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    Use "regard as" in a sentence

    regard as example sentences

    regard as

    1. She still could recall her first memories of the Arboretum, a place she had grown to regard as a refuge

    2. What we regard as compassion for friends and family may be actually more like attachment than compassion

    3. But this time he had help from someone he had come to regard as a rival – a man of unparalleled arrogance

    4. He was not what she would regard as good looking, but he had a hardy handsomeness and a modern sophistication mixed with country charm that took her by surprise

    5. By this indulgence of the public, the smuggler is often encouraged to continue a trade, which he is thus taught to consider as in some measure innocent; and when the severity of the revenue laws is ready to fall upon him, he is frequently disposed to defend with violence, what he has been accustomed to regard as his just property

    6. ’ Gerrid opened his mouth in astonishment; the idea of her being closely related to one of those he had come to regard as evil was difficult to accept, much less comprehend

    7. ” I chuckled respectfully, but took bets in my mind on how long he would last saying such things, which the Nationalists would surely regard as sacrilege

    8. Just then Angel walked back in and Harry could see why Mrs Worthington wanted Dr Belvedere to see Angel she looked ghastly white not at all like the healthy woman he had come to regard as one of the family, as Mrs Worthington called all her staff

    9. Riding on the coattails of someone they regard as having power, they feel, gives power to them

    10. You have abandoned all the great, pure, calm oceans of water, and clung to only one bubble which you regard as the whole body of water in all the hundreds of thousands of seas

    11. basis you regard as appropriate)

    12. any action whatsoever that users may take based on what they regard as the implications of

    13. He is held in almost as high regard as Karim, although some think he’s too tough on the kids

    14. He now held him in as high regard as he did his friend and brother Marcus

    15. This one seems stronger in this regard as your religious and philosophical beliefs also get tested

    16. hackers used to regard as the most powerful force in the

    17. system many hackers still regard as the epitome of the hacker

    18. in regard as well

    19. and then we move into what commentators regard as

    20. Arabs hate being given orders by women who they regard as second

    21. “So where have your investigations led, in all seriousness, and who do you regard as the prime suspect?”

    22. Ego is the self that I am aware of and the non ego, the things that I regard as other than myself

    23. regard as belonging to his own family

    24. ment of heaven is the highest goal of temporal birth and its activities, and who speak pretentious words to describe the many rites and ceremonies that they regard as conducive to the achievement of worldly

    25. has no one whom he can regard as his family

    26. But I miss my own family too, and these people who took me in when I was but a babe I shall always regard as my first family for without them I may not have had the courtesy to address my true father

    27. “Oh sir! I wish to talk to you about ‘Al-Gawi’, who people regard as one of the people of God

    28. hold abduction stories with as little regard as I used to

    29. vidual, even those whom we may regard as ob-

    30. She didn't a bit understand Everard, didn't begin to understand him, and that his birthday should be a reason for breaking what she would regard as the common decencies would of course only seem to her too childish to be even discussed

    31. ancestors but it is what they regard as the home of their

    32. Christendom looks back with believing regard as the

    33. Consecrate: To regard as set apart; separated for holy purposes

    34. we regard as huge had no room to be within that what we look at because at that instant the sun did not

    35. "There are two areas of our work we ought to regard as first priority," he started out

    36. There can be a manifestation of peculiar complexes of behavior in that person – susceptibility to sudden rage or anger at the least provocation, and desire for silly things which a normal person would regard as meaningless

    37. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Let's not think about that

    38. We all long for unconditional positive regard as we have noted many times

    39. I decided to have a casual word with his Form Teacher, Dawn Miller, who I regard as a chum

    40. * The Mohammedans have learned from the Koran to regard as an assault upon the majesty of the One Lord of Heaven and Earth the notion that He has a Son or an Equal

    41. Such an opinion there is much reason to regard as a serious misconception

    42. The whole array of words threatening destruction to the wicked he regard as in effect so many fatherly promises of chastisement, restitution, and eternal life to lost sinners; but he avoids the consideration of the above arguments against such violent perversion

    43. Him they regard as the resurrection, and embrace Him with all their hearts

    44. It turns out that each overlying Plan with respect to the underlying we should regard as the "Spirit" and the underlying in this case would be for it the "Mother

    45. Any Soul (elementary particle) we can regard as a kind of bridge, a connection link between the Internal Plan of the Creator, and this Manifested world

    46. Compared with what we regard as "normal" values of blood cholesterol in the United States

    47. That's what they regard as the highest point of progress

    48. Then, he said, you regard Asclepius as a statesman

    49. They are to be told that their youth was a dream, and the education and training which they received from us, an appearance only; in reality during all that time they were being formed and fed in the womb of the earth, where they themselves and their arms and appurtenances were manufactured; when they were completed, the earth, their mother, sent them up; and so, their country being their mother and also their nurse, they are bound to advise for her good, and to defend her against attacks, and her citizens they are to regard as children of the earth and their own brothers

    50. He was not a teetotaller, but as he often remarked, `what the publicans got from him wouldn't make them very fat', for he often went for weeks together without tasting the stuff, except a glass or two with the Sunday dinner, which he did not regard as an unnecessary expense, because it was almost as cheap as tea or coffee

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