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    Use "sarcophagus" in a sentence

    sarcophagus example sentences


    1. In the centre of the chamber lay a rectangular stone block, like some sort of undecorated sarcophagus

    2. It seemed an eternity that he was encased in the high-tech sarcophagus

    3. They checked on Elle, and made sure the sarcophagus was securely shut

    4. With a fist she broke the cover of the sarcophagus, emerging glorious and burning

    5. Gabe sat on top of the sarcophagus, listening to Elle’s muffled cries

    6. Zia ran her hand along the white stone lid of the sarcophagus

    7. I barely made it behind a sarcophagus

    8. fists into the sarcophagus, and reduced it to a pile of stone and mummy

    9. “When I was entombed in that…that sarcophagus,” Zia said, “I almost

    10. Ren: one of the five parts of the soul: the secret name; identity Sarcophagus: a stone coffin, often decorated with sculpture and

    11. still entranced candidate of those ancient days raised from the sarcophagus in

    12. The man at the foot of the sarcophagus leaned over it and moved his candle as if he were writing with a pen, inscribing a mystic symbol in the air

    13. The other three drew in their breath sharply, and the dark, powerful man who stood at the head of the sarcophagus whispered: 'The Heart of Ahriman!' The other lifted a quick hand for silence

    14. The glare of the gem dazzled their eyes, so that they could not be sure of what they saw; but with a splintering crash, the carven lid of the sarcophagus burst outward as if from some irresistible pressure applied from within, and the four men, bending eagerly forward, saw the occupant—a huddled, withered, wizened shape, with dried brown limbs like dead wood showing through moldering bandages

    15. He bent over the foot of the sarcophagus, and fixing his gaze on the wide dark eyes of the man within, he said, slowly: 'Awake, Xaltotun!'

    16. I obtained a glimpse of your sarcophagus in the demon-haunted crypts below the black giant-walled temple of Set in the hinterlands of Stygia, and I learned of the arts that would bring back life to your shriveled corpse

    17. They were bearing a green jade sarcophagus along a gigantic black corridor

    18. And he wheeled and tore the lid from the sarcophagus

    19. His face was a mask; a sarcophagus of suffering lay deep in the labyrinths of his soul, booby trapped with vicious spikes of self-loathing

    20. Six royal guardsmen in red parade uniform and a bagpipe player were waiting for them by the side of an open sarcophagus made of white marble

    21. Peter O’Neal then realized with a shock that Laplante’s sarcophagus was close to that of the Duke of Wellington, while the one containing the remains of Admiral Nelson was not far away

    22. After the coffin was laid on supporting straps on top of the open sarcophagus, the priest said a last prayer before the bagpipe player started a moving rendition of ‘Amazing grace’

    23. That was the signal for the six guardsmen to free the straps and start slowly lowering the coffin in the sarcophagus while everybody stood at attention, with the military men present saluting

    24. O’Neal himself had a big lump in his throat as the coffin disappeared inside the sarcophagus

    25. The mourners then dispersed, the heavy bronze lid of the sarcophagus to be put on and sealed only later in the evening

    26. Peter O’Neal stayed discreetly behind a stone pillar then, waiting to follow Major Crawford and the teenager, who were consoling each other by the side of the sarcophagus

    27. All eyes were on the long stone base with a simply carved alabaster sarcophagus, in the center of the room

    28. While Max was away, the others replaced the lid to the coffin and sarcophagus, to prevent deterioration of the mummy

    29. The shadow of both the sarcophagus and Rubin, were projected on the wall in front of the camera, from the backlighting

    30. He saw the shadow of Nahep, sitting on the edge of his sarcophagus, behind him

    31. He was hoping his friend would give him a peek into the Scaliger sarcophagus first thing in the morning

    32. In February 2004, we took the lid off the sarcophagus and removed the body, because historians wanted to try to determine Calgrande‘s cause of death

    33. I will let you look inside, but I have seen the inside of the sarcophagus several times, and there is nothing in there but a body

    34. Over the top of the Arch was an ancient sarcophagus

    35. In stone directly above the sarcophagus, 161

    36. continued to look all around the sarcophagus, hoping to find a hidden panel or a hollow handle, but he could find none

    37. Morse checked all along the stone walls around the sarcophagus and could not find any hidden compartment in the stone

    38. In the middle was a covered stone sarcophagus

    39. Morse shone his flashlight at the foot of the sarcophagus

    40. Morse and Parducci took opposite sides on the sarcophagus lid as they had done before

    41. They put the sarcophagus back where it belonged and trudged up the stairs

    42. mouse he could be made to jump down and land on the lid of a sarcophagus

    43. sarcophagus closed gently over us, and as Dale and I engaged with each other, the whole stone casket

    44. “I read that on board of the Titanic there was a sarcophagus with a well-kept body of an Egyptian priestess and prophetess who lived during the reign of pharaoh Amenhotep

    45. people who were present when the tomb and sarcophagus were

    46. Around the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun there are 4 shrines one inside

    47. It used to be kept in the outermost quartzite sarcophagus in the

    48. moved from inside the sarcophagus to a nearby glass showcase with very

    49. 1- Quartzite sarcophagus, still in situ at the tomb

    50. She wasn’t sitting there, smiling with a camera as I unwrapped my presents, and she wasn’t hidden in a box, a mummy in a brightly-wrapped sarcophagus waiting for the tree robber to defile her grave

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    "sarcophagus" definitions

    a stone coffin (usually bearing sculpture or inscriptions)