Use "sanitarium" in a sentence
sanitarium example sentences
1. The radiation at Uncas on Thames, a former sanitarium off Route 32 in Norwich, directed at the sternum, wound up giving her third degree burns of the esophagus so that she could not swallow at all
2. Before the evening was through, the Seven Gates Sanitarium achieved a hefty haul
3. She was put away in a maximum-security nuthouse, called Wellson Correctional Sanitarium, and if she was ever found sane and released, she’d be sent directly to prison for the remainder of her 50-year sentence
4. The news was talking now about how some people had engineered a daring escape from some sanitarium in the next state
5. he said that because of Desiree's actions Mama had a nervous breakdown and needed to be under constant supervision at Melhana Sanitarium
6. " The first report written by the doctor of record states that Merydyth Terrance was admitted by her husband, Richard, on January 23rd, 1863 to Melhana Sanitarium
7. But we must get this poor girl in a private hospital or sanitarium where she can recover
8. " Next he called up the sanitarium to which Murtha had been committed, and after posing as Murtha's personal physician managed to have the rules relaxed to the extent of exchanging a few sentences with him
9. "By the way, I've been inquiring into the commitment of Murtha to that sanitarium for the insane
10. A few minutes later we were all on our way in a touring car to the private sanitarium up in Westchester, where it had been announced that Murtha had been taken
11. The sanitarium where Tony was confined was in a peaceful, wooded area in Connecticut
12. In upstate New York, Tony Blackwell was standing before his easel in the garden of the sanitarium
13. Tony Blackwell was in the garden of the sanitarium, painting, when his companion approached
14. The practical examples and the interpreting memorandums from the prophetic Sunna and the deeds of our ancestors are countless, after curing them in the sanitarium of Allah The King and The Most Holy, they led a happy and pleasant life
15. My father rented a house here, long ago, so that my mother, who had severe lumbago pains, would take daily baths at the Cabritage, a sulphurous spa with a horrid, putrid smell extending far beyond the immediate vicinity of the sanitarium
16. Roseneath Farms Sanitarium was a private, fifty-bed psychiatric facility established in the 1920s on property abutting Ravenhill, a fact suggesting that staff at the Assumption school might have been involved in the recommendation to place Rosemary there
17. Just beyond was a two-story white frame house with the name in unlit neon above: HOLLYHOCK HOUSE SANITARIUM
18. * She desperately wanted to be released and had done everything she could think of to get out of the sanitarium, even contacting her long-lost daughter, Berniece
19. During a brief visit to California, she decided to visit Gladys Baker in the San Jose sanitarium, and then visit with her friend Ethel Dougherty in Los Angeles
20. Indeed, it would seem that Gladys found a way of possibly enrolling someone entirely new, someone yet to be approached—Charles Stanley Gifford—to get her released from the sanitarium
21. Perhaps she had idealized the nurses she’d known at the sanitarium and thought they led good lives
22. In the 1960s, Gladys explained the derivation to Rose Anne Cooper, a young nurse’s aide at the Rock Haven Sanitarium
23. Gladys’s intense interest in Christian Science had not wavered since her release from the sanitarium
24. (Here, she was probably referring to the time Grace visited her in the sanitarium and Gladys told her that Charles Gifford was Marilyn’s father
25. ” She wrote that she was afraid they were going to have to send her back to Agnews in San Jose, or maybe they should place her in the Rock Haven Sanitarium in La Crescenta, California
26. That very same morning, Gladys was moved to Rock Haven Sanitarium at 2713 Honolulu Avenue in La Crescenta, California
27. “Actually it was also called the Screen Actor’s Sanitarium, even though not a lot of movie stars stayed there
28. When I heard that she had been out of a sanitarium for seven years, I simply couldn’t believe it
29. Then, unfortunately, she began to rant once again that she wanted her release from the sanitarium
30. However, it is known that she was informed by the sanitarium staff that Gladys had also begun writing letters to J
31. Marilyn shot off a letter to Melson telling her that any missive sent to any government officials written by her mother should be immediately confiscated by the sanitarium officials and not mailed
32. The very week that Marilyn Monroe was suffering through her experiences at Payne Whitney in New York, her mother was having similar problems in the Rock Haven Sanitarium in California
33. She was extremely unhappy at Rock Haven; indeed she had never been happy at any sanitarium over the years
34. One evening during the time that Marilyn was in Payne Whitney, Gladys saw a news account of her daughter’s apparent mental breakdown on the television that was watched by the patients at the sanitarium
35. She said, ‘This is a secret we have been trying to keep for years, and we expect you to act with great discretion where this is concerned because the studio will otherwise be very upset with the sanitarium
36. When Gladys was finally returned to the sanitarium, she remained heavily sedated for many weeks, never leaving her room
37. Marilyn’s mother, Gladys, was at this time still being cared for at Rock Haven Sanitarium in La Crescenta, about a thirty-minute drive from Marilyn’s home and Schwartz’s office
38. She never knew just what kind of communication to expect from her mother, who was at the Rock Haven Sanitarium at the time
39. Meanwhile, Marilyn’s mother, Gladys Baker Eley, tried to commit suicide while locked behind these gates at the Rock Haven Sanitarium in California
40. When Gladys’s other daughter, Berniece Miracle, went to visit her mother at Rock Haven Sanitarium in La Crescenta, California, in August 1962, after Marilyn’s funeral, she was distressed to find that Gladys’s biggest concern was as it had always been: She wanted her freedom
41. I must thank my amazing researcher Michael Stevens, who uncovered much of the information on the Rock Haven Sanitarium and of Gladys Baker’s time there
42. * This sanitarium has most often been described in Marilyn Monroe biographies as having been in Eagle Rock, California, and Verdugo City, California
43. * This same will stipulates that her mother, Gladys Baker Eley, should have her sanitarium expenses paid “for the rest of her life”—but not more than a total of $25,000