Use "quicklime" in a sentence
quicklime example sentences
1. There are traces of quicklime on the bleached arms of the fermenting corpses
2. Application of hydrated lime gives worse results than lump quicklime
3. For the rest of his life he would remember the livid flash of the six simultaneous shots-and the echo of the discharge as it broke against the hills and the sad smile and perplexed eyes of the man being shot, who stood erect while his shirt became soaked with blood, and who was still smiling even when they untied him from the post and put him in a box filled with quicklime
4. She put the few articles of clothing that were still usable out into the sun, she drove the cockroaches off with powerful insecticide attacks, she scratched out the veins that the termites had made on doors and windows and asphyxiated the ants in their anthills with quicklime
5. “I forgot that today’s the day to put quicklime on the anthills
6. Surrounded by the voracity of nature, Aureliano and Amaranta Úrsula continued cultivating the oregano and the begonias and defended their world with demarcations of quicklime, building the last trenches in the age-old war between man and ant
7. The name meant “honey” in Parso, which Rob took for typical heathen cheek: her temperament was corrosive as quicklime
8. —, on the production of, from quicklime, for light-houses, T