Use "scamp" in a sentence
scamp example sentences
1. ” There were plush stand-cushions upholstered in scamp fur
2. I’m going to show this scamp when I
3. That little scamp had done so much for her and all she was willing to do was throw some files into an envelope
4. And what a scamp he is, it"s true,
5. This boy reminded Nguyen of his sons, Phaol and his little scamp, Ca, but he knew the Khmer Rouge children had been brainwashed and unfeeling
6. And don’t even think of inviting that skeletal scamp Bhrngin to our family’s table
7. The successful tenderer has usually cut the price so fine that to make it pay he has to scamp the work, pay low wages, and drive and sweat the men whom he employs
8. He knew quite well that Hunter objected to any but very large holes or cracks being stopped, and yet somehow or other he could not scamp the work to the extent that he was ordered to; and so, almost by stealth, he was in the habit of doing it - not properly but as well as he dared
9. But there was plenty of incentive to hurry and scamp and slobber and botch
10. These sub-foremen or `coddies' knew that if they `made their jobs pay' they would be put in charge of others and be kept on in preference to other men as long as the firm had any work; so they helped Misery to scheme and scamp the work and watched and drove the men under their charge; and these latter poor wretches, knowing that their only chance of retaining their employment was to `tear into it', tore into it like so many maniacs
11. Of course, Hunter and Rushton wanted to drive and scamp, but not being practical men they would not have known how if it had not been for Crass and the others, who put them up to all the tricks of the trade
12. "You mean where's Huck FINN—that's what you mean! I reckon I hain't raised such a scamp as my Tom all these years not to know him when I SEE him
13. How strange that Ashley should be impressed by something that scamp had said a year ago
14. Undeniably Captain Butler was a scamp, for all that he danced divinely
15. No one but a scamp would say the things about the Confederacy that he had said at the bazaar
16. You mustn’t ever let that scamp come “Oh,” mumbled Pitty, helplessly, looking as if she wished she were dead
17. Frank couldn’t go with her, the store took all of his time, but when he protested, she said shortly: “If I don’t keep an eye on that slick scamp, Johnson, he’ll steal my lumber and sell it and put the money in his pocket
18. Even Rhett, conscienceless scamp that he was, had killed a negro for being “uppity to a lady
19. He was very his help because I didn’t trust that scamp who was running the mill and Frank was too glad to help me out
20. Some grateful Belgian scamp disconnected it and disappeared into the crowd
21. Scamp that I was to foul that innocent life! The whole blame was mine—the whole unconventional business of our time at Trantridge
22. This had given her, when very young, and even a little later, a sort of pensive attitude towards her husband, a scamp of a certain depth, a ruffian lettered to the extent of the grammar, coarse and fine at one and the same time, but, so far as sentimentalism was concerned, given to the perusal of Pigault-Lebrun, and "in what concerns the sex," as he said in his jargon—a downright, unmitigated lout
23. The scamp is locked up
24. He has been recognized by four persons; the old scamp will be condemned
25. "Ah! it's you, you scamp?" said he; "you shall have nothing
26. Thenardier, who was, above all, an astute and well-balanced man, was a scamp of a temperate sort
27. Gillenormand never addressed this child except in a severe voice, and sometimes, with uplifted cane: "Here, sir! rascal, scoundrel, come here!—Answer me, you scamp! Just let me see you, you good-for-nothing!" etc
28. "Nor a scamp with the air of an old red tail?"
29. "You scamp!" shouted the furious pedestrian
30. For four years he had been waiting for Marius, with his foot firmly planted, that is the exact word, in the conviction that that good-for-nothing young scamp would ring at his door some day or other; now he had reached the point, where, at certain gloomy hours, he said to himself, that if Marius made him wait much longer—It was not death that was insupportable to him; it was the idea that perhaps he should never see Marius again
31. And then, there you see him, that horrid scamp, with his pistol! It seems that the
32. She had exchanged rags with the first young scamp she came across who had thought it amusing to dress like a woman, while Eponine disguised herself like a man
33. barricade! Ah, the scamp! Doctor, you live in this quarter, I believe? Oh! I know you well
34. And to think that there is not a hussy in Paris who would not have been delighted to make this wretch happy! A scamp who, instead of amusing himself and enjoying life, went off to fight and get himself shot down like a brute! And for whom? Why? For the Republic! Instead of going to dance at the Chaumiere, as it is the duty of young folks to do! What's the use of being twenty years old? The Republic, a cursed pretty folly! Poor mothers, beget fine boys, do! Come, he is dead
35. "Then I think God is a mean old scamp," retorted Davy
36. " And how do you know," he added distinctly, with imaccount-able emotion, " how do you know I wasn't afraid, aa you were \T3Sterday, that I might lose my ' ideal' and find a worthless scamp instead of my impulsive, straightforward boy ? I dreaded the minute and put it off
37. “No, you've contracted for the job and turned out a scamp
38. “Vaska! Where’s the little scamp got to?” shouted a woman, with a dirty grey blouse, and a frightened look, as she ran out of the house, and, rushing forward, seized the baby before Nekhludoff came up to it, and carried it in, just as if she were afraid that Nekhludoff would hurt her child
39. “You young scamp!” I exclaimed
40. O, such a little scamp as he is! and yet so full of good nature in his mischief, that it is not easy to scold him for naughtiness
1. The result is that a job which - if it were done properly - would employ say twenty men for two months, is rushed and scamped in half that time with half that number of men
2. `There it stands! A job that if they'd only have let us do it properly, couldn't 'ave been done with the number of 'ands we've 'ad, in less than four months; and there it is, finished, messed up, slobbered over and scamped, in nine weeks!'
3. Rooms for which the customers paid to have three coats of paint were scamped with one or two
4. One was, of course, the fact that there was not so much building going on as formerly, and another was the speeding up and slave-driving, and the manner in which the work was now done, or rather scamped
1. He had been taking a little pains with the work, doing it something like properly, instead of scamping and rushing it in the usual way
2. What Misery did not know about scamping and faking the work, the men suggested to and showed him in the hope of currying favour with him in order that they might get the preference over others and be sent for when the next job came in
3. As a result of all the hurrying and scamping, every now and again the men found that they had worked themselves out of a job
4. of the scamping and driving, because if it had not been for them neither Rushton nor Hunter would have known how to scheme the work
1. “I can handle myself with or without a couple of scamps like you
2. "These young scamps!" murmured the priest, "always the same!"
3. I saw from the sincerity of your grief that you had a good heart; and when boys have good hearts, even if they are scamps and have got bad habits, there is always something to hope for; that is, there is always hope that they will turn to better ways
4. He refused the cross; he bestowed sous on all the little scamps he came across
5. " One day, in the Rue de l'Universite, one of these scamps was putting his thumb to his nose at the carriage gate of No