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    Use "russian federation" in a sentence

    russian federation example sentences

    russian federation

    1. I, Luci, would like to commend the Russian Federation

    2. neighboring countries and in the Russian Federation

    3. It was assumed that, should it become necessary, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation would simply march into the least well-defended territory that was suitable

    4. James’s of the Russian Federation, wasn’t best pleased to be summoned to the Foreign Office

    5. “You have, through your stupidity, caused considerable embarrassment to the Russian Federation, without in the end being able to show us a shred of evidence that your original mission has been successfully completed

    6. Russian Federation, were forced to admit that the methodology of uncovering of

    7. the highest echelons of power of the Russian Federation and security forces,

    8. the Russian Federation would have no access to the substances, nor would he or

    9. The Special Services of the Russian Federation

    10. medical help in Moscow or even anywhere in the Russian Federation

    11. We found out that the Special Services of the Russian Federation were using

    12. Law-abiding citizens of Russian Federation, who have never had any connection to

    13. Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, who tried to kill me, Andrey

    14. Soviet Union to suspend its activities in the territory of the Russian Federation

    15. Now the Russian Federation is making a play to become a superpower once again, this time under different circumstances

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