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    rip up example sentences

    rip up

    1. I had to rip up my jeans in lieu of the toilet paper, and of all of the things that I requested from captors, it was this simple product that now seemed so much less of a luxury and much more of a dire necessity

    2. In my rush to get to it before it stops, starkers except for a towel round my hair, I nearly trip up on the bath mat

    3. It takes more time than I thought to rip up the shirt and bind his shoulder

    4. Wrapping the strip up, I carry it over to the bunk

    5. Only weakly could he maintain his grip upon his sword, and yet he came, determined not lie underneath a mound of bodies

    6. We ran but we had to be careful we did not trip up over anything so we could not run that fast bur we managed to get to the shell hole whilst the Germans were busy killing others

    7. When they reversed direction, heading back, the question of master and servant again became an issue with the spirited animal, turning the trip up the mountain into an exhilarating test of control

    8. happenings of our trip up to that point

    9. the next week on a road-trip up and down the East Coast

    10. It was a pleasant trip up to the north end of the valley

    11. Everything went smoothly during the trip up, so I should not have

    12. “How was your trip up to the frozen North, Captain?” opened Ken cautiously

    13. The trip up to the meeting lounge was full with agreeable surprises

    14. My first trip up the mountain was on a T-bar

    15. He hired a motor powered boat and took Ellen on a trip up the river to a place called Boveney Lock

    16. "Fill it with water and tie a strip of that torn hanging about its neck for a handle while I rip up this tapestry

    17. Most of the trip up to

    18. The trip up to the station’s longitudinal axis, around which the carrousels were rotating, then along the central communication shaft to the control room, took only a couple of minutes

    19. Custer, was on his second or third trip upstairs from the morgue at Bethesda to develop Kennedy x-rays when he saw Mrs

    20. They would take off, rip up the sky for ten minutes, and then land back on top again

    21. Man, I literally watched him stick a knife in the man�s belly and then rip up a huge gash, spilling his intestines all over

    22. I promised her we would get together before our weekend trip up the coast with Sergei and his merry band of America haters

    23. She was with a guy I actually met, years before, way back in ’68, on a surf trip up north

    24. passenger with the crew of four, and the trip up the coast of the Persian Gulf was scheduled for

    25. “Someone will trip up, and then you’ll nail him

    26. and his buddies their trip up the mountain seems effortless

    27. “How about down then up?” Maybe that will trip up his mind

    28. The other way to trip up the Vulcan regularity was simply to join them, meal in progress

    29. The last thing she wanted to do was totter over and trip up the steps

    30. But he kept building the trip up, telling me that there was a shallow wreck just off the enlisted men’s beach he wanted to scout—that it was only a few miles

    31. The bigger challenge in any random sampling system remained—how do you convert vote percentages in any poll into seats? That was the statistical jugglery which could trip up a pollster

    32. One more trip up and down the steps on Rob’s part and the couple was munching popcorn daintily with dirty fingers as they hummed along to Delilah’s love sounds coming out of the radio

    33. On his last trip upstairs, Thandi caught him

    34. I made a quick trip up the back stairway to my own room and knelt in front of the polished brass sea-trunk, which was covered in Dragon Lady Holly

    35. Helens, at one of the camp sites that overlooked the Toutle River, but was close enough that we could make a day trip up the mountain

    36. their trip up the mountain

    37. Would you deliberately stop and stick your foot out, in order to trip up the man who was coming in second?"

    38. It was therefore with a sense of relief that we welcomed him a few minutes later as he hurried into the office, almost breathless from his trip uptown and back

    39. The man was now going through my shoebox of negatives, holding each strip up to the light and studying it carefully

    40. All nine horses and ten felons toppled into a chaotic heap of men and beasts with most of the men loosing their grip upon the revolvers that had been in their hands

    41. ‘Good trip up?’

    42. was once on a school trip up here, got lost and needed

    43. offer a trip up as a prize, for the fundraising

    44. “We’ll have to plan a trip up there sometime,” she added

    45. He turned away again abruptly, with a shouted exclamation of fury, but was brought up short once more by my grip upon him

    46. which includes a boat trip up a portion of the Normanby River near the town of Laura

    47. “Eddie and Mary are coming down and they were thinking perhaps that they might take you for a trip up to Philadelphia to look the situation over up there

    48. The spunky nature of Mr Hirple was certainly very disagreeable often to most of the council, especially when there was any difference of opinion; but then it was only a sort of flash, and at the vote he always, like a reasonable man, sided with the majority, and never after attempted to rip up a decision when it was once so settled

    49. Officially that was because the Temple Guard had been cut to the bone to find the men the Army of God required, yet the real reason had been to be sure of the Inquisition’s grip upon the city of God on earth

    50. I already knew that the papers were probably in the room, but I had no desire to rip up all the planking and skirting in search of them

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