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    Use "serrated" in a sentence

    serrated example sentences


    1. She looked up expecting to see rough, serrated concrete but saw instead and

    2. towards him and spoke with that soft, serrated, killing voice

    3. She looked up expecting to see rough, serrated concrete but saw instead and to her utter amazement stars in their millions

    4. He beckoned her towards him and spoke with that soft, serrated, killing voice

    5. and the promise of sharp, serrated canines,

    6. with just a hint of a serrated edge to his voice

    7. Serrated cliffs of red granite surrounded him for as far as his unaided eyes could see

    8. With a lunge she slashed the serrated edge across her wrist

    9. There were traces of blood on the handle and along the serrated edge

    10. It opened its mouth to reveal serrated teeth

    11. But they taunted him: those creatures with their stretched faces, serrated teeth and fire-like arms that formed into eagle wings when extended

    12. It was a bit of a laugh actually, realising that all those quaint depictions of evil demons were actually true, but it wasn’t as funny when that demon stood twelve feet tall, with an impossibly inhuman but overly developed physique, the stink of rotten eggs and stale blood emanating from him reaching hundreds of feet away, and a very real, shiny, and quite sharp-looking set of serrated bone claws of the sort that made visceral death a most literal notion

    13. Curiously, Molo noticed for the first time it was a knife with a strangely fashioned two-edged blade: one was serrated and the other seemed to be razor sharp

    14. He laid it down in front of his feet and counted the items; four medical gauzes, two sticks of morphine, two sticks of atropine, a sterile stitching needle, salt tabs and a small, folding double-edge serrated knife which could also pose as a saw

    15. The serrated edges of

    16. Soaring high overhead, its serrated

    17. serrated wal , coloured in a dull navy grime and mold beginning

    18. ” Murdam stood across the room, camera in one hand, serrated knife in the other

    19. After our meal I tossed MacFife one of the serrated plastic knives that had come with the fish

    20. The serrated iron instantly heated up and glowed orange

    21. The Siamen swords have a serrated side and are made by folding two types of steel together then coated with clay and baked six times

    22. They could see the sharp serrated teeth, the tube to the stomach, which was closed, and the great vein that throbbed with the animal’s heartbeat

    23. He turned around and looked at the paper-towel dispenser - it had a serrated edge for tearing off a portion of the towel as required

    24. Although it was extremely awkward and difficult, James managed to align their wrists so that, with difficulty they would be able to bring the plastic cord against the serrated edge of the towel cutter

    25. They stood among the rocky teeth that serrated the precipice brink, and from that spot a path wound up a gentle slope to a broad stair, consisting of half a dozen steps, a hundred feet across, cut out of a green jade-like substance

    26. Bahit spun around with a quick-aim, and was pointing his crossbow at the ghastly form of a bieduvel, pink feathers and large serrated beak unmistakable

    27. It bit onto Karit's leg, its serrated beak slicing into his flesh

    28. She was in her quarters, strapping on her dual-pistols and her knuckle-dusters equipped with a serrated, stainless-steel blade at the end, when Tomz pushed open the door and said, “Hey boss, shits not going down in our favor out there!”

    29. On the end of this string, which curled around the inside of the jar like a vine, was a large serrated leaf

    30. The sky terminated abruptly, its edge a serrated tear

    31. dagger, with sharply serrated teeth - from his leg sheath

    32. where a stocking gun and a bowie knife with a serrated

    33. He could focus upon it and see the serrated edges of the blade

    34. Cut with a serrated knife

    35. on it, the serrated teeth sank all the way into the bone

    36. with serrated beaks and teeth

    37. seven inch serrated hunting knife covered securely within a leather

    38. The serrated scissors available from Dr

    39. He bent over and picked up a butcher’s knife and a long steak knife with serrated edges

    40. Last time it was only the serrated knife that was needed

    41. Spock got his bearings, he had a strange taste in his mouth, he moved his tongue and felt something odd, and he pulled out a small thin serrated leg

    42. Their masses of teeth protruded at almost 90 degree angles, layers and layers of the sharp serrated edges

    43. Alan stood back up on is feet, exposing his boot where a stocking gun and a Bowie knife with a serrated edge were clearly visible

    44. The metal parts of her hands and forearms seemed to melt out of form, only to reemerge into the form of wickedly sharp serrated blades that stretched out further than her arms had in a lethal display of hidden capability

    45. ‘A fishing knife would be best,’ I thought as I shuffled along, ‘with a serrated edge

    46. Something should be said about the serrated edges of masses, like those of trees seen against the sky

    47. And this applies to all forms with serrated edges: some large order must be found to which the fussiness of the edges must conform

    48. ” He pulled the object – a folding knife with a long serrated blade – out of the envelope and set it on the table

    49. Though Bernd is screaming, through the serrated roar lodged in his ears, Werner cannot hear him

    50. His knife, the one with the black stone handle and the serrated blade, was next to her

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    Synonyms for "serrated"

    notched saw-toothed serrate serrated toothed

    "serrated" definitions

    notched like a saw with teeth pointing toward the apex