Use "river basin" in a sentence
river basin example sentences
river basin
1. The early evening sun was hot enough and the only cool place in Washington was on the Mall or by the river basin
2. The Green River Basin could yield two trillion barrels of oil from this source
3. The people had gradually been contained on smaller and smaller pieces of property until in the mid-1940's they existed only on a number of small village sized plots scattered along the coast and its river basins
4. It’s the only apparent river of the four that is still easily traceable, but if you reassemble the landmasses as they once were and strip away the hiding layers of the ocean waters, the old river basins are apparent even today
5. Another of the river basins went north up along the coast of modern-day Israel
6. As I said all you have to do to see the old river basins is to strip away the layers of seawater to view the underlying topography
7. The fourth and final river basin traveled out around the top of Africa towards the Atlantic and would have outletted near where the Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean today, but in those days South America and part of North America were pressed up against Africa
8. The Powder River Basin (PRB) in Wyoming and Montana is the single largest coal-producing region in the U