“But those are not the only sources potentially covered by EPA's regulatory net: schools, hospitals,
indicated that he supports the construction of nuclear power plants and the federal Nuclear Regulatory
Several regulatory bodies also testified
“It is entirely safe to assign the differences between human beings and the apes to their regulatory systems
provide tax and other regulatory financial reports
Nuclear Regulatory Authority task force Shinji Kinjo told Reuters on Monday that the
now substitutes its clairvoyant hunches for the scientific evidence that might or might not support its regulatory proclivities
In 1995, Carol Browner, then head of the EPA, announced that the EPA had streamlined its regulatory procedures to save businesses and state and local governments 23 million hours of unnecessary paperwork each year
However, they are meaningless in the absence of regulatory certainty
However, the same regulatory hurdles are still there and loan guarantees are only a way to sound like something good is happening
The stimulation of commerce is a use of the regulatory function quite as definitely as prohibitions or restrictions thereon
That trade, and that alone, came within the regulatory power of the federal government, and it had been so held by innumerable Supreme Courts
and makes legislators careless about the regulatory and financial
My father, who was a member of the Broadcast Regulatory Review Committee, which met regularly with the FCC to discuss deregulation of the broadcast industry, said, “I figured something was going to happen down the road, so we’ve been saving our cash
An appreciation of Revenue Cutter and Coast Guard search and rescue, regulatory and inspection missions can be gained from a brief review of the history of Great Lakes passenger and cargo vessels
He had observed the miraculous Industrial Revolution unfold in America, which took place through the spontaneous association of people in commerce, with no central planning, no federal regulatory code, and no income tax
Instead of regulatory fees, they debit rollover rates to your accounts
There is a mandate that waiting lists have to be kept to a certain length and if they exceed a predetermined number of weeks or months for non urgent procedures, a regulatory agency may step in
After one of our visits to St Lucia I was back at my job in Sitka, when there was going to be an inspection of Mount Edgecumbe Hospital by the regulatory agency
There were eight guards stationed at the end of the viaduct; with their regulatory uniforms, red with golden gallons, and large boots to his knees; they were tall and handsome boys that were requiring documentation to all who passed from Bourlox to Eisenbaum and vice versa
The Exchange and even the regulatory bodies of the Federal Government have
Attached to the manifest was Federation Nuclear Regulatory Commission
He felt that the prison cell was inhibiting her ability to dream because of the regulatory cold temperature
Throughout the days of the crisis, government officials and other citizens of the area would realize that they shouldn’t believe all that comes out of the mouths of company officials, members of the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and some of the press
you need to do with all the procedural and regulatory stuff
there was no need to force regulatory requirement
amount in tax could be predetermined by regulatory officials and
another scheme to by pass these regulatory proclamations of the
regulatory demand made without representation to the collective
����������� ��If no one has an objection, I propose that we now vote on the formation of an armed time travel regulatory agency to be called the Time Patrol and that will be directed by Doctor Tolkonen and Miss Laplante� No objections?� Then let�s vote!��
consumers to use in referring complaints to the appropriate regulatory authorities
How can anyone be surprised at the fact that the American healthcare regulatory system is
this happening by weakening regulatory controls, In his book "The Corporation", Joel Bakan offers a thorough account of corporate Psychopathy,
• Regulatory failures (institutional barriers to doing what’s desired), and
company — in addition to the considerable regulatory and
• List of regulatory requirements and regulations that impact on the
situations relate to legal or regulatory obligations and those are easy to deal
Bergen’s Dutch bank was obviously not one of the UK’s ‘big five’ banks, but since it was trading in the UK it had to abide by the same rules and regulations, laid down by the Bank of England and other City financial regulatory bodies, that applied to any other bank
regulatory (FDA, EPA, or WHO) guidances for water
It should be noted that regulatory authorities allow the use of microbial
The abandonment of care, attention and responsibility displayed by the landlords, factory owners and regulatory authorities is a recurring theme in garment-trade tragedies like this
We have blogged elsewhere about how UK mass market retailers are squeezing their suppliers, using techniques which are very aggressive – to the point where the negative publicity they are getting is forcing regulatory authorities to take action
There is speculation that the negative publicity surrounding this investigation has led the regulatory authorities to shine their spotlight on other matters, for example a current spat about whether par-baked bread which is finished in the supermarket’s in-store ovens can be described as ‘freshly baked in store’
“Reappraisal and Suppression Mediate the Contribution of Regulatory Focus to Anxiety in Healthy Adults”
The definitions we propose here combine regulatory requirements and employment criteria
An important issue that needs to be kept in mind is that regulatory requirements translate into costs not only for the small business and the re-enforcing institutions (government and/or municipalities) but also for the economy in general with all its implications on poverty and growth
In general a practical and even handed approach should be adopted to re-enforcing regulatory requirements keeping local and regional poverty and unemployment levels in mind
bank bonuses, credit cards, personal debt, home foreclosure, Wall Street bailouts and regulatory malfeasance
When was the last time a corporation bribed a politician to enact harsher regulatory laws on their own industry, so that the consumer might be better protected, given a quality product, have a superior good created for the people, paid its real share of taxes on all aspects of its production, and limited its profits so as to improve the lives of its employees and suppliers, rather than shareholders?
McAdams then split the profits with the Pakistani manufacturer, who was also able to provide forged approval certificates, valid samples for occasional testing by regulatory agencies, and pay-offs to agents when needed
It exists to promote newspapers' interests in all political, legal and regulatory matters and to promote their strengths as news and marketing media
Banks should, therefore, ensure compliance with the regulatory guidelines on
overseeing and ensuring overall compliance with regulatory guidelines on
Regulatory Restrictions: a) Granting loans and advances to relatives of
the regulatory ceiling of 40 per cent of their net worth as on March 31 of the
You will have to unify under a single regulatory agency stock and futures markets and increase the margin requirements for trades to increase the cost of speculation
States should not outsource its regulatory function to three agencies for profit
Regulated Forex brokers are required to submit financial reports to the regulatory authorities
He was at an important gathering of about 400 principals who had come from all over Swat to protest against plans by the government to impose a central regulatory authority
Vic added, “There have been a few investigations, by the EPA and other regulatory agencies
(Here is a clear example where short sellers are actually a source of significant buying pressure; things are never as simple as they seem, and regulatory pressures to curb short selling are naive and misdirected at best
Another reason that execution may diverge from backtested results is that sometimes, in equities, it may not be possible to locate shares for a short sale, or other regulatory restrictions may interfere with the transaction
Regulatory risk is rarely considered, but can have a catastrophic impact in certain market environments
The Hunt brothers’ silver fiasco in the early 1980s is one of the best-known examples, but there have been many others as the regulatory environment continually evolves in response to the actions of traders and investors
In early 2011, some of the cutting edges of regulatory coverage are the issues surrounding HFTs, algorithmic trading programs, and the prevalence of computer-assisted trading programs that seek to capture the liquidity rebates across electronic communication networks (ECNs)
It is quite likely that some regulatory move in the next few years will significantly alter the market microstructure and force traders to adapt
With a dynamic regulatory environment, blitzes of weak economic data, credit markets that have yet to fully thaw, and uncertainty surrounding the new administration, it seems as though volatility may remain for some time
Is he registered with the appropriate regulatory bodies? (Turn to Chapter 8 for information on the regulators
These main regulatory organizations have oversight of commodity exchanges in the United States:
A few things to consider are firm history, clients, licensing information, trading platform, regulatory data, and employee information
Some countries have different regulatory rules than the United States, and you need to know those rules before you get involved in a foreign venture
These funds enable you to take advantage of booms in foreign countries, while remaining within the safe regulatory and investing environment of the United States
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC): The regulatory body of the futures markets
The drawback is that the regulated exchanges offer regulatory oversight to all market participants
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): The main regulatory organization of U
If that fails, the next step is to take the problem to the ombudsman and/or the regulatory authority
1 Roles of the bodies in the new regulatory architecture
This is the part that is mainly watched over by the regulatory authority
For instance, you should use only authorized businesses to act on your behalf, and that is easy to check on the register of the regulatory authority
Of course, discrepancies could also be explained by the local regulatory environment or divergent consumer preferences
org, since some planners who have been disciplined outside their home state can fall through the regulatory cracks
Did this fact alter the flotation, or did the advance possibility that it might happen exonerate the original distributors of the issue from responsibility for this public offering and its later sequel? Not an easy question to answer, but it deserves careful consideration by Wall Street and the government regulatory agencies
Just as the Surgeon General’s warning on the side of a cigarette pack does not stop everyone from lighting up, no regulatory reform will ever prevent investors from overdosing on their own greed
Other clients are concerned about regulatory compliance and data retention
At the time, a punitive regulatory policy was a major factor causing the company's stock to sell as low as one-fourth of book value; i
In many instances, the environment in question is the government, in its legislative, administrative, and regulatory roles
Various additional pieces of legislation, along with judicial and regulatory decisions, have promoted the radical restructuring of the telecommunications industry in both the United States and abroad
The conversion of the thrifts from mutual to stock corporations was set in motion by regulatory changes that encouraged the thrifts to raise more capital
But unlike the insurance company that is motivated to sell a nonperforming real estate loan because of regulatory requirements, the motivation of investment banks, the venture capitalists, and the proprietors of the company coming public is to paint this generally young and untried firm as a sure winner in an enormous marketplace now in its infancy
Recent changes in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) requiring portfolios to be marked to market, however, elevate the importance of OPMI market prices because accounting data, as reported and unadjusted, become important for regulatory or credit rating purposes
There frequently are regulatory and rating agency reasons for issuing preferreds rather than subordinates
In May 2010 Wilmington had hired an outside consultancy to review its loan book and to assist it with a full-scope regulatory exam slated to begin in late June
Wilmington seemed to be adequately capitalized for regulatory purposes even under stress-case scenarios of heavy losses in the loan book
Enforcement of stockholder rights against insiders is undertaken by the regulatory authorities themselves and through the private bar, which brings representative and derivative class actions on behalf of stockholder groups
It is true that some insurance companies tend to be harmed in bear markets because their capital adequacy is measured by regulatory authorities on a basis that values common stocks at market
This difference in the significance of marketability between debt and equity is even recognized in certain regulatory areas: insurance regulations require that debt holdings that are not available for sale be carried on the company’s books for statutory purposes at amortized cost, whereas common stocks are usually carried at market
The monetary and regulatory authorities influenced by the great economists seemed focused only, before the 2008–2009 meltdown, on gross domestic product and the control of inflation-deflation
OPMIs are additionally protected by rules promulgated by quasi-public bodies, particularly the Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
management compensation plans, debt agreements with creditors, and the host of regulatory bodies interacting with the firm