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    rap at example sentences

    rap at

    1. I told him that we had to start a group now and rap at this concert

    2. “What the bloody… you’re crap at cards as well!” he exclaimed,

    3. ‘Money ain’t worth crap at the moment

    4. Mr Snickerty was interrupted by a sharp rap at the door, which occasioned sufficient surprise to very nearly cause him to jump from his chair

    5. But suddenly she heard a loud rap at her door

    6. The adrenaline rush from breakin’ and my rap attack had worn off by that point

    7. This is not a rap at the police efforts in this country but the results of decisions handed down by the Warren Court (Miranda Decision,

    8. Most everyone they do kill is either fornicating or leaving a crap at the time, because that’s when you’re most vulnerable to attack from a wild cat

    9. Úrsula, for her part, thanked God for having awarded the family with a creature of exceptional purity, but at the same time she was disturbed by her beauty, for it seemed a contradic-tory virtue to her, a diabolical trap at the center of her innocence

    10. large barnyard rat trap at a secluded distance but very near the

    11. conscious side of the Saran Wrap at birth

    12. A sharp rap at the window

    13. Sage sat at the window staring at the yellow newspaper clipping when she heard a soft rap at the door

    14. your animals to that pace with this deathtrap attached to them

    15. There was a loud rap at the door

    16. The tea things were brought in, and already had Marianne been disappointed more than once by a rap at a neighbouring door, when a loud one was suddenly heard which could not be mistaken for one at any other house, Elinor felt secure of its announcing Willoughby's approach, and Marianne, starting up, moved towards the door

    17. In this manner they had continued about a quarter of an hour, when Marianne, whose nerves could not then bear any sudden noise, was startled by a rap at the door

    18. ” This guy keeps pushing the professional crap at me, and I’m thinking two things

    19. "We used to have a very good horse and trap at home," said Aunt

    20. I’ve asked Victor to play the role of interviewer because no one else is here except the cats, who are crap at sticking to the subject

    21. While a horse was being put into a trap at the local inn we snatched a hurried breakfast, and so we were all ready for business when we at last arrived at Yoxley Old Place

    22. She had determined to ring her bell, when there came a rap at the door

    23. “Please Sir, I had the Kitchen Maid rap at the Door of your Chamber, Sir, but there came no Reply

    24. The device was inside a protective case with a thick Velcro wrist strap attached to the back, which the corporal used to fasten the device to my right forearm, like an oversized wristwatch

    25. If so much has been and still is written about the Berezina, on the French side this is only because at the broken bridge across that river the calamities their army had been previously enduring were suddenly concentrated at one moment into a tragic spectacle that remained in every memory, and on the Russian side merely because in Petersburg-far from the seat of war- a plan (again one of Pfuel’s) had been devised to catch Napoleon in a strategic trap at the Berezina River

    26. The tea things were brought in, and already had Marianne been disappointed more than once by a rap at a neighbouring door, when a loud one was suddenly heard which could not be mistaken for one at any other house, Elinor felt secure of its announcing Willoughby’s approach, and Marianne, starting up, moved towards the door

    27. At Waterloo we were fortunate in catching a train for Leatherhead, where we hired a trap at the station inn and drove for four or five miles through the lovely Surrey lanes

    28. While a horse was being put into a trap at the local inn, we snatched a hurried breakfast, and so we were all ready for business when we at last arrived at Yoxley Old Place

    29. She is not accustomed to this awful climate, and then a third-class carriage, the storm, the rain, and she has such a thin little pelisse, no wrap at all

    30. He was awakened by a rap at the door

    31. If so much has been and still is written about the Berëzina, on the French side this is only because at the broken bridge across that river the calamities their army had been previously enduring were suddenly concentrated at one moment into a tragic spectacle that remained in every memory, and on the Russian side merely because in Petersburg—far from the seat of war—a plan (again one of Pfuel’s) had been devised to catch Napoleon in a strategic trap at the Berëzina River

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