck