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    Use "screeches" in a sentence

    screeches example sentences


    1. Johan listens to the screeches of birds, breathes in the salt smell of the water and welcomes the warmth of the sun on his face

    2. He could hear the teeth grinding screeches of the metal sheets that formed the dome as they stretched and strained against the rivets to contain the heat and pressure inside

    3. Screeches of rage rose in the night

    4. Not stopping for the slow moving cars he runs out into the road nearly getting hit by an old woman driving a car that is far too big for her as she over reacts and screeches to a halt

    5. When everything should have been quiet, she heard strange whines and screeches from angry birds

    6. Rushing to his telephone, he called again the command post while expecting to hear soon the screeches of incoming heavy shells

    7. She gave him a couple of loving screeches and flew back out into the valley

    8. Diane D speeds and screeches her car into the street as Mary and the rest of her family run to follow her car!

    9. Diane D’s car turns, speeds and screeches down the street as other cars come to a quick stop and screech to avoid hitting it

    10. She holds out a hand, and a white vehicle that is very similarly shaped to the chariot of her would-be-abductor screeches to a stop

    11. “You did what!” Mimir screeches

    12. The car screeches to a halt and he stands up in the rain

    13. tweets, and screeches from all sorts of birds resounded through the higher branches

    14. Nearby, in the spindles of a dead tree came the hungry screeches of her young

    15. At the same instance a police car pulls up with siren blaring and screeches to a halt in front of her

    16. TOOMB" lettered on it screeches to a halt and dies a grinding death at the gate

    17. The aluminum screeches out in protest as it grinds over the stones

    18. In the space to her right, a child screeches

    19. A second shell screeches overhead, and Marie-Laure shrieks, and the chandelier above her head chimes as the shell detonates somewhere deeper in the city

    20. From the yells and screeches that came from the knoll the hobbits guessed that their disappearance had been discovered: Ugl®k was probably knocking off a few more heads

    21. “Someone just hacked the Customs and Border Protection website,” a female voice screeches

    22. The noise of their screeches and calls was deafening

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