Use "raceway" in a sentence
raceway example sentences
1. Reputations would be won and lost at Christchurch on Tuesday, and the whole country would come to a standstill as the trotters passed the winning post at Addington Raceway
2. Ms Susan Hyde, 14 Raceway Parade Claudelands Hamilton City, her sister
3. As she composed herself Rudolph and Evans systematically applied themselves to the brown paper parcel covered in postage stamps and addressed to Ms Susan Hyde, 14 Raceway Parade Claudelands Hamilton City
4. The waterwheel was either directly in the flow of a river or stream, or powered by water diverted through a raceway, more often referred to as a ’race’
5. It was tested at Shakespeare County Raceway in Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, on 14 October 2012