Use "reed organ" in a sentence
reed organ example sentences
reed organ
1. Also, it is the portal building in Internet; the making of interfaces or special equipments of identification and the participators’ access; elaboration of Usuarist Projects and of computer programs to constitute and to operate agreed organizations and any Bank of the Third Sector that it will be mentioned in this Project as “Bank3Sector”
2. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries This Project utilizes the existent resources with efficiency of the own agreed organizations of the Third Sector
3. It integrates processes, products and services in complete partnership among the agreed organizations, without they lose autonomies or without ruining competitively
4. ) because its implementation avoids additional cost to the people and agreed organizations
5. It generates innovative operational process that guarantees the obtaining of proposed results by the agreed organizations through its goals or accomplishment compromises with the investors and its beneficiaries, without there is finality deviation or inadequate utilization of the collected resources
6. It gives total independence among agreed organizations so that concentrate in its principal activity to accomplish with success the best than know how to do, that is, the generation of wealth social, economic
7. Any agreed organization will accomplish Validation of its Process, without it signifies loss of its committed resource, because the systematics makes the administration of the activities of the organizations through the innovative Coordenational Structure
8. Each agreed organization only counts the optimum cost of its foreseen specific task in its Usuarist Project as offered product or rendered service in the another organizations
9. ( user03) d) Economic Agents are all corporations that adhere to the Project as agreed organization, constituted network, non-profit corporation and collaborating corporation that turn available its organizational resources, as well as its products and services for total usufruct so that that wealth circulates freely in the Coordenational Structure
10. Social Agents are all individuals that are under the responsibility of the agreed organizations that register them as beneficiary people
11. Example of Unique Task: If the agreed organization belongs to the Area of Activity EDUCATION, its specific task is to teach
12. This makes possible that each agreed organization acts with dominion of its activity in total autonomy and eliminate 80% of its costs and
13. This creates the vinculum among the agreed organizations to practice to Systemic Theory of Usuarism
14. Its administration makes use of every park of existent computers in the residences and in the agreed organizations; it also utilizes as interface the terminals in cybercafé, providers, telecenters and registered external suppliers, among other means
15. generates income to the agreed organizations (economic agent) so that they accomplish the production of the goods, products and services with payment of its transactions through the Price “Real” to validate the process of its suppliers
16. “Utilizational” of 360 billion monetary (100 thousand per capita annual), in case it is the value of life quality standard researched or desired for this population; it also projects another Monetary Mass “Real” of 1 trillion monetary (average of 19 million for organization), in case it is the necessary value so that the agreed organizations produce the products and services that satisfy with quality and completeness the needs of that population
17. The movement in the Current Account “Personal” that belongs to the agreed organization has the finality of social production, if the Current Account belongs to the beneficiary individual has the finality of total usufruct of the produced wealth
18. “Personal” for all agreed organization; it also opens for all individual that is registered as beneficiary of the agreed organization
19. All the products and services of the agreed organizations become available and they are administered by own organizations through Usuarist Projects
20. Our systematics accomplishes the purpose of the agreed organizations and it does with that all the involved agents accomplish its activities in total partnership, without there are abrupt changes, because they will continue doing just as already do, it only changes the systemic focus
21. The agreed organization presents its social project to Bank3Sector with the total volume of collected and approved resources, as well as the quantity of beneficiary people to be attended after the sponsor to confirm the deposit in cash
22. “Social” of the agreed organization in Virtual Coin and it credits equal value in the Current Account
23. This systematics of income generation eliminates the money lack so that any agreed organization accomplishes the production (products and services) and satisfy the market, without stock necessity, without loan need to accomplish the next production
24. Besides, the offered income practices action of the total quality through the Process Validation among the agreed organizations so that one demands the quality from the another so that the final product is the excellence in the services rendering with low cost to obtain the continuous improvement in each process
25. Besides, the given income practices action of the total quality through Process Validation of the agreed organizations for the beneficiary people, that is, the agreed organizations have to satisfy the beneficiary people, always in the search of the continuous improvement in the services rendering, because the people choose the organization that satisfies its exigencies as “customers”
26. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries causes the great motivation for corporations to enter as agreed organizations, external suppliers participate in the new systematics and external customers utilize the rendered services by the innovative Coordenational Structure, wherever
27. Therefore, we will explain some actions that clear the bilateral economic relations of payment transactions between agreed organizations and external suppliers or between agreed organizations and external customers
28. The procedure begins in the exporter country when the agreed organization (Area of Activity TRADE) acquires the product or service in its domestic market through the intermediation of Bank3Sector (Area of Activity FINANCES) and this organization incorporates it as donation in its local Coordenational Structure
29. “Personal” of the registered external supplier (corporation that sells product or service to the agreed organization)
30. Soon after, this agreed organization of the exporter country donates the product or acquired service for the corresponding agreed organization of the importer country (Area of Activity TRADE) that turns available the products or services in the local Coordenational Structure
31. This procedure constitutes to Process Validation among the agreed organizations or these with its external suppliers
32. The system deposits the value of the payment transaction in the supplier’s account and it debits equal value in the Current Account “Personal” of the agreed organization that acquires the product or service according to its Usuarist Project
33. This act constitutes to Process Validation between the agreed organization and its external supplier
34. Excellency of the service rendering for the agreed organizations anywhere in the world
35. Finally, all involved countries with this solution become prosperous and they benefit its people with the excellence of the services rendering for the agreed organizations in the regions in that act
36. This term gives confidence and credibility so that any institution becomes an agreed organization, participate in the Project and utilize the new systematics to reach its goals with success
37. “Constitutional”, “Institutional” and “Existential” that give life to the Areas of Activities to aggregate the agreed organizations
38. With the support of the Usuarist Projects, the teams can act dynamicalally with total flexibility in any agreed organization, inclusive in Bank3Sector so that they practice its roles with efficiency and low cost, without waste and without idleness of resources
39. the agreed organizations so that they act in the new
40. 3 To train the agreed organizations
41. With that, they obtain the necessary ways to enter as agreed organization to Bank3Sector
42. TEAM OF COORDINATION AND TECHNICAL TEAM: The team is composed by the responsible of this Project, the Team of Coordination and the Technical Team of each agreed organization to Bank3Sector to act in any region of a Country or in the world
43. Therefore, as much the XUSING Project as Bank3Sector and all the nonprofit agreed organizations are evaluated through its Usuarist Projects that contain the tasks with its defined goals for each one of them
44. Therefore, there are warranty of the quality and the certainty of the obtainment of the results for the executioners of the Project, agreed organizations, involved people in the process and mainly for the sponsors
45. The agreed organizations present its results to the Area of Activity AUDIT, utilizing the instruments of control of the quality (Items of Control and Items of Verification) that will be presented in dynamical reports and they become available in an on-line way for Internet in total transparency
46. With that, the society, the sponsors and other institutions can accompany the efficacy of this Project and of all the agreed organizations
47. The actions are adopted in order to correct the deviations with adjustment in the level of desired quality according to goals of project of the agreed organizations and of the project of Bank3Sector
48. of agreed organizations for Area
49. ü Cadaster of the agreed organizations with Bank3Sector
50. The focus of this evaluation is in the effectiveness, in other words, if the XUSING Project and the agreed organizations to Bank3Sector obtained the sustainability along the process, exhibiting the reached improvements in the quality of life of the population and of the planet