Use "religious" in a sentence
religious example sentences
1. They have become very religious and are now well-known members of the Rapturists
2. Here are a few jokes from the west where it is not unusual to cut jokes around religious leaders and mythological figures
3. Searchers usually turn to spiritual pursuits of attending religious discourses, meditation camps and reading of scriptures and the like
4. Prime Minister’s Relief Fund and well known religious trusts are other avenues for financial help to others
5. · And, what happens if you fail to draw up a will? Then the religious law will take over
6. The creation process as enunciated in our religious scriptures matches to a great extent with the evolving scientific hypothesis of Big Bang and expanding and contracting universe
7. No scientific hypothesis had been banned or suppressed by religious teachers or kings in India
8. As against this in the west many scientists were killed or jailed or forced to change their hypothesis simply because the religious leaders did not accept them
9. Scriptures are for guidance; particularly for the masses many of them come to know of the contents through discourses by religious teachers
10. The fact he talked Emma into having Barney baptised at the church says it all really – Emma is not what you would call religious minded
11. Many social, economic, cultural or religious differences are not tolerated by us instead we want God not to create such people at all
12. Imagine the shock to the family when he announced his intention to marry a catholic hotel maid! This love dynamic in his life was the catalyst for his search for religious truth
13. and the religious
14. Pallas was more of commercial simulation without as many religious overtones, and didn't call themselves Angels, though there were many Christial believers among the population who did
15. e) Mystics and religious leaders: They are the most powerful vampires of all, as they have the unique ability of mesmerizing millions of people
16. In this case, absorption of energy takes place in deeper levels, since religious leaders are obeyed and worshiped by entire populations, while they systematically rouse guilt and terror
17. As about the “flock”, they are willing to blindly accept even the most paranoiac religious dogmas and they are proud of it
18. I speculated on the civil wars and religious factionalism and its effects on young minds
19. (2) A declining respect for the authority of God's Word in all religious matters
20. What he had done the last four days was keep more to himself in his lab, making it look like he was studying toward his career as well as toward religious bliss
21. The use of the Bible as a standard of authority in religious matters
22. informed me that he had been in a religious discussion with a Catholic co-worker
23. Herein lies the problem in the religious world today
24. Undoubtedly, he came with us just because his religious parents had compelled him to, so as to guard his sister's virginity!
25. Of, course, they always find plenty of other excuses: success in business, increase of wealth, religious, racial or political discrimination etc
26. He could guess plenty of techs that had the skills to get the drop on him, but not one who would use the religious symbolism
27. These religious boys gave us back our dignity
28. Through the jokes and the crude religious posturing, he almost seemed to want me to escape, or at least to try
29. "That's not a curse," Herndon told her, "That is a religious classification that ours does fit into in the native language
30. Many thousands did not grow up to be great religious thinkers, and complained of an absent father
31. And it isn’t any more prevalent than in the religious establishments and at the market places
32. They perform religious functions to cause one to feel at peace with God, but they never once bring the power of salvation to the hearts of the pew sitters
33. We are to be clothed in Christ – not clothed in religious obligation
34. And what is the false religious establishment at its core? Does it not have at its heart the very things that the principalities and powers promote? It is based solely off of self-preservation, self-promotion, and self-pleasure
35. You don’t want to feel guilty anymore, so you do your religious duty in going to church, tithing, repenting, reading your Bible, attending the Bible study, serving, and all the other things that are promoted by the church building that good saints do
36. Captain Obvious of the Religious Troop then speaks up with, “This Temple took 46 years to build… You are going to build it in three days?”
37. What John is communicating is that the religious system that would be elitist is over
38. early on in a number of religious cultures, including
39. It prefers the religious thing that brings no life, but fulfills all obligations
40. Herod had control of the major religious establishment
41. He ruled the government system, the religious system, and the economic system
42. Somehow they had sublime confidence in the sovereignty of God – even though it flies in the face of every natural and religious category
43. ” David symbolizes the man of faith – which is ironically the one that always gets trampled upon by men of the world, whether religious or otherwise
44. And although his taxi had a very impressive array of icons, holy pictures, crucifixes and little religious plaques arranged around the windscreen, there was nothing to dispel my fear that at any moment we'd be sailing through the air, over the cliffs and down, down, down into the sea
45. "Alan's still nervous about his old religious thing, but yeah, I could go for it if Yarin's willing and he's not too beat when he's done with those tenks
46. My personality at the time was being fueled by religious fanaticism and a refusal to sleep made it a more serious case
47. While I was in Russia I got this real interest in those religious icons
48. my religious status for confusion
49. ‘Yes, I think you’re right,’ she said when I had finished expounding my views on the subject, ‘Unfortunately, far too many parents opt out, saying that their children can make a decision regarding religious belief for themselves, but the problem as I see it is that, in order to make a decision, you need to know something about what you are deciding
50. ‘You’re doubtless familiar with the concept of love in a religious sense?’ she nods and her brow wrinkles as she tries to see where my argument is going