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    Use "saboteur" in a sentence

    saboteur example sentences


    1. In life coaching, we often call this negative voice (“It’s too cold to get out of the bed today”) The Saboteur

    2. It seemed that the saboteur had survived and was amongst their little group

    3. For now he had saved her but how could he ensure not just her safety but the safety of the whole group? It would not be practical for them to take turns watching over each other as to ensure the saboteur was kept from further opportunities they would have to keep watch in pairs

    4. He did not suspect her of being the saboteur, especially as she was still unconscious, but he could not risk someone else stealing the weapon from her

    5. Somehow he had to establish the identity of the saboteur and put an end to the deaths

    6. “I was informed shortly before we left Earth that there is a most probably a saboteur on board this ship

    7. She knows I know there is a saboteur in our group

    8. “So you’re our saboteur?” he said slowly

    9. A saboteur was eventually found amongst the Hesperian crew a few weeks after they landed

    10. The newly elected colony commander decided to have a brig constructed within the wreck of the Elysian, to hold the saboteur until a longer term solution could be decided

    11. No saboteur was ever identified amongst the Olympian crew

    12. Chris Sergov always wondered whether that saboteur had changed his or her mind and decided to throw in with everyone else, or whether there never was a saboteur on that ship

    13. The image of soldiers or actual technicians scouring the corridors trying to find the saboteur who'd knocked out their servers frightened him

    14. here as a spy and maybe saboteur, we are not sure

    15. Perhaps it was, but it turns out the saboteur was the parent company distorting the truth

    16. have the inner saboteur allow them to gain back thirty of those pounds, I

    17. ����������� �Why should I tell you anything?� The British will execute me anyway as a spy and a saboteur

    18. It was thought that switching off was so obvious, that a saboteur would think it was booby trapped

    19. You are an active saboteur and spy; living secretly inside the lower working class: doing the upper class’s dirty work for them

    20. Peter had not just been a saboteur and a dark presence to all of us because he could get away with it; he had sunk below my lowest expectations when he wrote those pervy letters to Katherine

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    Synonyms for "saboteur"

    fifth columnist saboteur diversionist wrecker

    "saboteur" definitions

    someone who commits sabotage or deliberately causes wrecks

    a member of a clandestine subversive organization who tries to help a potential invader