Use "rarefied" in a sentence
rarefied example sentences
1. But then, once Walter Cronkite (America"s most trusted and respected man?) declared that the war was lost, then it was: in the more rarefied jungles of Washington, and in the deliberations of the House and Senate
2. The morning air was fresh and rarefied, and a mere glint of the sun coming in woke Gianni
3. Once over that speed, however, the rocket stays in orbit until friction with the very much rarefied air in low orbit slows it down below orbital speed
4. undetected into the rarefied, carbon dioxide rich atmosphere of Mars
5. Thus, the privileged Musalmans live in the rarefied world of Islam as their own masters, however, pretending to be the servants of Allah
6. Mandalas – Geometric wheels used as visual representations of rarefied reality
7. But you have the rarefied senses you need to feel out and wield magical energies, and we can use them, I believe, to find whatever it is that we're looking for
8. rarefied substance, and the "Matter" - a dense, in other words, "gross"
9. They sing in pairs when they go off to the higher elevations for rarefied romantic interludes
10. Due to the elevated level of competition for status in this rarefied atmosphere it is unlikely that any amount of money would ever be enough
11. "Perhaps Professor Summerlee may have an observation to make," he said, and the two savants ascended together into some rarefied scientific atmosphere, where the possibilities of a modification of the birth-rate were weighed against the decline of the food supply as a check in the struggle for existence
12. Still, to start on a brisk walk, and on such an errand as hers, on a dry clear wintry morning, through the rarefied air of these chalky hogs'-backs, was not depressing; and there is no doubt that her dream at starting was to win the heart of her mother-in-law, tell her whole history to that lady, enlist her on her side, and so gain back the truant
13. Also, the high standard held up to the public mind by the College of which which gave its peculiar sanction to the expensive and highly rarefied medical instruction obtained by graduates of Oxford and Cambridge, did not hinder quackery from having an excellent time of it; for since
14. By doing this the contrarian trader is trying to participate in a market move that will bring the price from fair value up into the rarefied air of extreme overvaluation
15. It was fascinating stuff, and if it was developed properly it would have applications in weather control and in the search for ether, which was only extremely rarefied particles
16. him in the clear rarefied atmosphere
17. He would remember it always, as he remembered everything that happened during that period, through the rarefied lenses of his misfortune
18. He would not admit that the difficulties with his wife had their origin in the rarefied air of the house, but blamed them on the very nature of matrimony: an absurd invention that could exist only by the infinite grace of God
19. At 8 percent you're getting into the rarefied zone where growth and momentum investors are still comfortable, but where those who care about value—including potential buyers of the company—aren't so interested
20. In the same way that the phenomena of light were inexplicable until the existence of an imponderable substance—an ether—was recognised, so mediumistic phenomena seemed mysterious until the now fully established fact was recognised, that between the particles of ether there exists another still more rarefied imponderable substance not subject to the law of the three dimensions
21. The air was rarefied and smoky
22. They forget that the love which they are discussing is a personal love, which might expand in a rarefied form to embrace a man's native country, but which disappears before it can embrace an artificial state such as Austria, England, or Turkey, and which we cannot even conceive of in relation to all humanity, an absolutely mystic conception
23. Proceeding as it does from the north and northwest of lake Superior, and crossing the great expanse of water in this direction, it rushes down these great lakes to the south end of lake Michigan in latitude about 41° north, diverges from that point, and spreads over the immense regions lying to the south, where the air is more rarefied by reason of its warmer climate