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    school of thought example sentences

    school of thought

    1. I suppose some would take the ‘nudge-nudge, wink-wink’ leering school of thought but others, like Terry, would be horrified

    2. According to the Freudian school of thought, tools are symbolic of the penis and thus tools being used refer to intercourse

    3. There is a school of thought that says the Union was rapidly running out of money and the war was about to be lost when he marched to the sea splitting the Confederacy and cutting them off from the sea

    4. We don’t believe in this school of thought as every kidnapping is investigated afterwards and such an investigation will include bank accounts and lie detector tests

    5. There is a different school of thought that you should take no anti-Malaria tablets at all

    6. But, according to this school of thought, the founder of sigmund Freud's theory, the

    7. That school of thought appears to dominate the actions of the Democratic Party, which uses it so often to guide their proposals and criticisms today

    8. I was from the latter school of thought; the one that didn’t offer math in its curriculums

    9. A school of thought says it‘s an adventure from

    10. A school of thought believes that sexual abuse is an

    11. This was a form of oral expression, later transferred to written teachings with a specific school of thought

    12. This school of thought is proven through the physics that is applied in everyday life (the creation of buildings, planets rotation, gravity, etc

    13. Atheists for example, who say they believe in science and not God, would have a paradigm (school of thought) and not a religion

    14. In his book, entitled "Hegemon," he says that Chairman Mao was steeped in the classics of a particular Chinese school of thought

    15. ) End of the Vedas; the school of thought based primarily on the Vedic Upanishads

    16. One school of thought claims that both refined and whole grains should be avoided, arguing that they were absent from the Paleolithic diet and citing the obvious association of grains with celiac disease and studies linking grain consumption with heart disease

    17. With very few exceptions, all the greatest, ablest, and most learned English theologians of every school of thought, for three hundred years, have agreed in maintaining that there is no real corporal presence of Christ's natural body and blood in the consecrated bread and wine in the Lord's Supper

    18. The solution, according to this school of thought, is that to behave responsively (aggressively) in ways which are unnatural, and which would be judged reprehensible in others; fight fire with fire

    19. The school of thought that suggested ALLAH equal to the pagan god Hubal was shared by the fact that the prophet never attacked the lord of Mecca Hubal

    20. This plan does subscribe to the same school of thought that the

    21. Sheikh Emin asked this man, who was a relative of his, to put him together with the Sheikh who was now the head of the school of thought in which this group of young men studied

    22. ) End of the Vedas; the school of thought based primarily on

    23. In this school of thought, individual

    24. No school of thought, no philosophy, no religion, no culture tries to hold up the virtue of not wasting anything

    25. There is a school of thought that asserts that there would be benefits to corporations and stockholders if corporations paying cash dividends would, as a consistent annual policy, also pay stock dividends to shareholders, the market value of which would be in an amount about equal to retained earnings for the year

    26. There is a school of thought that seems to hold that outside investors with that degree of certainty about investments in companies over which they have no control are bound to be unsuccessful—that the real world just never justifies so much confidence in a security

    27. There is a school of thought stating that government regulation is ipso facto nonproductive and that private sector regulation is ipso facto productive (except for the plaintiffs’ bar)

    28. Markus Brunnermeier, Lasse Pedersen, Hyun Song Shin, John Geanakoplos, and others have led the academic work, forming a new school of thought sometimes called the liquidity movement

    29. Traders in this school of thought sell their calls when the market is moving against the calls, thus driving their values higher and producing more premium for the sellers

    30. Conversely, another school of thought says you should buy stocks that have been the most battered by the market

    31. The second school of thought is that you don’t have to become a total package rainmaker if you’re willing to figure out where it’s raining, then head there and set up tarps and buckets so that you can sit and collect it

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