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    Use "ship off" in a sentence

    ship off example sentences

    ship off

    1. The good news is that the later years of a relationship offer a chance to rediscover each other and to rebuild any parts of the relationship that may need working on

    2. They passed the headmistress’s domain and tapped on a door labeled Scholarship Office

    3. • How to locate and submit your membership offer to the millions of moderately successful website

    4. Brixby was a compatriot, and he considered him his mate, but friendship offered by the Americans proved more congenial

    5. "You flew the ship off mission and let a condemned criminal get away

    6. I had to make our relationship official

    7. "The Zingarans sank my last ship off the Shemite shore—that's why I joined Zarallo's Free Companions

    8. Reluctant to give up, they could determine no way to pull the ship off the beach or elevate it enough to repair the gear

    9. ‘’Unit 3419, you are to jump behind me to a ship off the coast of California on Friday, March 2 of the year 2018 ‘A’, at 05:04, California time

    10. the driver apparently gunned his mighty war ship off into the vast

    11. The following morning she walked into the township office

    12. By fate and script they end up on the same ship off the coast of New Zealand, or South Africa, or India, the Mediterranean even

    13. Thus by his amazing leadership and skills of horsemanship Officer Mohammad Amin pulled off a marvellous feat that day, not only by leading a parade whose precision and showmanship would be legend, but by teaching the inspector a lesson he would not forget in a hurry and which had put him firmly in his proper place

    14. “And it might blow the nose of the ship off in the process

    15. Without looking at the mail, she said aloud, “Baby in Santa hat card, gym membership offering, phone bill, gas bill, another L

    16. "You might think he meant a ship off the sea

    17. She and Schenck continued their relationship off and on for some time, and, by some accounts, eventually she grew quite fond of him

    18. Both decided, however, not to make their relationship official but rather to keep it informal and without strings

    19. "The court has decreed that the peasant Gavrílo Gordyéy receive twenty blows with rods in the township office

    20. From the township office to the village was a distance of ten versts, and Iván returned home late

    21. Near the township office stood the troops, a squad of policemen with red cords, to which is attached the revolver, official persons from among the peasants, and the accused

    22. Upon driving up to the township office, the governor alighted from his carriage, delivered a speech previously prepared, and called for the guilty and for a bench

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