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    radiating example sentences


    1. She found beams radiating to all points of the compass from here, and some with much more traffic than the one she had been studying

    2. radiating energy fields that surround all living things

    3. Your thoughts are energy, and are continually radiating

    4. We are constantly radiating our thoughts into the

    5. negative thought-energy they are radiating, and the

    6. He watched, transfixed, as it slowly lost its grip on the grimy cold earlobe and tumbled towards the floor, merging in the small pool of water slowly gathering there; tiny radiating circles running from the point of impact

    7. Whether she was beneath the light of the sun or buried in the darkness of his covers, Nathalia always glowed, radiating a beauty that one needn't have eyes to see, but could simply feel with one’s heart

    8. She glowed, her body radiating an aura of blue that burned Brice's eyes to behold

    9. Casting aside the sense of fear radiating from the Red Mage, the imp honed in on the scent of the elf

    10. Ability of concrete to keep their properties after radiation action is called radiating resistance

    11. Psyche stood at the casket on her own, her hand radiating a light on the casket as she closed her eyes and asked Jupiter to admit her soul into the Afterworld

    12. He could feel it radiating from her

    13. And without sunlight, heat from the body would rapidly be dissipate, radiating into that boundless

    14. Despite the heat radiating from the stove, the scuffed and dented wood floor wept coldness

    15. Darkness blanketed the room, though she could feel heat radiating from the nearby stove

    16. The malevolence radiating from them left him reeling and confused, but by using the powers of The Way as a filter, he managed to continue with his task

    17. Uncle Hobart's eyes widened and I could see the fine, red veins radiating out from the corners

    18. Radiating from the corners of wide crystal-blue eyes, sparkling with mirth, was a pattern of fine laugh lines forming a web that embraced his temples

    19. Faery, Human and Andromedan combined to offer a visage radiating strength, focus, intellect, and devastating beauty

    20. theless felt the constant heat radiating from the boiler, and the

    21. She who had seemed as a terrible force had been wondrously transfigured into a mother bathed in sunlight, radiating warmth and love; all hints of terrible awe a mere phantom now in the eye of the beholder

    22. His thoughts were broken and his senses became the focus of total attention from his mind: A booming voice seemed to echo from the city of Pyr itself as if the air above it had been turned into a giant cone of voice, radiating words for everyone to here

    23. Ethan countered the doctor’s irate mood with a radiating smile

    24. radiating information and communicating with others even though

    25. are constantly radiating information and communicating with other

    26. atop the stone columns radiating with blissful ignorance

    27. She could curse as much as she wanted to and he felt her hatred still radiating from meeting with Elizabeth, but she owed this to him

    28. She imagined all the love in his soul, all that he was radiating around her, guiding and protecting her

    29. It was a medium-sized pink flower with many small thin petals radiating out from the center

    30. The Statue of Liberty, radiating a light seen round the world, a beacon of hope and freedom, is a terrible threat to the Civil War

    31. are very special indeed; they bear the cosmic radiating energy of two souls

    32. around the baby as if he was a campfire, radiating love from

    33. Arrange strips of chiles, radiating out from the center

    34. distressing to Lucy than the stretch marks radiating out

    35. He had his beautiful smile fully radiating from his

    36. After what seemed an eternity of time and space, she could feel a glowing warmth flow into the coolness--a warmth radiating from her head and spreading in waves throughout her body

    37. The doctor slowly rose to his feet, anger and resentment radiating from every pore

    38. Tamar’s hooded agent Lewem stood by the shimmering portal radiating from the slowly decaying diamond beneath

    39. But to a beam of light radiating from some star in the Andromeda galaxy, the transmission from its point of origin to our eye was instantaneous

    40. The crystal mace was now burning white with the magic fire radiating through it

    41. the radiating currents of the primary force 31

    42. The radiant power of glance, voice and smile demand a noble quest worthy of the passion within The passion, radiating from his core, is more than ample to the quest

    43. My mother, a radiating inferno amidst a field of flames, had set the entire town ablaze, freeing all the righteous

    44. When we awoke, we were shocked by the impressive pointed mountains color emerald, whose summits were radiating a resplendence that was stunning the sight

    45. The serpent’s shadow was so massive, radiating so much

    46. Impregnated with that wild ground whose aromas I was breathing fed my soul with that life’s plenitude that the nature was radiating in a variety of forms and colors

    47. ” She pulls out a thin notebook emblazoned with her face in large sunglasses alternating black and blue stripes radiating out from the picture

    48. I could smell wet hair, see a tiny pulse in his throat and feel warmth radiating from the loose collar of his tracksuit

    49. Generals: radiating pains4 at all directions, wandering, stitching, twinging, tearing, burning pains all over, all the time changing place, little twinges, “Ow” he will say!

    50. A strange shimmering thing it was, radiating crazy odors in 6 directions, but not the others, so that when you sniff at it at just the right angle it seems to disappear or seem very, very flat

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    diverging from a common point