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    sexual activity example sentences

    sexual activity

    1. Age typically does not significantly diminish the need and desire for sex, that regular sexual activity is standard when a partner is available, and that most elderly believe that sex contributes to both physical and psychological health

    2. Female slaves as well as male could be sterilized for sexual activity

    3. Many people who live in urban areas are not aware of the tremendous amount of sexual activity that takes place in rural places, and more especially, on the farms of this country

    4. His parents were aware of his sexual activity with the widow

    5. “Yeah, the forensics came back and indicated that she had engaged in sexual activity sometime during the five to eight hours prior to her death

    6. Of course, all of this sexual activity took place in the days before modern birth control methods which now give people the opportunity sexually to have their cake and eat it

    7. that women who engage in weekly sexual activity have higher levels of

    8. need not reduce their sexual activity but could instead enjoy

    9. transmutation, I have called the rate of sexual activity in the body as

    10. resounding 'No' because the minute sexual activity peaks, ejaculation

    11. sexual activity with some amount of arousal, but it is next to impossible

    12. more often than not, sexual activity increases and so does their

    13. LUST is all sinful sexual activity that takes place in the mind, as well as in the body,

    14. There were signs of sexual activity, but investigators thought it had taken place several hours before the murder

    15. He could not conceive that the woman he married because of her moral strength based on her strong belief of Judeo Christian tenets of behavior could suddenly turn around and embrace the post Christian humanism of consensual sexual activity as expressed in a homosexual life-style

    16. This time, however, their problem stemmed from Josie’s “newly found lesbianism” and its possible effect on their impressionable children who were witnessing their mother changing her lofty ideals of marriage and family life into a preference for homosexual activity which their religion condemns as unnatural

    17. Was Josie merely seeking sexual satisfaction in homosexual activity? No, if one is to believe her previous statements about her married life, since from the beginning she had boasted to everyone about how sexually fulfilled she had been

    18. And research shows that fathers do play a critical role and distinctly influence the sexual activity of children

    19. You may having been using compulsive sexual activity as a way of escaping other things in your life

    20. Individuals who engage in homosexual activity are 18 times more likely to contract HIV/AIDS than persons who don’t

    21. way of going about sexual activity

    22. sexual activity, and was terribly frightened at what he

    23. To respond as one would to an adult would be as bad as initiating sexual activity

    24. ‘We decided at the meeting last night that Ishbel will announce at the next Arena Gathering that she has met with the gods, Domino and Domina, who instructed her to remove all laws restricting sexual activity, and sexual activity is now a requirement of faith

    25. Other kids had been experimenting with girl friends and sexual activity since the onset of puberty; he had only pretended

    26. Outside of law, the term rape ("an assault by a person involving sexual intercourse with another person without that person's consent") is often used interchangeably with sexual assault, a closely related form of assault typically including rape and other forms of non-consensual sexual activity

    27. She had learned how to melt her instilled memory blocks by fasting and abstaining from sexual activity

    28. This is sexual activity between a human being and an

    29. engaging in sexual activity with somebody who is

    30. or of sexual activity with a child under the age of 14 (as

    31. Read in context, in is referring to homosexual activity in pagan temples, not homosexuality generally

    32. of unseen sexual activity within

    33. erection was observed in 15% of the participants and an increase in sexual activity was

    34. synchronise their sexual activity using the phases of the

    35. These movies were filled with graphic violence, profanity, drugs, crime, and plenty of sexual activity

    36. ” The young man offered that unprotected sexual activity was the major mode of transmission followed by mother to child transmission during childbirth

    37. Moreover, an intensive sexual discharge can be experienced not only when there is a stable activity of Formo-copies of lower Channels of INGLIMILISSA- and ARGLLAAMUNI-Iissiidi in the Self-Consciousness, but also with a weak sexual activity of middle and even higher synthetic Levels of these Centers, — everything depends on the degree of self-identification with (in Self-Consciousness) the most arousing SFUURMM-Forms and Formo-images, which, in their ODS “niches”, can have a maximum intensity of experience of this moment associated with these circumstances

    38. Since these “personalities” use such SFUURMM-Forms that habitually associate any sexual intercourse only with the low-sexual activity in their Self-Consciousness, but not with highly-sensual erotic relationship, of course, it’s quite difficult for them to tune to the SFUURMM-Forms of that UU-VVU-copy which, in its “niche”, is programmed for experiencing the most vivid and profound orgasm not from the physical intercourse, but from strong sensual emotions

    39. Will the surgery limited my sexual activity and when I can resume my sexual activity?

    40. as loss of sexual activity or interest, a lump in one testis or a hardening of

    41. believe, if epimedium can increase the sexual activity and off springs in

    42. Some post-menopausal women often seem to have a second sexual blooming, a heightened need for physical sexual activity

    43. “A celibate society is a clean society,” he insisted, “Only the higher echelons of the faith’s clergy, like what I am, will be permitted any sexual activity

    44. to leave Phil informed me that there was one sexual activity that Annie was loath to participate in, but which

    45. She said that I had to abstain from all sexual activity for the next four weeks

    46. “There was definitely sexual activity going on before they were killed,” she replied confidently

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