Use "right-wing" in a sentence
right-wing example sentences
1. I could not help getting a kick out of this ex-liberal"s recent book: „How I Accidently Became a Member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
2. Although no group has officially claimed responsibility for the bombing, it is certain that Conservatives will likely take some heat from the liberal community anxious to score political points over this horrific event by (alleged) right-wing fanatics
3. The aforementioned bombing has been traced to (former) members of a right-wing militia group from Michigan
4. Although this ―group‖ is routinely characterized by the ―mainstream‖ media as right-wing fanatics, this enigmatic contingent, commonly referred to as ―swing voters,‖
5. I wonder today if the growth in militancy of the far right-wing did not gain momentum from that siege, when they realised we were shackled and not about to deal with them as harshly as we dealt with black protesters in the past
6. The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
7. Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy—A projection and diversion used by the Vast Left-Wing
8. ELPs referred to such views as those of “extreme right-wing fanatics
9. “Honestly,” Lomborg confesses, as he got to work on the project with the aid of his best students, they expected to show that most of Simon’s book was “simple, American right-wing
10. “Would you say that the dark cabal on Earth is still on the run? I ask because ultra-conservative, right-wingers who want to eliminate regulation of corporations seem to be stronger than ever in our legislatures
11. Some people call them the Fake Right because the Yakuza Right pretends they’re a politically-oriented, right-wing organization
12. From then on, many Yakuza describe themselves as right-wingers to cover up their questionable, financially motivated crimes
13. The French National Assembly, composed in majority of right-wing conservatives and hidden monarchists, then imposed its views on the more socialist Executive Committee, which supposedly governed France but was in reality too weak to oppose the National Assembly
14. His following included a combination of right-wing government control haters, radical talk show hosts, religious leaders and their flocks who were afraid of the “beast rising to power
15. He had even been physically assaulted by fringe Hindu right-wing groups for his remarks calling for a plebiscite in Kashmir
16. He also set up the pro-Modi right-wing website Niticentral
17. There was Swapan Dasgupta as the premier right-wing voice and someone who had an inside track to Modi; the liberal historian and public intellectual Ramachandra Guha was among the rare breed who spoke as well as he wrote; Manini Chatterjee of the Telegraph offered a punchy counterpoint to Swapan’s Modinama; P
18. When the Indian government blocked a WTO agreement by sticking to its stand on food subsidies, Modi admirer and right-wing economist Surjit Bhalla remarked angrily, ‘A leader, operating from a position of one of the most voted governments in Indian history, should be making policy with conviction, not emulating tactics of a defunct government
19. This has put him in direct conflict with his right-wing allies, David Cameron in the UK and Angela Merkel in Germany
20. competition was taken over by the right-wing parish council and renamed
21. Not too long after the FBI’s fourth annual bungled attempt to put down civil insurrection by what they called “right-wing extremists,” all the little splinter groups of “patriots” and “skinheads” and assorted other we-are-God’s-chosen cults finally got together, as had been feared in the establishment’s worst nightmares
22. With right-wing USA think tank and USA lobbies, financed by billionaires, media and universities have created the beliefs that government are the source of all ills and that free markets are 40
23. And I was about to join a Congress in which Newt Gingrich, who I considered at the time to be a right-wing bomb thrower, was going to be Speaker of the House
24. A group of right-wing representatives whom we referred to as the CATs (because they had been called the Conservative Action Team before rebranding as the Republican Study Group) were trying to block the bill by adding all sorts of ideological amendments to it
25. He was undoubtedly intelligent and well informed, but too right-wing for Grane’s tastes
26. During the Second World War, when France was occupied by the Germans (see Chapter 9), many French right-wingers thought the Nazis were less of a threat than French communists and actively collaborated with them
27. For many years, left-wing historians said the extent of the Yezhovshchina had been grossly exaggerated by right-wing writers, while the right-wingers accused the left-wingers of covering up the horrifying truth
28. When the Soviet archives finally opened in the 1980s, the NKVD’s records seemed to suggest that the right-wingers had been right all along, but then historians suggested that the NKVD had inflated its own figures to meet its quotas
29. Enough right-wingers with money were scared of the communists to lend their support to Hitler and the Nazis started winning votes in large numbers
30. A military coup in 1930 puts the landowners back in charge, with an oppressive right-wing regime – until the next coup, thirteen years later
31. Then President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal (see Chapter 8) set America’s right-wing communist-finders’ noses twitching
32. Southern Rhodesia became a self-governing colony just called ‘Rhodesia’ with a right-wing, white supremacist government led by Ian Smith
33. Since the right-wing Afrikaaner National Party won the elections in 1948, South Africa had operated a policy of apartheid, strict segregation of blacks, coloureds, and whites, even for public toilets and park benches, with all the best facilities, jobs, schools, and houses reserved for the whites
34. The Chileans tried electing radical governments and they tried electing right-wing governments until finally in 1970 they became the first country in the world to elect an out-and-out Marxist government
35. Somoza hated communists, so the US could rest easy: Nicaragua was in safe right-wing hands as long as he or anyone in his family entourage was in charge, which they were until 1979
36. However, ultimately the Sandinistas fell to something much less spectacular than US-backed rebels: President Daniel Ortega simply lost the 1990 election to his right-wing opponents
37. Mao got Wu Han’s play slated in a review and accused Wu of being a right-wing revisionist: A very serious accusation
38. Christian Democrats: These were Conservative political parties in Germany and Italy, though other right-wing groups thought the same way
39. Helping dictators to oppress their countries: Churches have also helped right-wing dictators in Spain, Portugal, and Vietnam on the grounds that they were standing up against the spread of communism