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    sense of smell example sentences

    sense of smell

    1. Cockroaches have a well developed sense of smell

    2. My already heightened sense of smell recoiled from the metallic odour of fresh blood

    3. First Kai added, “They have a heightened sense of smell and hearing, and they love the cold weather; they make perfect guards for the Hold

    4. Had the wolf tracked him, using his excellent sense of smell, stalking him, waiting till he was asleep?

    5. He recalled that dragons have a good sense of smell,

    6. A discussion which ended only after convincing the elf that all he would be destroying while defecating was the elf's sense of smell

    7. The foul odor still dominated his sense of smell, but he tried his best to endure it and not let it overwhelm him

    8. Now switch to your sense of smell

    9. Pushing open the door, her sense of smell sounded the alarm in her head long before she saw the blood and bodies that were strewn throughout the room

    10. As I looked up at the parapet I could see rusty barbed wire strung out across the top and the usual smell of latrines, chloride of lime, sweat and decomposing bodies assaulted our sense of smell

    11. Then his sense of smell, and the sweet scent of crushed grass and the earthy aroma of fresh worm casts

    12. Did Sim have a sense of smell? That would be a good thing to know

    13. (It is at the back of the head) Temporal Lobe: Handles the sense of smell and sound and processing complex vision

    14. Our sense of smell plays a key role in our sexuality

    15. He had no sense of smell as an astral projection, so he experienced it second-hand from Kragorram over the Link Povon was still maintaining

    16. Knowing the 3rd Air Police Squadron at Bien Hoa had sentry dogs, each man smelled of toi, the garlic-like herb they had rubbed on themselves to confuse the dogs' sense of smell

    17. And while I was praying this rosary of denials, I thought that the only instruments I had as guidance was the sense of smelling, hearing and touching

    18. The sense of smell should never be overlooked when trying to

    19. Seducing by way of the sense of smell is a simple and

    20. ) Taste always works in tandem with the sense of smell for a

    21. His sense of smell told him there were dogs plus something different—putrid—ominous

    22. Skeets knew of Sam‘s expanded sense of smell but not the true scope of it

    23. The man‘s stench threatened to overpower Sam‘s fine tuned sense of smell

    24. Learning as he went, Samson discovered he could determine most odors by stooping as he progressed, the disturbance caused by his passage enough to stir air currents of sufficient impact to lift scent enough for adequate perusal by his nascent sense of smell

    25. He knew nothing of this stifling wildness; less about his new-found sense of smell

    26. By incorporating aromatherapy into your meditation techniques, you can include the sense of smell and even taste into your meditation time

    27. I have read that the sense of smell doesn’t work through the normal brain channels but connects directly to the stem, the animal brain, which is how a strange smell can transport a person directly to a far distant memory

    28. This placed her upwind of Siri and the waves of ammonia that washed over Siri’s keen sense of smell, almost made him retch as she continued her chatter

    29. He noticed as well that his sense of smell had come back to him

    30. This was extremely puzzling as he recalled that during one of his bouts of boxing back at the barracks, his nose was one night given quite a punch, which had left him without a sense of smell

    31. his sense of smell would save

    32. I used my sense of smell to locate food

    33. Thankfully, their sense of smell had been

    34. His lungs took in the scent of roses and honey that came from her body and lifted his sense of smell to the high heavens

    35. Now she wouldn’t be able to track Donald or Ashley with the dog’s keen sense of smell

    36. According to her latest MRI, the drugs and beating Missy was subjected to have done irreparable damage to her hippocampus - the part of her brain responsible not only for processing new memories but, it also affects emotions, behaviour and sense of smell

    37. dizziness, and loss of the sense of smell, which could be more than just temporary

    38. Actually, the hydrogen sulfide produced at these dumps can destroy your sense of smell

    39. That was my feeling and I am blessed with a good sense of smell as well as a preference for cooler weather

    40. Takina’s native superstition (not to mention acute sense of smell) obliged her to close the chest,

    41. We have hearing, sight, taste, the sense of smell and touch

    42. enough to overwhelm his sense of smell

    43. The faces of the children may be different but the sex organ is the same having the same sense of smell

    44. The sense of smell has the power to recall memories

    45. He really didn’t feel like he had a cold so why had his sense of smell and his taste gone? He hoped it wasn’t the start of something serious

    46. Since Drey had left them, the wolves were left stranded in darkness and had to rely on their sense of smell and hearing to keep up with the relentless barrage of bouncing Curries

    47. Similarly, He has created fragrant flowers, and has given us a sense of smell with which we can appreciate this boon

    48. He seemed to have developed a strong sense of smell since becoming a dragon, and this was one smell he could do without

    49. “Do they have a good sense of smell?”

    50. I was half witch and therefore not gifted with a very sensitive sense of smell, unlike a shapeshifter

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