Use "rigorously" in a sentence
rigorously example sentences
1. It was shivering from the cold and shaking all over so she began rubbing its small body rigorously to get its circulation going
2. appeared to be rigorously checking the ration coupons from the books
3. All of this cosmic evolution after the inflationary epoch can be rigorously described and modelled by the ΛCDM model of cosmology, which uses the independent frameworks of quantum mechanics and Einstein‘s General Relativity
4. Capitation taxes are levied at little expense ; and, where they are rigorously exacted, afford a very sure revenue to the state
5. With the Temporal Directive once adhered to more rigorously than the Bible to a priest, the question of even speaking to a human – much less risking any influence or interference – would have been beyond the pale
6. Such moves result in demands for the police or military to enforce the laws more rigorously
7. He organized them into tumen in imitation of us and rigorously trained the men into a formidable force
8. Even among scientists and practitioners rigorously trained in their discipline a point of view can develop, and be passionately held, that disregards the requirements of scientific integrity
9. The Skeptical Environmentalist is a book of 515 pages rigorously documented, including 2,930 footnotes and a 71-page bibliography (The lengths these academics will go to!)
10. Students subjected to this regimen are rigorously taught what to think
11. length once again? We should say, rigorously, that when measuring with technique A under
12. philosophers, then, is to rigorously establish a set of ‘normal’ conditions, and somehow tie this
13. Rigorously, the example should read: the experience of hearing voices while simultaneously not
14. facts, but these facts are rigorously established by the application of the theory in experiment
15. As I dickered, Vera was ready with nudges and sotto voce suggestions which I rigorously ignored
16. On the other hand, you could promote yourself rigorously and focus
17. hatred and cruelty; all such should be rigorously avoided
18. He took care of the firearm as if it was one of his own children, oiling the parts daily and cleaning it rigorously every time it was used
19. movement to 45° is to applied rigorously
20. And that is because I had rigorously applied a scientific method to the problem, and learned, from a review of various astrological texts, that the exact same alignment of planets had occurred in Libra in 1186! Absolutely nothing of significance happened on that day in 1186
21. “She is a stronger telepath than I, and she has been more rigorously trained for these sorts of…
22. Rules drawn up at that date, under such circumstances, are not to be rigorously applied to this day, especially when the application injures the Sunday services, and does more harm than good
23. Food and dress is rigorously regulated
24. He ventured to expostulate, and demand why he should be treated more rigorously than the other captives
25. been rigorously investigated by scientific means to confirm their efficacy
26. All of its content not only consists of mythological monsters, but is also rigorously
27. Anne nodded rigorously, but fear was beginning to tear at her heart
28. He is one of the gods in my temple, a place from which I rigorously exclude the sense of humours
29. The classes are with us divided so rigorously that the needle's eye was child's play to the camel compared to this other entering
30. and refersto cases where law is rigorously applied without
31. On the other hand, a fine classic building is the result of one large conception to which every part has rigorously to conform
32. "Truly," said the druggist, "one ought to proceed most rigorously against drunkenness! I should like to see written up weekly at the door of the town hall on a board ad hoc* the names of all those who during the week got intoxicated on alcohol
33. Since they each have more power and serve longer, it makes sense that the senators are screened more rigorously
34. Before daybreak he would awake, leave the inn after rigorously paying his bill, and reaching the forest, he would, under pretence of making studies in painting, test the hospitality of some peasants, procure himself the dress of a woodcutter and a hatchet, casting off the lion's skin to assume that of the woodman; then, with his hands covered with dirt, his hair darkened by means of a leaden comb, his complexion embrowned with a preparation for which one of his old comrades had
35. It was his custom, too, as it has been that of many other pious Puritans, to fast,—not, however, like them, in order to purify the body and render it the fitter medium of celestial illumination, but rigorously, and until his knees trembled beneath him, as an act of penance
36. He’d had time to drill his command rigorously, if not quite to his own satisfaction
37. And then, when we develop a language for rigorously rendering 3D shapes in two-dimensional space, what do we find? We’re as far from the truth as ever
38. Computations of earnings on the issue taken separately must, of course, be rigorously avoided, although such calculations are given by the statistical agencies
39. They rose out of respect for the office, for the lofty traditions, for what they themselves had rigorously maintained about the office
40. Then apply them rigorously, and watch as slowly, over time, your account begins to blossom
41. Since the Orleans railway has invaded the region of the Salpetriere, the ancient, narrow streets which adjoin the moats Saint-Victor and the Jardin des Plantes tremble, as they are violently traversed three or four times each day by those currents of coach fiacres and omnibuses which, in a given time, crowd back the houses to the right and the left; for there are things which are odd when said that are rigorously exact; and just as it is true to say that in large cities the sun makes the southern fronts of houses to vegetate and grow, it is certain that the frequent passage of vehicles enlarges streets
42. The state of the places of which we are here giving a description is rigorously exact, and will certainly awaken a very precise memory in the mind of old inhabitants of the quarter
43. Besides the maskers, they stared at that procession—peculiar to Shrove Tuesday as to Longchamps,—of vehicles of every description, citadines, tapissieres, carioles, cabriolets marching in order, rigorously riveted to each other by the police regulations, and locked into rails, as it were
44. Using the base rates as odds for beating an investment in the All Stocks universe, we see that between 1963 and 2009, if you managed to rigorously hold onto the stocks with the lowest price-to-cash flow ratios from All Stocks, you won in every ten-year period, with an average excess gain of 4
45. For this purpose, what he is pleased to call his great continental system has been devised and rigorously enforced
46. Upon recurring to the Berlin and Milan decrees, it will be found that they contain a solemn pledge, that "they shall continue to be rigorously in force, as long as that (the English) Government does not return to the principle of the law of nations