Use "sectarianism" in a sentence
sectarianism example sentences
1. In the greatest teachings of the Védas, there is no touch of sectarianism
2. a third reason for the ban: the bogey of sectarianism
3. As for the charge that Shugden practice causes sectarianism, in
4. Division and sectarianism within Tibetan society has been caused
5. sectarianism? That is absolutely not true that Dorje Shugden
6. is an enemy of unity and a cause of sectarianism
7. him acting out of sectarianism, or in any way that was damaging
8. These organizations for sectarianism ostensibly elect themselves judges of character by contracting out as the border patrol and domestic maintenance for our endangered homes, neighborhoods, cities, states and nations by burying us in layers of Babushka fences
9. this sectarianism has become a mere following of forefathers instead of a following of the Holy Qur’an
10. In turn such sectarianism fostered mutual exclusivity
11. The author well affirms,— 'Nothing has contributed more to the growth of Atheism, Skepticism, Libertinism, Popery, and Sectarianism than our modern method of recommending our most holy religion upon the precarious topics of natural light, and natural religion, which set all mankind upon an equal level with those who urge only arguments from human corrupt nature, which the oracles of God frequently represent under the notion of blindness and darkness and philosophy, which is no better than vain deceit (Col
12. The tide of Moslem invasion and the counter-current of patriotism were temporarily swayed by the intermingling currents of sectarianism, ecclesiasticism and individual self-interest