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    quasi example sentences


    1. “You have to understand that these results are still preliminary, but it seems that the aggregate quantum state of the quasi boson corresponding to the human soul is awake/asleep/unknown

    2. “And this is the strangest result,” he said, “the equations seem to make it possible to solve for the total number of fifth order condensate quasi bosons

    3. Although I don‘t question the advantages of time; nevertheless, I can‘t help feeling that our ―personal‖ interactions have been compromised somehow; have become less intimate and perhaps less cordial operating in an environment where the ―letter‖ writer has become a quasi extension of the apparatus it utilizes to compose its ―letters‖; such mediums of thoughts and emotions flowing together, whose spontaneity no longer provides sufficient time to assimilate what‘s been written

    4. They would operate in civilian clothes with unmarked vehicles as quasi policemen / intelligence gatherers and assassins though of course they did not see it as assassination

    5. This quasi vicarious arrangement had been working out quite nicely until a slower than expected (economic) recovery further weakened the industry‘s already shaky (financial) condition

    6. Glancing up from her posture of quasi meditation, she saw Simon was gazing at her, his expression rapt

    7. Quasi surprised he pulls up his eyebrows

    8. Reigned over this quasi kingdom of tears

    9. “Do you know where he got them?” Wickland pressed forward with his quasi interrogation

    10. It appeared Blake’s life style was quasi with Mr

    11. It is an invented religion within the society were certain social, civic or political traditions with religious or quasi – religious value

    12. Sleep is unconscious transcendence, drug induced sense of transcendence is quasi transcendence and lastly there is spiritual transcendence that is total conscious transcendence

    13. At his age when dabbling in politics roughly some score of years previously when he hadbeen a quasi aspirant to parliamentary honours in the Buckshot Foster days he too recollected in retrospect (which was a source of keen satisfaction in itself) he had a sneaking regard for those same ultra ideas

    14. This sort of wit is transmitted from generation to generation of the successive levies of youth who traverse the schools, who pass it from hand to hand, quasi cursores, and is almost always exactly the same; so that, as we have just pointed out, any one who had listened to Courfeyrac in 1828 would have thought he heard Tholomyes in 1817

    15. After the Bretton Woods regime (a quasi gold standard) collapsed in 1971, the major economies were clearly in a fiat money regime and inflation expectations became further unanchored

    16. I opened the sonata Quasi una fantasia, and began to play

    17. I know not how gentlemen can place our connection with foreign nations in such a predicament; whilst the President officially holds out to the world that the embargo was a peaceful measure, gentlemen now say that it is a coercive one, a sort of quasi war

    18. All of them had deserved war at our hands, but we had at no time since the commencement of our present Government seen it our interest or policy to give into it, in the open and declared form, nor that of any other form, except that of a quasi character which happened under Mr

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    Synonyms for "quasi"

    quasi apparently seeming part sort of supposedly semi

    "quasi" definitions

    having some resemblance