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    Use "science lab" in a sentence

    science lab example sentences

    science lab

    1. “Yes we do, but they were created in space above the planet on a floating science laboratory;” Duncan began to protest but Kai held up his large hand, “it is cloaked Commander

    2. She applied some of the knowledge she had learned from her position in the science lab to heal the child; but in the process she unknowingly gave her near immortality

    3. It was above that elevator science lab in the building below

    4. “What about the science lab?”

    5. Science Laboratory Building on the

    6. Around Christmas, Jose Dino Almendral the lawyer at NMSU’s Physical Science Lab in Las Cruces finally emailed me after being unable to reach me via phone for three months

    7. Thus, elementary schools should include science laboratories, workshops, art studios, kitchens, gymnasiums,

    8. He opened it and browsed through a standard report from the science lab

    9. Three futuristically well equipped science laboratories shared the top floor with compact bed-sitting rooms with en-suite shower and toilets for advanced students and teachers

    10. Reginald had gone to check on an experiment in the science labs before assembly and Sebastian was crossing the quadrangle when several not-so-bright scions of wealthy parents wolf-whistled and yelled, ‗You touting for business Sebastian?‘

    11. He was--to be sure--very sensitive to the nature of his condition, the fact which being if anyone discovered it he would most likely be wheeled off somewhere in a science laboratory

    12. He had not wandered into any science labs and in the process exposed himself to experimental agents, that was for sure

    13. Xin had constructed the sophisticated device in the ships’ science lab using technical blueprints accessed from the Z’va Prime library

    14. They’ve offered me the job here in the science laboratory

    15. It was the middle of the following week when Bill got the call he was expecting from the Police forensic science laboratory

    16. He stood and rushed out of the office and down to the computer science lab

    17. the five of them headed for the science lab

    18. experimentation in the cosmetics and science laboratories of the big manufacturing

    19. Major General Ghulam Qamar, the local army commander, also gave our school 100,000 rupees to build a science laboratory and a library

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