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    retrospective example sentences


    1. Sprint retrospective meeting is mainly for the team and they discuss, what went well, what can be changed, etc this helps in continually improving and organizing themselves

    2. parapsychologist Susan Blackmore is a chief proponent of the retrospective reconstruction

    3. The retrospective reconstruction

    4. I was visiting the Tate gallery for a Turner retrospective and the extraordinary flamboyance and daring of the works triggered a sudden insight

    5. Another lamented, ‘Surely, when Pranab Mukherjee brought in the retrospective tax in the 2012 budget, the prime minister knew it would send the wrong signal to business

    6. The retrospective tax, in particular, was seen to symbolize corporate India’s discomfiture with the UPA government

    7. Many suppliers will have received similar letters threatening dire consequences if a retrospective rebate is not made

    8. Letters go out from the retailer to their suppliers ‘requesting’ a retrospective discount, not previously negotiated, to ‘encourage greater volume’ or ‘offset marketing costs’

    9. ” the alien elder rose from its seat, as he seemed to be moved into the offered chair, as he gazed stupified at the This is Your Life retrospective of trivial and personal outtakes of his existence illuminating their dark table

    10. The Gospels were written for a particular people, at a particular moment in time, which in retrospective reflection allows these writings to be considered authentic and believable

    11. In fact I didn't want to bring that strange retrospective reverie to an end…it was so

    12. Turn from lands retrospective recording proofs of the past,

    13. As I muse retrospective murmuring a chant in thought,

    14. to the long procession retrospective,

    15. The shining clusters and the Milky Ways of stars--Nature's pulses reap'd, All retrospective passions, heroes, war, love, adoration,

    16. All unaware of the War Angel already awaiting, with the trumpet at his lips, the stroke of the fatal hour, I sat there, thinking that this life of ours is neither long nor short, but that it can appear very wonderful, entertaining, and pathetic, with symbolic images and bizarre associations crowded into one half-hour of retrospective musing

    17. There, as in a retrospective arrangement, a mirror within a mirror (hey, presto!), he beholdeth himself

    18. Looking back now in a retrospective kind of arrangement all seemed a kind of dream

    19. Plymdale's maternal view was, that Rosamond might possibly now have retrospective glimpses of her own folly; and feeling the advantages to be at present all on the side of her son, was too kind a woman not to behave graciously

    20. A true retrospective on what was ultimately accomplished in Viet Nam

    21. While the wedding was in preparation, and while awaiting the date fixed upon, he caused difficult and scrupulous retrospective researches to be made

    22. A controversy exploded years later over this raid as a result of a retrospective report about it in Confidential magazine

    23. But we ought not to be surprised at this, when we take a retrospective view of their conduct, their united and uniform opposition to the Administration for many years

    24. Speaker, that the Duke of Cadore saw, that, by suffering the law to pass unnoticed, till our property released from the embargo had filled nearly every port in Europe under French control, and then issuing an order which was to have a retrospective operation of ten months, was such a gross outrage upon every principle of honor and justice, as well as the usages of public law, that he, in a letter to General Armstrong, of the 5th August, 1810, attempts to excuse the piratical transaction, by saying that the Emperor knew nothing of the law of March, until very lately

    25. I feel a confidence, that if the gentleman will attend to the circumstances of this case, and take a retrospective view of the conduct of the British Government, he will feel no doubt of the fact

    26. When they take a retrospective view of the subject, and find that most of those statutes were first passed in the times and under the patriot counsels of the old Congress, and that the more general one which took effect in 1794 was passed under the Administration of General Washington, who was himself the chief of soldiers as he was the chief of their patrons and friends in every station; but he was equally the friend of his country, and gave that act the sanction of his name, as founded, at least, in a policy of general justice and right, which the Government had been at length obliged to resort to and maintain in self-defence; that every Congress since has invariably adhered to the general policy of those laws; and, after the lapse of so many years, when the difficulty of doing justice has increased with the increase of time, and when a partial repeal would but tend to increase the discontent and dissatisfaction of every class of claimants which should remain unprovided for, the committee cannot, from any view they have been able to take of the subject, recommend the repeal or suspension of any of those statutes

    27. In aggravation of these predatory measures, they have been considered as in force from the dates of their notification; a retrospective effect being thus added, as has been done in other important cases, to the unlawfulness of the course pursued

    28. It will have been seen, also, that no indemnity had been provided, or satisfactorily pledged, for the extensive spoliations committed under the violent and retrospective orders of the French Government against the property of our citizens, seized within the jurisdiction of France

    29. Sir, when I last addressed the Chair, I then took a retrospective view of our past expectations, plans, and propositions, from which we expected to derive great advantages

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    "retrospective" definitions

    an exhibition of a representative selection of an artist's life work

    concerned with or related to the past