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    release from example sentences

    release from

    1. “Can I have a cigarette?” I asked, surprised by my sudden boldness, but I was desperate to finish my first meal in days with that final token that would mean release from my futile fasting and a passage to one short moment in heaven

    2. a release from his agonizing anger-lacking life? Send him into the path of his

    3. “Early release from probation and removing my history from the DELJIS system

    4. and a quick, blessed release from this mortal world

    5. young Vikki Hankins to more than twenty-three years in prison signed off on her release from

    6. but to throw themselves upon the mercy of govermnent, and to supplicate, first, a release from the further payment of the stipulated £400,000 a-year ; and, secondly, a loan of fourteen hundred thousand, to save them from immediate bankruptcy

    7. this, all of these traitors demanded their release from Alcatraz and they were granted freedom in February 1864

    8. The sudden release from its grip

    9. I see death as a release from life

    10. Gerrid checked for a pulse, but the man had died: the massive dose of neural stimulant coupled with the sudden release from TIAR was inevitably fatal; yet for someone who lived for dangerous missions, staying in his mentally induced prison cell (an override program the Darangi had created for captives) was never an option

    11. Raleigh--whom both the Princes secretly admired--obtain release from

    12. When the Preceptor realised how bad things were becoming in the lower tunnels of the sett, he ordered Soffen's release from the chamber where she was incarcerated

    13. Thus his release from the local Authorities must be obtained before he flies out

    14. The beginning of the end had been his release from prison six months earlier

    15. With an assurance from Shri Maharaj of release from

    16. 31, 1517) Luther tacked to the door of the Schlosskirche (Castle Church) in Wittenberg 95 academic theses ‘On the Power of Indulgences’…The point of his theses was that indulgences made sense only as release from temporal penalties imposed on the faithful by the priests; but if indulgences were understood as release from the temporal punishments of God or from pains…from guilt, they ran counter to the very spirit of the Christian religion which, Luther said, according to the teachings of Jesus, enjoins the believer to practice repentance throughout his whole life” (ibid

    17. Adam‘s children had been my main concern over the years since Susan‘s release from jail

    18. He’d always wanted release from the old man

    19. Watomika’s first letter thanked me for passing on the news about Sacook and securing his release from the Re Che, the second thanked me for telling him Sacook was still well

    20. information to include in the press release from the customer

    21. With the sudden release from personal guidance, interest and pressure came a slack in my studious intentions

    22. She fell, all connection shattered, and her thoughts crying out for release from the flames

    23. I told him I hoped he'd rot in a nursing home for twenty years screaming for release from pain and nausea

    24. have specifically requested to be made aware when a press release from those

    25. Right then, he was securing my release from US military and HS custody

    26. But this release from responsibility as the administrative head of this group does not in any manner lessen your moral responsibility to do everything in your power to hold your brethren together with a firm and loving hand during the trying time just ahead, those days which must intervene between my departure in the flesh and the sending of the new teacher who will live in your hearts, and who ultimately will lead you into all truth

    27. The religions of pessimistic despair seek to obtain release from the burdens of life; they crave extinction in endless slumber and rest

    28. He did not use religion as a release from life

    29. After my release from prison it had been almost five years and I went to see the grave which now had other graves around it to

    30. Upon my release from prison V told me he had been jumped in his sleep by this Chris and some other make believe bikers that he created in an effort to keep some pride

    31. The police already have a signed release from the family

    32. Those of you who are familiar with my past may recall that after my release from prison my ex had sold or disposed of everything I owned but I still have that double cd of All Eyez On Me

    33. 10 to 11) – The first weeks after release from prison

    34. refused to issue KP Records with sales figures and royalty cheques forcing Dave to pull the release from sale in 2009

    35. “In fact, you would have needed a release from him anyway

    36. In this case, it would be release from the punishment of

    37. Those in hell will never receive release from their chains

    38. Emanating good will give you the impression of release from this karmic operation

    39. Routines that cause depression and what can be perceived as extreme personality changes are those that you should not submit to, but change and release from you completely

    40. A week or two later she sent me an email saying she had received a press release from Aventine Press

    41. Aim for a slow and easy breath that allows tensions to release from your

    42. news reader was reporting on a press release from the

    43. I couldn’t help myself I burst out laughing, this laughter acted as a release from the pressure of trying to meld a friendly, a semi friendly and an outright belligerent community to the same ends, this to my way of thinking was a task even the gods weren’t equipped for, I contemplated becoming an out and out despot but could not see myself as a tyrant overlord, it was then I thought of Coatl, I hadn’t seen him for some time, his advice would be invaluable, we had to get the city up and running as soon as possible, the flow of people leaving the city had stopped and a lot of the people who, believing the lies spread by the Teoti, and had left in fear were now returning, having found those fears to be unfounded

    44. Headmaster had given way to Comrade Komanda who announced the arrival of the man who was Kongwa’s most notorious terrorist recruit and the man who was in time to eclipse the golden aura of Mahatma Gandhi’s hallowed image as the great emancipator, emerging out of the shadows of the underground resistance movement into the flashing lights of press cameras which recorded his trials and tribulations from imprisonment for the Rivonia conspiracy to release from Robben’s Island; universal images of the man who was, in freedom, to become the celebrity of celebrities

    45. following your release from the incarceration, you

    46. Air Force regulations forbid its female members from becoming pregnant or to have children in their charge, on pain of immediate release from service

    47. they preached that death was the ultimate release from pain, and was to be sought at all costs

    48. Since the Kboayashi Maru and the Enterprise were focusing all their energies into half of their shields, their shields held out long enough that the worse part of the energy release from the exploding warp core had come and gone before they failed

    49. “Immediately after your release from boot camp, Mr

    50. Patricia Sharp of Bowling Green University wrote a research paper entitled Meditation-induced bliss viewed as release from conditioned neural (thought) patterns that block reward signals in the brain pleasure center

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